what are you waiting for?

i know who i am i know
that i am god and the more i
focus on this


the better i feel
i know i don’t have to
take any action
i don’t have to do


i don’t have to take
action all i can do is feel
and focus

focus and feel and that is
the only work that matters
the focus and if i am not
focusing on what i want
to see and how i want to feel

then i am wishing for
what i don’t want
and i know this so i make
the time to line up the
energy of

my body
my soul
my reality

in alignment
and then i feel good and
life flows through me
and to me

i know there is only one
flow and it is of well being
i know there is only
one flow and
when i align myself with this

i love that i get to feel
good i love feeling the connection
to god
because when i am connected to
god i never have to worry i love
choosing the feeling of knowing

i love that i know i can always
choose the feeling i love that i know
i can always do the work i love
that i know

i can heal
my life i love the sense of
empowerment that comes with
healing my life

i am laser focused on
feeling good and allowing

flow of well being
i am laser focused on the
flow of well being
and allowing it to flow
through me

i am laser focused on
feeling good and i know
nothing can stop me
so i make it a point to let it go

because the less fucks i give
the happier i live

so i am making it a point
to not give any fucks

i love that i don’t have
to care about that i love that i
get to feel good

i love that i get to feel good
i love that i know
life loves me i love that i know
life loves me and
that god loves me

and also

i am god
and i am life

it is all the same and i know
it is inseparable

i love doing this work
and feeling good and
in fact

this work is my favorite
i love raising my vibration
and feeling the magick
of life creep through

my bloodstream

into my sweat

my lungs my skin my pores

orifice is

soaking up well being
and i am allowing it because

i have that right
i have the choice
to enjoy life
it is my birth right

to enjoy life and enjoy the magick
that is

bestowed upon me
in every moment i love that i know
i am loved by god

i am loved by every

molecule that exists on
this earth
and in this universe
because i am

every molecule

i am everything and
everything is me

when i think something
when i ask jessica for something
in the air

it always comes

whatever i think about i bring
about it and it is really

quite easy

to choose to think about what
i want it just takes
practice and i know the only work that
really matters is

this practice
this focus of
feeling myself
into the vortex

i love feeling good and i love
feeling empowered by life i love that i know

life loves me

i feel empowered by life
because life

i know life is meant to work
in my favor i know life is always working in
my favor and i can

just trust the flow
i don’t make things happen

i allow them to
i look for what i want to see
and then i see it
and that is the part that takes


what i pay attention to but i love
that i know

the better it gets i love
that i know life is good
and its meant to be this way i love
doing the work

raising my vibration i love
that i know its easy to
raise my vibration and i never

have to think about that thing
that makes me feel bad
i can just choose to feel the
feeling i prefer

i can choose the feeling
i prefer and allow life to come to me

i focus on what i want to feel i focus
on the feeling of life
and feel good about how it is flowing
to me

i’ve let that go

i love that i have the power to
let that go

i’ve made the choice not
to care about that i’ve made the choice
to say

yes thank you for my
life and accept it
and love it how it is

i make the choice to
say yes thank you the flow


i intend to say yes
thank you to whatever comes my way
in intend to thank

spirit for everything
because i know everything
spirit gives me

is in my favor

today i intend to love
because it always feels better to love
i make the choice to love i make
the choice to love

i can do it i can love i can
love without condition i can love
because i am one who loves

i send the signal of love
because i am one who loves

and i know everything is vibration
i know my only



is to feel good to know that
god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance
of the
universe and this
all providing source of

infinite prosperity

is individualized as me


i love that this is my job i love
that this is my job
i love that

enjoying life

is my job

and i know i am always doing my best

i love making the choice to
feel good about myself i love that i
get to celebrate me

what more could i need?

enjoying the unfolding

softening the focus
is all i can do and enjoy life as it
is i know my powers
and reading about how
astute others are at using theirs

makes me want to hone mine
again remember who i am

stop thinking back to some
heyday in my mind
and creating a new heyday

i have to power to make
today my heyday

and believe it
i can believe in the flow i can
believe in the best in the
best possible outcome

its ok

The time is now

The time to let go of
resistant thoughts

is now

the time to
feel good
is now

the time is now and there is
no other time because it will always
be right now
right here and now

so i am making the choice to
let go of the toxic
negative thoughts that are


poisoning my body


I’ve decided to let that go

and feel good instead
i’ve decided to let go of negative

for my health

so that i can make the choice
to feel good

make the choice to feel good

i’ve decided to feel good about that
i’ve made the choice to feel good about
life i’ve made the choice to celebrate

allow the healing powers
of the universe to flow through me

i know all i can ever do

is believe in the power of
to have faith in the power of god

to flow through me

i love and give love
i know that i can give love
and i can allow myself to do that

i can love
i make the choice to send love

i make the choice to love and

feel my way through life

i get to make the choice
to feel my way through life and i know
i can do that

i can allow life to

feel itself
through me

get to make the choice

to allow life to feel its
way through me

i make the choice to love
and then life flows

i get to make the choice to love
and i know its easy

i can do it!!

