no head today to think about it

i’m just coasting i’m just allowing and i know that
life is on my side i love that i know that life
is on my side i love that i get to wake up and do this work
theo nly work the tuing
tuing work and get to enjoy the day get to jupm

jump into the day get to get the most out of the day
i’m here tuning myself i’m tunint he insturment
to on the bus to the flipped switch i’m tuning hte insturemne

to how i want to feel and it feels so good
it feels sl gooo
so good ot wka
to wake up and tune myself to
remember who i am

so grateful to site here and ndo the work
so grateful to feel good now to feel good now
to feel good now

tune myself to who and what i am and
it feels like old times but im here now
doiing the

doing the work the only work i’m doing the only
work i know this is the only work and i see the

effects of the practice and it’s that easy
why do anything else why

focus on anything else why do any other work
so grateful to allow the

horses to do it
so grateful to allow the horses to do it
and i get to cut off my head i love that i’m nearly there i

i’m here now i’m here nwo with my head chopped off and it
feels good i love that i get to feel good about aht i
lov that i get to choosehow i

how i feel about that life i love that life si

is good i love that i get to hoose choose it

i love doing this work and remembering who ia m
celebrating the energy of me of life flowing through me

i knoq hi

i know this is the only work and i’m so
grateful to do it i’m so grateful to

for the time and space tof ocus
on the one thing i know i am which is how i feel and i know the

effects of this practice ive see it to

so many times i know that life directly follows the fol

feeling and it

in fact and it can only reflect the feeling so

so i come here to tune myself ot how i want to feel
and know that life can only
ever reflect me that its only ever i

i get to feel good now i get to feel love now
i get to feel that it

is already done

i love the sharing of ideas i love coming together with
others in community i love that i’m good at this
i love that i’m

i know i’m good at talking about my work
ii know that my work is groundbreaking and unique
and i celebrate that knowledge

i celebrate life working out for me i celebrate life working
out for me i

i get to feel the feeling the feelign of the flow the
feeling of god in me the feeling of the truth i

feel the truth i love comgn

coming here and tuning to the trut
it fee

it feels like fun it feels like knoing it feels like
magick it feels like my power if

it feels like celebrating
celebrating life i gee

feels like celebration

it feels like love it feels like love

i’m here and i’m focused on how i feel
i know that how i feel affects my life

is my life experience and that nothing
can ever reflect different than who and what i am
i love that i know this and i get to live it i love
taht i know this
na di get to live it

god is lavish unfailing abundance

god is lavish unfailing abundance

i love that i get to live the magkci

life that ig et to see the magick all around me
the power of god the power of the invisible

source energy i get to feel it i get to feel it i love that
its so easy to feel good i love that i

its so easy to feel good

i love that i get to feel it and its so eay i love that i
get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love that
its alway

always right here
the god feeling the god knowledge the god magick
and today im living by it

im jumping into it i m

i’m allowing it tjump into me i’m tuning to the feeling and knowing that’s

all there is i feel the divine buzz
i feel that diving bu

divine buzz i feel the divine buzz i feel the divine buzz

i feel the divine buzz and i am so
grateful for everything that i have i love that life
already is the way i want it to be i love that
my life already is perfect i love that

i ahve everything i need i love that there’s always ore more than enough

i feel the feeling i feel it now i feel the god
self within me and i celebrate it i feel the god self
within me and i celebrate it

i know that i always do my best i a
always send love and that’s all i can do i love
becuase it s

me becuaase it can only refelct me i love
because it feels good!!

becuas it fele sgoodo

it feels good to feel good!!

it feels good to feel good to know the magick
of life to allow it to flow through me to know that life
is magickal and that whatever i want

life is always giving it to me
bringing it to me
reflecting it back to me

i love that i

i love that i’m here and i’m magick
that i get to choose and that’s all there

choose the version and then it is
and that is worth celebrating all day!!

today i’m celebrating all day
today i feel the divine buzz and allow life to follow