i get to choose the energy of the day i get to choose the flow i get to
to choose joy i get to choose jovial
i get to choose to have a good day today i get to choose to feel good and
be happy and enjoy i get to feel joyful today i getto
to do me i get to enjoy the day
i get t
get to enjoy the day i get to have fun i get to
have fun i get toeno7
to enjoy the dya
i get to enjoy the day i get to allow joy
i get to have the cchir
christmas i want i get to enjoy the day i get to have fun
i get to
have fun i get to enjoy the day i get ot feel good i get to feel
good i get to have fun
i get to have fun
i get to have fun i get to have fun
i get to
to have fun i et to feel joyfl
just me and god that’s all i ca
i need all i need is god all i need is god and we
can be joyful together we get to be joyful together
thanks god for everything
i get to choose god and know that’s all there is
i get to
choose god and know that’s all there
is i get to choose god and know
all there is i get to choose god and know
that’s all there is i i k
i know that all there is is self enquiry
i know thatls
all there is i know that is all there is i kno
all there is to do is seek god is
feel the feeling of god that
is the one and onlly so
solution to anything
i love that i get to feel it i
i love
i get to feel good now
get to feel god now i g
get to be god now and know
that’s all there is
i get to be god now
and know thats all there is
that’s all there is
i get to feel good nwo and
know that’s all there is
i choose joy no matter what
and i never have to think about ther rest i love that
id ont have to
i love that i dont have to i love that
i dont have to eo
do anything but feel for god that
that is the one and only answer that
and the thing
the only thing to ever do is feel for god
the only the
thing to ever d is
feel for god i get to feel gof
for god and know that is all there is
i get to choose to allow god to flow through me
i get to flip the switch ts alway
always easy for me to
flip the switch to take the direct path
and choose the version i prefer
to take the
direct path and choose the version i prefer
i wanted this i wanted to focus first thing
and life helps me d
i see life helping me at evvery turn at
every turn life is giving me something
i knwo its ways
easy to allow its eay to say yes
its eay
to love its always easier to love its
always easier to love
tis alway
its always easy to have a good day
to allow god to flow to say yes to evveything that is
ti o allow everything that is
to knwo i neer have to tru
try just allow tjust accept
just deeply accept
all i can ever do is accept and allow
allow god toflow
to flow through me
trust god trust the feeling
feel the feeling first
first feel
the feeling fisrt
have fun first
have fun first