i can allow myself to love
i can allow myself to look for
the best in life and love it i can

alow m

allow myself to look for the best i allow
my self and my life

to look for the best

i allow the best in life i allow the
best in life i lo

and i allow myself to love
i allow myself to
love and i can do that i have it in my power

for my health

i do it for my health and
that is the only reason
it feel soog

feels good to make
the choice to heal and i do that
by making the choice to lvoe

i mae the

make the choice to love
and look for that

i choose to love

instead of hate

i choose to love
for my health

and i can let go of the
rest today

i make the choice to love
and then life reflects
that feeling i make the choice to
love i make the choice

to feel something
to allow myself to feel the
love of god

i allow myself to be
a loving
and kind
caring person

that i know i am
and i allow myself to love

without fear i allow myself
to love myself and others
and i know

it is only in my best interested to love
to love

because when i love
life reflects love back to me

i’ve been making a habit
of not loving
na dsending

hateful and poisonous
thoughts but now i make the choice
to love and that

always feels better

i can always make the choice to
feel good in this here and now

and love i can always make the choice to love
and that feels good i can

always make the choice
to love and its easy to love and when i love

that works out for me

that works out
for me too and that’s why i do it


when i love feel better and my body

i feel better and that’s
all i get to make the choice
to love i get to make the choice

to love

that’s all i can
ever do

i have


let go of the hate
let go of trying to
and let go

trying to hammer into place

thinking i’m better


i’m right

i have to let go of all judgemental

any thoughts that make me feel bad

any thoughts
that make me feel bad

and turn them into thoughts
that feel good because i want to enjoy
my life and i know that

life only reflects me

and this is the only work that matters
this is the only work that matters

energy of me

i can do it i can love
i have the power to love i know it is

in me

to love and i know

squash it

but why?


of vulnerability ?

i do this work

i do this work and then i discover things
about myself i unlock them
and then

they get better
i know it always gets better

so i choose to love
and the more i make the

that choice the better i
will feel the more i make the choice to love
the better i feel i make
the choice to love

that about myself
about my reality and then i feel better

then i feel good i amek

i make the choice i make the choice
i make the choice to love i love that i know

i love the

the feeling of believing in myself
of actually


my life

i love the feeling of
ACTUALLY loving my life

i love myself and i love
my life i make the choice to feel good
to feel good

to feel good

i love feeling good i love
feeling the

i love that i have the option
to love and when i love

i enjoy life

it seems hard

how can i love?
i don’t feel like loving

maybe because i ond’t

don’t feel loved


so i have to do it for me
i have to make the choice to love
and then i will feel better

i do it for me

i make the choice to love
because i am one who loves
and i

am ready to clean
up my vibation

it already is
cleaned up

and everything has been going as

this entire time

i am brave enough to
trust the feeling

because i am one
who feels i create
with my feels
and that feels


all that matters is the work and

when i get into the vortex first
the rest flows the rest of life
flows easily to me when i


first i get myself in
a feeling good place an

all that matters
is this work and
as long as

i am doing this
work nothing else matters

all that matters is
the work of feeling how
i want to feel and then



reflects the feeling so
i feel the i choose the
feeling first

the feeling of
knowing that god is on my side

i’m allowing myself to feel good
i’m allowing myself to

feel good i’m allowing the flow
to flow

i get in the vortex
and then

i love allowing myself

to feel good to allow the flow
to flow i love when i

want to do this work
when i am

allowing myself to do this
work i am here now and i am
allowing life to flow know

i know life already worked out for me

i know life
already workd out for me
i know life already worked out for me

i love allowing the
flow to flow i love

allowing the flow to flow
i love

wheni feel good i love allowing myself
to enjoy life inthis

right now i love

allowing myself to

enjoy life in this right now
i love getting there i love

allowing myself to feel the
feeling of a smile

i can allow myself to feel good
nowi can feel good now i feel
the feeling of me i feel the
feeling of me

