my flow always comes i

i now i know it always comes int he way the way
it always comes in the way

when i allow it when i get out of the way it comes
when i get tour othe the way its ome

its comes

i know it salwys always comes
and then i feel guilty

i know all i can do is let go all i can do isp

is empty myselfal

all i can do is trust the flow i
all i can do is trust the flow
all i can do

is trust the flo

is trust thef low to get out of the f
the thoughts trem

stream and ccreat eth e
version i prefer i know thats

all ic an do i know thats all ican do i

i know i cant care i know i dont care

i know i d

deep down i dont care i know tnothing matters can
i can alwys trust what is

the direct path the pathless path
and i know that
anything i se play

i see plyang out is my creation
is the externam

matching the internal is the internal matching the external?

the direct path the direct path

is all there is i knwo this i now that

that’s what im creating i nkow that im
too powerful i kno

i know that im too powerful

i know i’m too powerful i know im’ too powerufl i know i

i know this i knwo tis me i now the direct path
i knwot he p

direct path and that i get to choose it right now
i love that id ont care
i love that i finally dont care!!

i love that i dont care i love
that i know i love that i know i love

that i now that i feel the
feeling of knwoing that its so easyt
to feel gh
the feeling of knwoing to choose
the feeling
of knwoin g

to choose the direct path its so
eayt o choose the direct path
to ch

feel teh energy of the direct path

i love that id ont care
i love the pwoer of not
careing i love the

of not caring i love that
i get to i lovet hat ia m
aware i love

that i get to all ow

alllow my life to unfold

i dont have to care i dont have to care i
i now i become it then i se it

see it and the otuside allow
alwys matching

matches the in

i know i dont have to care i don thave to be right
i an just allow i can say yes and yes

i love t
saying yes to life i love that
i know its me i love that i nkow
its me that god lovs me

the direct that
patht eh the direcct path the dir
i love that i

i dont have to care that
thits teh felien
the feeling its

the feeling first i love that
i kwo this i love

the direct path

it all and i love that life shows me
i love that my art shows me
who i am

and then i can revise i know
i cant get ti wront
and il

never it get it down


i can’t get ti wront and i ll never get it done
and i love that i now this
that i get to do this work the feeling work the

knwoing work the

desireless work
the awareness work

when i am awrae
i have no problems work

the not caring work
i love that i knwo i love that i nko

i love that i now its whay hotter not to ccare i love that i nkow i
this i love ehtat i know the real me
that i can lawya asrememberthe real me
i love that i dont care
i love that i nkwo ti
always comes when i let it
it comes when i let it and i know this
it comes when i let it

i know this
it some c
comes when i let it

i love the feeling of not ccaring
cring and i now that is my power

i know that there is no separate self to
be threatened
and that i can trust every single
thing that ccomes my

way i trust everything that is
i trust everything that is i trust
everything that is

i am the creator of me and i can
get to choose wh i anw

want to mbe to be i love that i get to choose who i am

i love that i dont care i love
that i do it from within i love that i now

i know the pwoer of me
and i trust life i love the ins and outs of life
that bring me here i love the ins and outs of life

feel so good to experience i love
that i get to experience life
that i get to expereinces

lovve htat

that i get to be my best self that i get to c
hoose not to d
care the ati

get to drive my life
with the feeling and tust the reset
to unfold
i get to drive my life with the feeling
and trus the rest to unfold

id ont have to care i dont have to care
just choose how i feel thats

all just choose how i feel thats’ all i can do

its the feeling its teh feeling
feel it fur
first and life hs to


tis teh direct path
and the only thing that is real

i dont have to care i dont have to
carei love that i nkow

i can
i get to drop everything

when i a w

am aware i have no problems

i remember me
i remember me the power of me the
the feeling of me i f
remember the
the feeling of me i remember the
feeling of me i remember the feeling of me