How high can i raise my vibration?

i love believing in myself i love
waking up feeling good i love that its
as easy as placing the intention
as making the choice to feel good
as making the choice to love

it feels good to love and say thank you
for what i have it feels good to reaise my
raise my vibration to say thank you and allow
the flow to flow
to flow

to flow through me i love that
i get to feel good about aht i love
that i get to allow the magick of life to
do the work i love
that life is clamouring

the focus on the flow is

the flow focus on the flow is
all that matters

i love that i can allow life to
be easily i lo
i love that i can allow life to be
easy i love
that i can make the choice
and allow life

i love that i can make
the choice i love that i get to make the choice
i love that lifei s

is going my way i love
that life li

life is going my wya i love

i love that i feel good i love
celebrating me i love that i get to
say i love myself i love that the

techniques are working i love
that i’m raising my vibration
and allowing the
best version of life i ove that i

i love that i am allowing
the best versoin of

version of life to flow through me
i love feeling at ease

i love myself i love myself i love
my god self i love that by allowing i can
celebrate life and allow
the best of life to flow through me i love

that i can completely trust and
get out of the way and allow life
to do the work

i love that the more i get out of
the way the more life flows
through me

i love that the more i


the more i get out of the way
the more the more i get out of the way

i love that there are so many opportunities
to let the flow do it i love that i get to

choose i love remembering who i am and i love
that the work helps me do that i love that i

get to

train my mind toward what i want
i love that is my choice how i look at life i love
that its my choicehow i look at life
i love that ig et o

get to allow it to melt away

allow the rest to melt away i love
that i get to choose to love

i love that i get to choose to be my bst
best me i love that i get to choose to
be my best me
i love htat

that i already am wealthy

i love that i get to feel good
i get to make the

i love that i get to feel goodnow
i get to feel the
feeling i get to feel relief

i get to celebrate i get to

celebrae i love that iknow life
lovesme i love
that i get o raise my vibration i love

that i know the vortex is all that matters
i love taht i know

that i know life is good i love that i know life is good
i can focus on the flow and that is
all that matters i know that only god

can figure it out
i know only god has the solutions and i simply
and discern i love that i knowi

i simply

i simply get to choose

i get to choose i get to make the choice
and then life unfolds that way

its that simple

i get to make the choice and life
unfolds that way

let it go i love letting it go
i loe loo

love looking for the version i prefer

and i know its that easy i love
knowing the magick of life i love
knowing i am the magician

i love that i know i don ot

have to do the work
i can simply choose and allow i love
that i ge tto allow i love
that i am loed i

loved i love that i know life loves me
i love getting to celebrate i love

that i get to celebrate this day i love
doing the work

making the choice to feel good
for me to celebrate this day

for mei love that

i love that i have it all i love
looking for things to be grateful for
i love that life is

always helping ask i love
being aware i love allowing life
to do it i love that i am brave enough
to let go

be happy no matter what

and allow life to make the
choices i know are best for me

yes, thank you!

i love that it always flows

i love that life always flows

i love that life
always flows i love


that i know life lovs me i love that
i know life loves me i love that
there is always so much to love i love that
i can i love that life is flowing
perfeclty through


i feel good and that’s all that
matters i love raising my vibration i love
that its easy
i love

allowing myself to feel good
and celebrate life i love feeling
waves of emotion i love
that its easy to reais e

raise my vibration adn allow
the best of life i love
feeling excited about life i love that its
flowing perfeclty through

me i love that

life is flowing perfectly through me i love
that i can do it i love that i
feel good i love that i know life loves me i love

that i’m not nervous

i’m knowing

i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose and look for what i want
to see i love that i get to do the work i love
that i am alredy w

already wealthy i love that
i get to choose to have fun with life
and life follows!

i intend to wake up feeling good

i intend to love i intend
to allow the good life to flow through me i
intend to say thank you
i intend to feel good

to allow the magick to flow
i intend to

gather momentum i inteind
to wake up feeling good to wake up
celebrating life i intend to
wake up

celebrating life i intend to feel good
i intend to wake up
feeling good i inteind to allow life to lfow
through me i intend

to allow the
magick to do the work i love
allowing the magick to do the work
i ove

celebrating life i love
feeling excited about life

i intend to feel good i
intend to wake up knowing
that all my wishes are coming true

its easy to feel good

and the only thing blocking that
is fack i know

fake i know that negative feelings aren’t real
and i can choos to feel good now i get to make
the choice to feel good now