i love feling
feeling the energy i love that i can
allow the flow to do that

i love that i get to a

allow the flow to do that i
get to allow the flow

i am doing this work
to elebate
elevate my mood
because i know my mood is my work
i know that all that matters
is feeling good

so i am allowing

myself to feel good in this
here and i am allowing myself to
feel good to look for the best that
can possible happen i know all
i can

ever do is feel the feeling the
feeling all i can ever do is feel the feeling all i can

ever do is feel the feeling

feel the feeling of life flowing
through me i love that life
loves me i love

i loe when i want to
do my work i love
feeling clamly

calmly flissf

i love
celebrating liove


life right now

today is my day!

the work always works and
as long as i lean into the flow
then the flow is always flowing

its up to me to feel good
and look for what i want to see
and when i do that
the world opens up for me

i know this is a fact and i am
not afraid to use my magick
i am proud of the magick i am proud
of my magickal powers and i am
not afraid to use them

i love that i get to feel the
feeling of god flowing through me and that
is the only aspect oflife

experience that matters
i can stay focused on the flow
and the flow is flowing through me so
i dn’t have
to feel

bad or mad

i’m tired of feeling mad
about everything
letting everything get to me

so on this day
i renounce that

i rencounce my humannoo
humanhood and allow god to flow

i ask

what would jesus do
and t helps
it helps it helps me behave the way i want to
to feel the way i want to

it helps me feelt he way i
the way i want to feel i kow

i know there is always more than
enouhg i know
i know there is always more than
enough and the

flow is always flows the

the in an out of life and it always comes

the flow is always flowing the
god is always flowing through me
god is always flowing
through me and today

i am celebrating this fact
today i am celebrating this fact
and allowing life to flow through me


i know all i can do is
practice pracitce
allowing life

to flow throughme

it feels good to wake up

it feels good t wake up
to wake u in the the dream it feels good to wake up in the dream

say yes thank you to the flow
it feels good to feel good and today
i intend to feel good i know

that life only reflects me i know that
what i see i my

in my life is a printout of my


i knowTHAT

its all ME


and the more i do this work t
he more i remember that so
i make the choice to lean into the
flow and that’s

all i can ever do

i decided to let go of
the past and the future and

enjoythis right now

i deicded
decided to let go
of the past and future
and enjoy this right now
and i know

its easy to feel good
inthis rightn ow its
easy to make the choice
to look



its easy

i love that i get to feel good
i love that there is always a solution

i get to feel good now
i get to celebrate life now and i
get to feel my god self rightnow

i know i am the one and only creator
and i get to celebrate life
knowing that god is always flowing
through me

working everything out for me
i knowi can

i can always

rely on god


i love that life is good
i love that there
is so

much to celebrate

i love new ideas i love
when the ideas are flowing
i love feeling the energy of life

flowing hrough m e

i love feeling the flow i love
that i c

get to take control of how i feel
i love that i know i can do it i

i can do it i am

very powerful

inow this
i know this i know the


of my powers

i knowi am per

powerful wheni dir

i driect
i direct my energy i love
the feeling of

being tuned in i love

feeling empowered
by the energy
that creates worlds

i love knowing

without a doubt
that god

is always on my side ilove
knwoing w

without a doubt

that god is always

on my side i love knowing that i am
god i love that i know

first i become it then i see it
i love that i kow

everything is an indicator
everything is a n

an indicator

of where iam p

am placing my energy and
the energy feels good the
energy feels magickal

i love when ithe

the energy feels magickal
i love when i love my life i love

feeling empowered
by life

i love feeling


by life i love feeling excited about life
i love

loving my life i love

that i love my life i love

that i never have to feel mad
i love that i can
just allow that energy to disapate

and let go

i love that
i can let go of everything that matters
i love

doing the work and feeling good about life
i love doing the work
to feel good about life

i love doing the work
and enjoying life i love

that i know life is meant to be good!!

