my supply is unlimited

i love that i know my supply is unlimited
and my work on
my only work is connection with the knowing that
mys upply
is unlimited
the only work is resonating iwit

with really KNOWING

that my supply is unlimited becuase
it has nothing to do with the money economy and what a bet

what a great time to remember this knowledge
to remember this knowledge
and know that my remembering off this

of this is my only work i love that i know this
that the feeling is the work and as long is

as the feeling is there so is
infinite abundance of god

that comes with being god and i love
that i don’t have to woarry

worry i never have to worry i get to choose

i get to choose knowing i love hta i
get to choose knowing

money is not my supply no person place or
condition is mysupply

my supply

my awareness
andk nowl

and knowledge of the all providiing
activity of the divine mind
within is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited

therefor my supply is unlmited

i am aware
i understand
and i KNOW

that the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is supply

when i am aware, when i understand,
when i know that life
and god are

ALWAYS on my side when i know that they
are always on my side

that is my supply
when i know when i am aware and when i understand

that the energy of life is flowing through me

that is my supply
i can tap into that supply at any time
it’s either off or one it’s either off or one

i’m here in the knowledge
i’m here in the knowledge

here in the knowledge
i’m here in the knowledge

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing activity

of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited

my supply is unlimited

my cnosci

my cnosc

consciousness of the truth
is my supply my consciousness is

of the truth is my supply and i know this
i’ve seen evidence of this time and time again
and i’m so

very grateful for the time and space to
do this work the only work this is the only work
and so many others will be able to do this god work

so grateful to make the time to remember to focus on the knowledge


i can always get back to the feeling adn
and the feeling is all thre
there is so grateful to kow to

to feel elevated to feel elevated in the
knowledge of god so gratef

so grateful to feel the god self to know that

none of that is my supply
so grateful to already be separate

separated from it so grateful i can still
celebrate my god self so grateful i can still

celebrate my god self i can still celebrate my god self

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited therefore my supply is

i accept life as it is allow it
and i don’t hav et

have to dominate it or

control it i accept it i sink
into the feeling of yes i sink
into the feeling of yes and allow
the feeling of god to rise

money is not my supply
no person place or condition
is my supply

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind
within me is my suppy

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

my supply is unlimited
my supply is unlimited
and i never have to think
about the tur

future becuase i know that life
is going to work out with

either way

i can always sinnk m
sink back into the knowledge
the feeling i can always let the
thoughts go
i can always come back to center
grateful to do this
this work and know this is the only work

do this work and know this is the only work

this is the only work this is the only
work this is the only work

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited therefore my supply is unlimited

thank you thank youthank

you for the feelin for the knowledge

for the feeling of dropping in and knoin

knowing knwoing that
i can always choose knwoing that i can
always return to knowing and

knowing that life has no choice

life doesn’t choose
i choose
and life follows

i know this



i know this and what better time to practice
it i love that i know and i get to choose
i love that i know and i get to choose i love that i know i can

do it and it’s all the feeling i can get in the feeling
place i know this is the only work this is thie

the only work and this work always works

so grateful for a chance for the chance to have some fun

and use the magick
so grateful to have some fun

and use the magick

gratful to know this

my consciousness
of the

my consciousness of the truth is l

therefore my supply is unlimited
my supply
is my consciousness
with the truth
and thr

the truth is that
life follows the feeling

that is the truth and the
awareness of that truth is my supply
it is what creates everything in life and i know
this for a fact and i

align with it i jump into it
i allow it more than
ever i choose the feeling of knwoing
i choose the feeling for know

knowing i exercise the muscle

of knowing i practice and it

it and life reflects it
my consciousness of the truth
is unlimited therefore my supply
is unlimited

i love that i know i lvoe that
it’s alredy h

here i love that it’s already here
i love that the wave
is already here

i can feel it.