to reaise my

raise my vibration now to let it
go in this here andnow i love

i love that i’ve let that go i love that i know its
only me that it can only reflect me and i love that i get to feel good now i
get to do the work right now i

get to feel good now i get to feel good now

i love myself in this here and now
i love that i can let it go in this here and now i love
that i can let it go in this here and now

now i know i can create it with the mind i knowi can
let it go i knowi can c

create the version i prefer i know i can
create the version i prefer


waiting around on other eople
and i with i want’

wasn’t in this positivtio

waiting on someone else
i cant stand

waiting on someone else

the flow is always flowing and iknow
i know it can only reflect me i know the flow
can only reflect me i know the

flow can only reflect me do i just do what
feels best to

i get to feel good now and let that
go i love that i don’t hve to

have to care i love that i get to make
the chocie to celebrate this day i love that
the contrast helps me ask i love that i know
i love

i love when everything goes smoothly i love that
everything is working out in perfect timing i love
that i

never have to wonder i love that
i know i can smimply


get out of the way i can simply
get out of the way i love

feeling good about who i am

i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i am cultivating th

i get to feel good now and t
that’s all i can ever do i love that i
know that t

this work is all i ever can
ever do first i

i become it
then i see it

i must become a match

i must be

i feel good

i am conscious
of the inner presence as my lavish
abundance i am conscious
of the constant activity of this
mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of truth

its easy to feel good today to feel
the feeling otday to

to let it go today its easy to feel
good today to feel the feeling today to

allow god the flow

i love that i get to do the work to
feel good i love doing me i love making the time
to do me to feel good about me

i love that i know its only me i love
that i can let it go

i lift upmy

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am consciouse of the constant activty
of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore i am conscious
my conscioiusness

is filled with the light of truth

i love making the choice to
feel good i love making the choice to
do me to feel the feeling to

tune myself i love making the choice to
tune myself i love that ik ow
everything is going my way i love
that i can always

send the signal

send thesignal the signal of love i love that i can always celebrat life

the signal of love i love
that i can send the signal of love i can
let everything esle go

and feel good i love that i can make
the choice to focus and feel good i get to make
the choice to focus in the flow i

get to make the choice to allow i get to

i love the feeling i love
the feeling i love the eeling i love
the feeling and i know

that the feeling is always ther ei love
that i know everythin gis going myd way

i love that i get to make the choice
to enjoy this day i love that i get to make
the choice to

do the things that make
me feel good i love that i
get to make the choice to feel good i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good now i love
that i get to make
the choice i love that i get to feel good now i love

that the feelig always comes i love
that i can feel good now i can maket he choice
the choice
tof eel good gn

i get to feel good now i know i know its easy to
tune myself

i know its easyt o to tune myself
and i kno

i don’t have to be mad
what am i so mad about?

what am i so mad about?

i don’t have to be mad i

don’t have to care i can
simply choose to enjoy my life in this
right now

i never have to be mad
i can just live my lif ein this
right now i love
that i can

let go i love doing me dong the

the work the only work that matters
i knowt his is the only work that matters
an i can
can let go of the rest i can

let go of the rest i can choose
to feel good i can

i get to make the choice to feel good i get t
make the choice to feel good now

i ge tto make
the choice to feel good now

i get to let go i get to let go

i get to feel good i know
that life is the signa i send i know

that life is the signal i send i love
that i get to make the choice

to celebrate this day i love
that i get to do the work to utne my

tune myself i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to do the work and fodux

focus on feeling good i a

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundnace

i am conscious
of the constant activyt

of this mind of infintie


my consciousnes is filled
witht he light of truth i know that
life can only reflect me i know its only
a feeling and i

can let it go at any time i love
that i dont’ have to care i love that i can
simply allow i love
that i get to allow i love
that i get to feel good i love that i

get to feel the feeling i am

conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am concious of the

activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of truth

i can choose to feel the feeling
i can choose to fele the

feel the feeling
i can let it go i can let it
go i can do the work and the work
is the only thing that
ever works

i knw i neve

i never have to worry i n
i never havet o to wonderini

i know i never have to wonder and i acan a

always make the choice to feel good
i knowi t s
its easy to feel good nw

i love that i can let go now
and do the work i know all that matters is the work
i know all that matters
is god and when