i don’t have to be mad
about other peoples zealous beliefs

i love that i can let that go
i love that its not

my job

to care

t snot its not my job
to vibrate

for other people

all i can do is feel the
feeling send the signal i love

raising my vibration
and releaseing

i love allowing myself to smile

i love allowing myself to

enjoy my life i love
allowing myself


enjoy my life i love that i eget
get to smile about life
not be

mad about it
and the more i practice feeling
good about life

the better i feel then

i don’t feel so mad
i feel glad

glad for what i hhave

and today i intend to
train m

my attention toward what makes
me feel good iin

i intend to raise my vibration

i have to do the work for me and only me

and if i ever want to feel

i have to make the choice to
do it for me and only for me
to make the choice to live a good
life because i want to

if i want to live a joyful life
its going to come because i make the choice
to enjoy life

not from anything outside of
its my choice
its my choice its my choice
how i feel its my choice

how i feel and maybe

life is trying to sow me


something over and over

and i

never have to feel stifled or like
i can’t do what i wnat t

wnat to do
iam bra

i am brave enought o life

to live life how i want to live it

i am brave enough to trust
the flow of life and create


the energy

it’s just energy

i love that i know
everthing i
everything is just energy

and all that matters
is the work all i can
ever do


allow life to flow

through me

all i can ever do is

allow the energy
i get to make the choice to
look for the
best to

celebrate life i get to make the choice
to celebrate life

i love that i get to make the choice

i am making the choice right now
to raise my vibration

raise my mood to
elevate my mnd
to a higher level

i don’t have to think
the same thoughts over and over that

make me feel bad i don’t have to

be a victim to my thoughts

i get to make the choice
the choice to feel good
the choice
to feel godo

the work always works and
i have to focus on

the work

always works the work
always works and creating
it with the

energy is the
only thing that works

in intend to send the
signal of loe i

i intend to send the signal
of eeryth

everything working out for
everyone and release

my inclination
to compete

i know it feels better to love
it feels better to look for the
best and

it feels better to allow god
to do itiknow i
i know

i know i can always allow god
to do it and i can celebrate


knowing that the
energy is always flowing
i love doing the work
and letting the
run free i love

doing the work and feeling focused
int he flow

stopping the

worryng the
incessant noice

the constant


i feel good and i trust the flow

of what i am doing
i believe in myself and my vision
i celebrate my vision
i believe in myself

and my vision and i odn’t h

don’t have to care

what anyone else thinks
i believe in myself and

my vision and i don’t

care about what anyone

i am doing the work for me
and only me and i get to make the choice

to do me to live the magick life

for me

doing the work for me
and its time for me to stand up
for myself to

stand up for who i am
and the work i need to do

its time for me to stand up for myself
and the work i want to do

the work i need to do so

i’m doing the work i need to do

doing it for me and no one else
and i am brave enough to do it

to feel good for me to do the work to

for me it

feels good to elevate my
vibration and

feel the flow of life it feels good
to let go and not care

it feels good to know
that i never have to care

that i never have to care it
feels good not to care
it feels good not to care

to do the work for me

it feels good to do the wrk
work and raise my vibration

it feels good to do the work
for me it feels good to make the

for me it feels good to make the choice
me to

make the choice for me
and no one else it

feels good to go
within and make

the choice to feel good for me
not for anyone else


living my life for someone
else and start living it for myself

it feels good to ignore the
reset to make

to make the choice for me
to know that i can live a full
authentic life

by tapping into what is
already there within me
i can make the choice
to live a full life to

live a joyful life and not
take on other people’s stress
i can make the choice

to live life for me to live

life for me to feel the feeling for me
it feels good to feel the feeling for me

to feel the feeling for me

it feels

i can do it i can do it i can

i can do it i can

focus in the flow i can
focus int he floc

i can do it i can feel the feeling for me
i get to feel the feeling for me
to do the work for me

and no one selse


only I
can make the choice to feel
good to change


only i can make the choice
to change the energy only i can
make the choice to
change the energy

i am the only
one who can change the

energy who can make the

i can do it i know i can do it
i can take the big leap

and live my life for me it

it feels good to do me
to make

to make the choice for me
it feels good to do what i want
and do the work

i know that ‘s all i can ever do
i know

all i can ever do is the work

and then i will feel good and
the rest
doesn’t matter

i get to feel good

for me and the rest

doesn’t matter

it feels good to make the choice
for me to feel good for me

to make the choice to feel good for me

it feels good to make the choiceto do the
to do the work

to raise my vibation i can
do i can i

i can do it i can let go
and tune it n

tune in tap in and turn on

i can do it i can

let go of the rest and live
life forme i can

i can let go of the rest
and live life for me i get to make the choice
to lean into the flow

i get to make

the choice to lean into the flow
and when i do i feel good

that’s all there is to it

all there is to it

is my choice

i have the power not to think about that

i have the power to feel good
i have
the power to feel the energy
flow through me i have the power

