notice it get more of it

i love wanting to get up!
and enjoy they day i love feeling a sense
of positive expectation
i love keeping up the good work
i love that i know my mood is

this work i love relaxing into llife
allowing life to flow thorugh me
i love feeling good now feeling good now
feeling the feeling now i love feeling the
feeling now i love
feeling the feleing

now the feeling of the focus i love knowing i love
knowing th

today feels like a good day
llife feels like a good life

so grateful i know

so grateful to focus on
what i know to feel good now
to feel the energy of life flowing through me

to feel good about myself today
i feel good about myself today
i feel good about myself

today i feel good

so grateful for our castle
to feel good to love my life to ease and flow
through my life

so grateful to jump ito the
into this day

to joyfully love this day
so grateful to joyfully love this day
and myself
to see the best in myself
to expect the best in myself

so grateful to

so grateful for this day
for the flow flowing through me for the magick flowing through me for the focus
so grateful

to focus to feel the magick of life to know that life
is so magickal so grateful for this here and now

to love this here and now

so grateful to love this here and now

so grateful to love this here and now
to focus to turn the focus within
to feel the feeling of magick flowing through
i come here to focus the energy

i come her to focus the energy
what energy?

my energy i am made of energy
and that energy is attractive

like a magnet and the energy attracts
that which is like itself

so grateful to feel free today to feel love today
to lovemyself
myself to be brave enought o love
to love myself today i choose to

be brave enought ot love myself
to love my life

i love my life!!!

i love my life i love my life i love this
here and now i love that i can do it i love that i can do it

and i know my

is my metabolism

all that matters is alignment

that is the only thing that ever matteres

i know my moods im
my modd is
mood is my only work
how i feel is my only work i lovet hat
i know thisi love

that i know the magick of me
that i can totally get out of the way
and love the magick of me

i love the better it gets
i love makingt he choc

the chocie to feel good no matter
what i know that it’s all in my head i love

that i now it

i know it’s just a practiced thought pattern
that i can always choos and i know that life

is meant to be fun and easy i know that
life is unfolding perfectly and easily for me
and that

every time i ask for something

i see it i know that every time i ask
for something

i see it i ta

today i take the big leap into the here and now
celebrating life!!!

today i celebrate life with love
today i let the rest go today i focus for me

because i want to feel good and enjoy my life

i want to have a lust for life

and i get to do it for myself i get to
choose a lust for life!!

i get to live the full life i desire

and i’mnot afraid

i’m not afriad to do the wrk
to love me to do the work
to love me

i feel good i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel good i feel the

flow flowing through me

i feel good if eel the magickal
flow ofl

life flowing through me

i wanted to get up today!!

i feel good about myself
i feel impressed by myself

i feel good in my life i feel
great in my life!!!

toda i live my life for me
today i live my life for me

i live my best life for me
i celebrate life for me

i lust for life for me
and i don’t have to care what anyone else thinks

or does

i choose to live my best life

to REALLY love mysself
it feels good!!!

to love myself!!!

to make the choice to feel good about
myself and my life and i love the power
that comes with that choice

today i choose to LOVE myself

today i choose to LOVE myself

i am brave enough to take
life by the reigns and give it the most

giv elife

everythig i wnat i to give me
and just send love

just send love to everything
today i let go of everything else
and just send love

not for me
but for the world
because it feels good

because i am the world
i know me

i know the magick i know the magick
of life and it’s in letting go

and loving i do this work
because it feels good

becuase it’s the only thig that

thing that feels right

i love that it’s a good day!!

i love being a match i love knowing that
ti’s only

ever me

it’s only ever me

i’m brave enough to enjoy life
i’m brave enough to love fully

my life
and others

i am brave enough to send love
to it all and i nkow that

that all i will get out of it is
and that’s all there

i make the choicet o
elevate myself

feel good about msyelf

i feel good!!!

i make the choice to feel good

that’s all there is

i make the choice to take
the big leap today

and feel good!!!