my only job is to count

my only job is to be devoted to
spirit in every single moment
and i feel the power of that devotion
i feel the power of that devotion
slipping into every aspect of my life i feel that
life is fun i feel invigorated by life

i feel good about life i feel
certain about life
i feel certain about life i feel
certain about the flow i feel
certain about the power of getting
out of the way and making the choice

i feel certain about the
power of this work i love
doing the work connecting to

spirit and disidentifying

with form

i am present i this
this hrea dn

and now

and i am connected

i have the energy that
creates worlds flowing
through me i have the
energy that creates

worlds flowing through me

i am the energy that creates worlds
i am the energy that creates worldsa and

and i know my only job

is to count to connect with the hre

here and now and i’ts lal abo
all about the power of letting go
that is the powr the

willingness to let go of it
all to not care about

any of it that is the power
that is the power of the dedication to spirit
the cult of counting
means dedication to spirit
to the now to

self to the feeling of connected with spirit
and that’s

it feels good feels good to
connect to focus on the feeling
the feeling of connected and know
that that is

the only thing that matters
knowing that when i am connected
nothing can go wrog

last couple days i’ve been counting
in reverse from 100

and i ilove the
calming effect it has

the unwinidng
effect it has
and i love the feeling of
remembering that the
focus is all there is and the

focus on the numbers creates space
for the energy that creates worlds to flow

the belief in the power of
life the letting go of so many resistant thoughts
breathes new life into me

my only job is to count
my only focus is to count
my only job is to cnnect
connect with spirit

my only job is to let go
and allow the flow allow the flow

allow the flow allow the flow

i know that ia m the
the creator and i create with
the signal i send
and when
i am connected with spirit
i send the signal of spirit
so sprit

can flow

can express itself fully

so that’s why all that matters
is the flow

and that’ why i can
relax into the numbers that’s why i can let
go and trust the flow of everything

the magick of life and that’s why
my only job
is to count

and this work always helps
because it always helps me remember the
truth of who i am and it always hleps

let go of a little bit
of resistance
a little bit of false

and it helps me send the
signal for what i appreciate in my life

so grateful for mom and mike
so grateful for caitlin and alexis

so grateful for our castle
and for good food
and for the wife

so grateful for games
and lemon water
and coffee and les mills
and pwny and linty

so grateful to be doing my best work

so gtratefu

grateul to

to be doing my best work

to feel connected to spirit
to feel connected to the
spirit the powre of

instead of cut off from it

i feel connected tothe power
the power of life i feel

enlivened by the pwoer of life

the work always works and i can
always get in the vortex
and then i know that the work
always wroks and

and i can always let go
let go of it all and ci

decide now to care

not to care

i love that the work always wroks
i love that i get to celebrate life

i love that life is good for me
i love

selling passive
digital items
i love snuggling witht eh

the wife i love that life
is good and i get to decide i love
remembering that ia m

the creator i love amking
making the work my number one focus
i love feeling invigorated by life
i love feeling good i love

that i get to celebrate life
right now i love that the work

always works the choice
to feel good always works

because all that matters
is how i feela nd i a

and i love doing the work
to feel good i love doing the wrok

work to enjoy this day to
throw myself intot he flow
to take the big leap
and allowthe best

best of life to flow through me
i love

loving myself!!!!

i love the feeling of loving myself
and my life!!!

i love that life is good i love
that i know ti can

it can only reflect me i love
that i know

it can only reflect me
i love that i can always remember that i am
the one i

that gets to choose and if
i dn’t like

something i can just choose a different

version it feels good to dci

decide what i want to not
have to worry outside the now
and trust life completely

it feels good to trust
life completely

to remember that the work
always works and this is the only
work to feel

easy about life it feels good
to be here doing the work
i can do it can

do nothing
allow everything

ic an a
can allow everything
and i am allowed to

enjoy life and feel
knowing the wor alwa

always works

i know i don’t have
to do

a thing
change a thing

just relax intot he now
the now and allow

i am the magick of
my own life i am
the magick
of my own life

so grateful that i know
that i am the magick of my own life