to feel good i have the power
to feel good i have the power i have
the power to

relinquish my power

i love doing the work
because it feels good

i can always just stop
naysaying in my head
and make the choice to feel good
about myself i can alwas make

always mae thechoice
the choice the choice the choice
to feel goodi can

i can always make the choicde to feel
to feel good to


feeling bad

and start nothing haha

i love making the choice and doing the work i love
that its easy

to raiase my vibration
i love how good it feels god
tof eel good

to tune in tap in turn on
i love feeling how

how good it feels god

to feel good i love allowing god to flow
through me and i love that i get tomake the choice
to feel good i love that

i get to make the choice to feel
good now i love that i

always get to make the choice to
feel good

i love that the flow

is flowing through me i love that
the flow is

flowing through me i love that i know
i am god
and when i



i stop my mind i stop
my ego from going around
in circles

i stop my ego from
running around and i

remember that i am one

with everything that
is a reflection of a vibration
i know

i become it then i see it
and i know the contrast
helps me focs

focus on this truth

i know it is

all in my mind i know that it
is all in my mind i know that it

is all in my mind i know that
life lovesme i

and i love trusting my intuition

i love
trusting my intuition

i love that i can
just do me and not worry about the rest i love
the power of

this focus i lve
when i want to do the work when

i want to feel good

when i fee

when i feel
empowered by life

when i feel empowered byt he

the god self within i love
celebrateing the

the fact that i am

that i am god i love
celebrateing the f

the fact that
i am
god i love celebrating the f
act that

the fact that i am god i love
that i ge tto feel to feel good i love
that i get to

love myself

i love the power of tunint

tuning myslef tot he
to the

happy to focus witin
and raise my vibration

i know i can do it!!!

i know i am able to tune myself
to the vibration of source
i know i cando it i know

i can tune myself i know it s

easy to tune myself to the
vibration of me

to the the

vibration of me i love feeling the
energy that creates worlds flowing through me

i love feeling the energy that’s

i love feeling the flow
of life i love saying yes thank you
i love saying yes thank

i love feeling the flow
of life i love feeling

the connection to life i love
feeling to

the connection to life
i love feeling connected to life
i love

feeling connected to life and
allowing the energy that creates worlds to flow
through me i love

doing the work leaning intot he
the flow

i love leaning into the flow
i love

leaning intot he

the flow i love

that it is easy for me to forgive

i love that i never have to
let anything

the work loves me god
loves me and i know that god loves me

so today

i will not worry
i wll not
will not wonder

i will simply
trust the flow of life i will simply
trust teh

the flow of life and allow life



andi know that is all that matters
i love leaning

intot he flow i love
leaning intot he flow i love

leaning intot he flow i love
i love
feeling good i love

feeling good i love
feeling good i love

the flow i love
feeling in alignment

with my desires

i love doing the work
and knowing the the

the work is all that matters
i love that i

am the one and only creatoee i

creator i love
that i am in control of my thoughts i love
that i get to choose how i feel
i love

that i get to

feel good i love that i
get to make the choice
to feel god

i love

the magick of life i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i know

life loves me i love
that i get to

feel good i love that i get to tune myself
to the vibration of me i love

feeling the vibration of me i love

making the choice to



a joyful life

i love that i ge tto feel
to feel good now i love
that i get to

feel good now i love

i love that i get to

get to feel good ow i

i know first i become it then
i see it i know that the

energy that surrounds things

is my choice i love that
i get to choose i love that i
get to choose i love

i feel the flow of life
flowing through me and i can

am celebrating the
best that can possibly happen

i know my

i know that god is in
me and when i trust the
energy to take care of life

then it can

i know all that i can ever
do is trust

trust life to

take care of me
and the more i do
the more

it does


STOP THE worry
stop wondering
and just say yes


just say


yes thank you
yes thank you yes thank you
thankyou yes


i have the power to stop
i have
the power to stop

stop worrying
stop wondering
stop analizing

and do it
with my feelings

create with my emotions

all i can ever do

is nothing the only thing
i can ever do is nothing
and trust the flow and the
more i practice

trusting the flow
the better i feel i know

i am the one and only creator of
my life experience
and i can’t

blam other people

even for how they behave

because i am the on

i am the one perceiving it
i am

the one perceiving it i am
the one the perceiving it i am
the one perceiving it
i am the one