i can allow myself to focus on
god i can allow the rest ot work
itself ot i know

i know it just doesn’t matter i know its
just doesn’t matter
i know it jsust

just doesn’t matter i know it just doens’t matter
and i get to make the choice to do me
i love

that i can do what i can
and i get to make the choice to feel how i want i love
that i get to do the owrk and feel good and
i knowt aht i

that is all that matters
i know life can only refel

ever reflect me i know that life
can only ever reflect me and the sitganl i

signal i send i know that life
can only ever reflect me
and the signal i send i know its only me i know
it can only reflect me

i don’t have to get in my own way

i can simply look for the
version i want to see and choose
that version i love that its a chance to
use the magick its a chance to

simply choose the version i prefer

to simply choose the version i prefer and
i know its just a vibration i love that
everything is working out in my favor i love
that i know everything is going my way i know

that everything is going my way

i love that i get to choose
i love thati ge tto choose to mail

smile becuae

because everyting already workout

worked out for me i love

i love that i can allow it to undol
unfold i love making the choice i love that i never
have to

wonder i love that i never

have to wonder
i know life is good i can just msile adn

and allow life to do the work iam
getting out of the way and i know my power

is my sopp

stopping i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to make the choie i love the

more i make the choice i love the more
i make the chocie t

to feel good nwoi know

i smile

my only wor is

i know my only work is to smile
i know my wkr a

wrk is to allow it to ahppen in the air i love
that i can get out of the way and just wait

i can just be patient and allow i can
just be patient and allow i can smile

i can only smile i know my only
job is to msile



my only job is to smile knowing

i get to choose to smile i love that
its easy to smile to feel the feeling
first i become it then i see it

first i become it then i see it

its always right in frotn

front of my face and iknow its
my expectation creating it i love
that i know

its my expectation crating

creating it i know its my i know ath
that everything is unfolding

i know my expectations create
and i know its easy to sjust

just let go and let go
i am allowing god to take care of it
and that’s all ic an
can do its

get in the vortex and


smiling always feels better

its easy to feel good and i know
the flow only reflects me i know that its

easy to feel good i love that its
easy to feel good i love that i know life
can only reflect me i love that i know its
only a feeling i love that i know its

only a feeling

the flow is always flowing the flow is
always flowing i love where i am
right now i love

where ia m right now i love that
today is agood day i love
that i feel wealthy i love that

get in the vortex and then
get in the vortex
and then and then and then get in
the vortex and then

god said


well i know its only

i love that iknow the
magick is always right here with me
i love feeling good and allowing the magick

i am allowing the magick of life
to handle that i am allowing the magick of life
to handle that i am allowing the magick of life
to handle that

i can feel that
the magick is working i can feel the
flow flowing i ca

i know when i let go it
flows and that my

ower o

is my stopping my letting go i know
my power is my stopping in my letting go iknow i know i know the opwer
is in my benergy

i know its easy to smile about it
just smliel

about it and the maoutn
life smliels with the
me is the amoutn i smile back

the maount
amoutn i smile back i know

allow it to unfold

just smile because you know it
already did

just msile
smile becaue you

becauseyou know

life already worked out for me

its easy to just msile
smilke smile and the amoutn

the degree to which i am
able to just msile
smile abouti

it reflects the degree to which
i am willing to let go and allow

god to do the work

its work the degree to whcih


whcih ti
the degree to which the degree to
which i am

the degree to which i am
able to let go the

degree to which ia m
able to smile

i the dreg
degree to which ia ma ble to let go

i love the work i love the feeling
the flow i love

to just msile i know the work alwys work s
just msil ena dknow

and know that it alredy is
is th

the way i want it go be
smile and know that it can only reflect me

smile and know taht

just msile smile and know that it
already is smile and feeling the
of it being doine

smile and feel the feeling of it
already being done
and that’s all that matters

smile and know

smile and know that life is good smile and know that life

is good smile and know
that life is good smle
smile and feel good smile and allow

myself to feel good now

smile and allow myself to feel good now
to allow m
all my wishes to come torue

smile and know that all my wishes are comeing

and know that life is good smile and know
that life is good smile and feel good now
smile and feel good now


smile and let it come to me
smile ad let t come to me s

smile and stop
smile and stop becuase my power is my letting go

smile and stop

just stop becuae
its all i can do i love that i can
create it with my thougths i love

that i cn allow the magick
to do it i il ove that

i know i can allow the magick o flife
life to take care of it i love that
i can get out of the way and allow it to flow

to flow i can llow allow life to flow i love
doing the work i can make the choice to

