not going to feel because of her

that part of my
life is over that part of my life is over

and i love that i get to i love that
i get to this work the only wrk
i love that i get to do this work the only work

the god work the feeling work the feeling work
the god work the connection work the knowing work
the bliss work

the expo in my house work

i love that i know god is on my side
i love that i know i get to have a good day

i love feeling free i love
getting to do me getting to be
me i love that i get to feel the
feeling ofme

that ig et to fee the
the feeling of the truth of me
and iknow its nothing
outsie of me

of methat everything
everything reflects me
so i get to deciee what i want

what do i want??

to feel good to not care
to spend t

to pass the whole day not caring

more and moe not
more and more not caring

to feel the flow to feel the magick
to feel the moment to just ask what
i want right now

that’s all i an d
that’s all ic an do and i know that life
is unfolding perfectly in my favor

and in every moment
in every moment i can say wha ti want
and then it is given

and then i know it is and i can move on
i lov that i now all
of life is unfolding perfectly i love that
i knw when i ask it is givien
i love that i now

i love that i have the power that i feel the power

to not look at that

i love

the time space to take care of my house
i love the time and space to do the work
the only work i love

my subjective reality
i love that i trust it
i love that i now i get

i now i

i know i get to choose easy mo
each moment i love that i get to choose
each moment

i love that ig et to
choose each moment
moemnt what i want that i

the time and spacce to focus
to feel the feeling

to choose the feelign so grateful for the time
and space
to choose the feeling

i love
i loe i loe that i know

i loe that i kow the truth of life
i love that i get to feel good now i love

that i get to celebrate life
here and now i love that i get to hae
a good day
and don’t have to care
i love that i know

i’m getting everything i want i love that

i know im getting ha ti want
what i want here and now i love that
i can allow something to run its course

i can trust the here add ow
i trust life and know that im alwy

always getting what i want
so grateful to get to stay home
and do my chose


to do this work the only work the focus work
to feel good work

today i’m going to feel good the whole day

toda i dont react i love that ive learned how
to not react

i love that i get to learn this
through life experience

i knwo that life experience teaches
and i am graetful for the experience

so graetful for the experience

i love that i get to

i love that i get to feel life
that i get to love life with my wife that
i get to celebrate life with my wife

that i’m aware of the feeling
i a

i’m aware as soon as i start arguing in my head
and how that makes me feel and how that is going to translate
to my liife experience

so i choose to let it go right away
because i am aware of how i want to feel
and i know the

that the feeling i prefer is the feeling that ccomes

the feeling that comes when i nkow
that everything is on my side
when i see something happen and im amsed

becaus i know its in my favor
and wehn i see something
and i can always find a ay

way to see it in my favor

i love the feeling of not caring
i lov
feeling motivated i love
having a wind i

i love cathinga wind
i love

having a good day i love knwoing
its a good day and not
caring what happens

i love feeling totally fulfilled in
this here adn now i love that
i get to choose teh feelign nwo
and i know


all of life is the feeling i knwo that all of life is the
and i loe that i nwo this
i love t

feelig th flwo the
energy of life the energy

of god i love
feelig the

the energy of god flowing throgh me
i love that i
get to feel ti

it i love that i feel it an
now that i am it now
that i know the truth right now that i know the
feeling right now

that i know the feeling




i love gettin to do this work
i love

wanting to do this work
i love

that i feel tuned in tapped in turned on

i love feeling the feeling
i love

i know that the the tap is open
i know that

that the tap is open
and life is flowing
and i get to chosoe h
what i look for

what i mine for in my reality i love that
i get to choose to lookf or what
i w

i want to see i love that i get to choose kwnoign

knowing tha

and then i dont

need a thing i get to choose knwoing
and then i dont need a thing

i get to choose knowing
and then its easy life is easy with knowing
on my side

god = knowing = god