perceiving it

i am the one

perceiving it
i am the one
perceiving it

i am the one

perceiving it

i am the one creating my life i am
the one feeling the flow i am the one

feeling the flow i am
the one

feeling the flow i am the one
i am the one

i am the one i am the one
perceiving it
i am the one creating my life

no one but me and its my choice

to feel good

i love that iknow i love that i know
the flow creates it the magick creates
it and its easy to know this
i know that the flow

always here with me

flwoing me

with me andi can allow myself to feel good

and have fun


stop wondering
stop wondering

stop asking what if
and wondering if the
worst happens

becuase i can


looking for the best

i know its only ever me i love
that i know i am the on e

creatiing my life i love that i
can let go

just stop

just stop


and feel good
feel the flow


and then i can start
enjoying life i love that
its easy

to stop

its easy to stop

just energy

it’s always easier
to just line up the energy its
always easier to create it
in the air its always easier to

say yes thank you and i love myself
i know its all energy i know its all

its just energy i know its just energy and the
body is a genius i know all that matters
is the work and the degree to


i am wiling to stand up to my thoughts

stand up for myself against my thoughts

it is always easier to feel good
and it also feels better!!

it feels better to love and
celebrate and enjoy ife
and enjoy life

i know the body is a genius
i know the body is my genius
and it tells me everyting i need to know

i know this i know this
for a fact

i know this for a fact
i know that the flow is always flowing
i know that
the enery is always

working out in my favor
and it

its always up to me its always up to me
its always up to me

it can only

reflect me

i love doing the work and knowing
that its just a reflection
of an old vibration i love knowing that
life is just a reflection i love that
i know life is

always working in my favor
and i am celebrating because i know
that i get to look dor what

look for what i want to see
i get to look for what i want to see
and when i see or hear things
in my life that

make me feel bad

i don’t have to follow down

that path i don’t have to listne to those
thoughts andi cer

certaintly don’t have to believe them

i love doingt he work
i love

feeling the energy


i love feeling the energy
feel good i love to feel good in my god

body i love to feel good
in my gody

i lovethat
that i know i am god
and i don’t have to



i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose the flow and i get to choose
how i feel i get to choose

how i feel i get to choose
how i feel

i get to choose to feel good

follow my own path

i dnot

don’t have to care
what anyone else is

doing or feeling i

Do not
have to

i love that i

never have to

have to care i love that
i neverhave
have to care i love that i know

the flow is always flowin
i love that i know the flow is always
flowing i love
that i

get to feel good now i love that i
get to feel good now i love that

focus on the flow
focus on how i want to feel i love
that the flow is
always flowin g
i love


the power of the focus
inthis here and now

and i know

i love that i
get to feel good in this
here and now i love
that i get to feel

the flow i love that
i get to feel the flow andi know that

its all

just energy i love
that i know its just

energy i love that i
get to feel good about myself i love

that i get to

go within

i love that i get to
go within i love that i get to

feel the feeling nowi love
that i get to feel the feeling now i love

who i am inthis

here and now i love
who i am inthis


ad all

and all that mattersis how

is how i feel so
right now inthis
here andnow i am

making the chocie to feel good

i make the chocie to

feel good i make the choice to feel good

i love having fun and
feeling good i love that its easy
to have fun its easy
to feel good its

easy to feel good its

its easy to feel good i love that its so
easy to feel good

i love doing hte work i love
wehn i

i love when i want
to do the work i love

feeling in control of my thoughts i love
that ther e

there is alwasy

so much to love

i love

that i get to choose to love myself i love
that i ge tto choose the energy
that i get to

make the choice to

upswing my energy

i love that i get to make the choice to

upswing my energy to

flow my energy toward success
and love and know that

to love
is selfish too
to love

is taking care of slef
in the best way
possible and i am

brave enough

to love myself and

to love me i am brave
enough to love me and when i love
me then

the rest falls into place

i am

brave enough to
direct the energy i am
brave enough
to direct the

energy where i wat it to
to go and i know all that matters
is this work

is raising my vibration
is actually wanting to feel good

actually wanting to feel good

ist he first step toward

getting there

i love that i get to send the signal
signal of yes i love
that i get to

to send the signal of yes
i love that ther

is alwys for than


more than enough i love that i know the
flow is lawys fl
always flowing and i love that i ge tto

to feel good now

and i love myself!!

today i intend to love myself today
i intend to allow the flow of life to flow
through me to allow
the energy

to clean itself i can

allow the energy to
clean itself

before its too late
and i know thatsl

all i can ever do is
love myself is send the

the signal of love

and that’s all that matters