only an outpicturing of me

life is only that
and i know that i know the power of me
almost immediately after i am
able to change the make up of


i see the make up of my world
change and i know that this
very simple practice can

create hurricanes
and can change the way families
behave and think of each other
and yes it can

cure cancer

this practice can cure cancer
and i know this because i know that life
is only an out picturing

of me

i can choose to let go
of the deep hurt

the longstanding
and i know the only person that
can do that

is me

the only person that
can let it go is me
and i know i know i know
that life is only showing me

who i am
and i know that i can make the choice to
let it go to elevate myself
beyond that long standing


and pain

i can let it go because it
is no mare and th

no mare and

no more and there’s
nothing i can do to change it

besides change the

energy and i know that
only life can cause me
to ask only life can show
me who i am and i know that

only i

can let it go i can let it go
i can let it go and themore i

the more i let it
go the better i feel the better i feel and i know that
i can always do the work
i can

i can admit to myself
that it’s only me

it’s only my


but how?

how can i let go of the things
that i see

“happened to me”

how can i let go of
being mad?

how can i not be so mad
how can i let go

decades of anger

it’s like i am holding
on to it

becuase it’s who i am
and i don’t hav

wnat it to be who i am

any more i can let it go
i can let it go and i can

i forgive you

but i don’t want to

forgive i want to
place blame
and be mad because if i was to
forgive that would
mean you are not paying for
what a bad person you are

but then
who i am to make you pay

its not my business what you
do with your life and i no longer
have to care

i’ve decided to let go of
caring i’ve decided to transcend my dna

i’ve decided to be the
bigger person
to make the choice not to care again

that’s all i can do is
make the choice not to care

i’ve released you from
my life so that i can be free from
pain and hurt

so that i can let go of
all the longstanind hat

hate and resentment

how to let go of
hate and resentment??


how do i do it
when i’m still so mad
still so hurt
still so


i’m still so mad about all the
horrible things you did to me
and still do to me

i’m still mad about
all the times i tried to
forgive you

and you fucked me over again
and again
and again

and are just a horrible
and mean person

i just
don’t know how to let go
of all the pain

it’s like i’m holding on
to all the pain
because if i didn’t hold on to it
then it would somehow be making
allt he
horrible acts ok

and maybe i should just let go
of thinking they are horrible acts and maybe
i could just say

fuck it all

for my own health
maybe i can let it all go
i just wish i knew how

just laugh dude
just laugh dude

that’s how i can move on
and i know i have the power to recreate the past
and i know it’s only ever up to me
how i respond and i know that

through practice i can practice my
way away from those resentful feelings

because i know
my preference would be
to live harmoniously with my family
i know my wish

i know my preference would
be to be able to get along with my father
and iknow that he did a lot of things
because he didn’t


know who he is as a person
that he is insecure in his life
just like everyone else

trying to find
meaning and purpose in life
and i know that

everyone is just doing that
and i know that

i am the creator and if
i want it bad enough

i can change my past
i can change my perception
of the past and i can
change its affect on my

in the present if i want it
bad enough i can let it all go
and i do want it bad enough


what the hell is the point
of holding on to anger and resentment
and i know that if i can
let go

of long standing

i can change the
course of my life

of everyone’s life

i know that i can
transmute the energy
for everyone and i don’t have to


that is my power

is i don’t have to care

i love and accept myself
as i am

and i don’t have to be sorry for
that and if other people can’t
see that

if my dad never knew how special i was
if he chose drugs over me

then that was his loss

it’s not my fault and it
has ntohing t

nothing to do with
my validity as a person

it’s not my fault and it’s not my place
to be mad

it’s his life
not mine and it’s his problem

not mine

i have a life to lead and
if i carry this resentment

at least being aware of
it will help and the awareness
is the medicine

is the answer
awareness will help me
and the universe
will help me because i know

that when i ask

it is given

i can feel centered inthis
here andnow

this here and now
is all that matters
and in the

here and now

there is no room
for resentment

there’s nothing to resent in the now