i love doing the work i love
doing the work and allowing life to flow through me
i love allowing life to flow through me i love

allowing life to flow through me

he the work is working i love thati know i love

that i feel the power of god i love
that i feel the power of god flowing
through me i love that i know the work
is working t

and the only thing that stops my breath
is a belife

belief that i am separare

that it is possible that
anything could ever

not go my way and iknow that
its not possible i am la

allowing i am allowing life to reply
i amllow

am allowing life i am saying yes i am saying yes
to life i am saying yes to life

i love my life i love my life
i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love
that i know thef l

the flow loves me i lovehtati
get to choose the feeling now i love that
i get ot choose

to choose the feeling now i love
that i get to make the choice i love that i know
its only me i love that i get to make

the choice to smile i love that i get to allow
the magick to do the work i love the
power of letting go i love tat

let it go and let it flow i love

that i can celebrate life i love that i can


celebrate life i love
that i can celebrate life and

allow life to flow through me i love that
i can celebrate life i love that i can

the flow is always flowing the
flow is always flowing the flow is always flowing
the flow is always flowing the

magick is always
right here with me i know i am the one and only
creator i kno ia m

the only one who can allow the flow

god is lavish

unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

i love doing the work and feeling good
i love doing the work
and feeling good i love doing me i love
that i get to feel good for me

i love doing the work i love doing mei love
waking u;p;up
feeling good

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand
and know that the divine presence

is the source
and substance of all my good i love
doing me i love that i get to make the choice
to feel goo dand

and celebrate life i love
making the choice to enjoy life

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understna d
and to know

i love waking up feeling good iloe
taking care of my singal i love that iknow
the signal is all tha tmatter

i love that i know the signal is all that matters
i love that its easy to send the signal i love that i
don’t have to care i love that i

that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to do me and celebrate life i love
that i get to feel good and

i love that i get to do me and
celebrate life i love that i get to look for a
reason to feel good love

i love that i get to feel good i love that i
get to tune myself to the vibration of source
i love wkaing up feeling good i love

allowing the ease and flow of life lto f
run through me i love doing the work i love
doing the work i love

where ia m right now i love

i love that i know i love tha ti kno w
i amgod i love that iknow god loves me i love
that i know i am god

in human form i love that i know
its whatever i want i lov that iknow dot

today i smy

is my day i love that i know i love
that i know today is my day i love
celebrating this day

because this day is forever

i love doing the work right now i love
tuning myself i love that its easy to tune
i love the better it gets i love the
better it ges i love

i love the better it gets i love
the easeir it gets to feel good i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good now i love
that i get to make the choice


celebrate life right now i love
that i get to make the choice
to celebrate life

right now

just stop

its easy to feel the feeling
and the work helps practice that
feeling its easy to feel the
ffeling right now
without the

techniques and the
techniques helpt to practice the
feeling of centeredness

this writing helps practice that
and the more i practice feeling good

feel secure with knowing that
life is always changing and that’s a good
thing the more secure i feel in this
ever changing world
the better i feel the more i turn
toward center

and allow god to dake
take care of it

the more i take the time to
truly stop

the more i take the time to
truly stop

and get out of the way
the more life can fill in the

i love doing this work
because it works i love that the
work is working i love that

stopping the struggle

i can stop the struggle anytime
i can stop drowning myself in negative thoughts
and allow the

qi to flow i am allowing
life to flow through me and that is

i can just stop the
struggle anytime and allow thismoment
this moment to be enough
to allow my life to be enough

i love the power of the focus
and i love keeping up the good work i love
that i know i can just

stop all the rest

i can simply
stop worrying




i can simply stop all that
right now and that
feels good i love the

feeling of the stop
and remembering that
this moment is all there
is i love feeling the

nirvana of this moment i love
that this moment is good i love
that the work
always works i love that the

the work always works

the flow is always flowing
and i am always god

i love that i know god is
good all the time
i love that i know god is good

all the time i love saying yes
i love that i get to make the choice i love
that i get to make the choice
i love that i get to say yes
to this life i love that that

is all that matters i love that i;ve
let that go i love that life is easy now

i stopped all that

i stopped

right now

i just stopped it all

just stopped it
because none of it is real

none of it is
real and all it does

is create more
of what i don’t want

so i make the choice to


and enjoy life right now i love
that i get to make the choice to
stop wondering

and start enjoying life

i love doing me i love
doing me i love making the choice i love

that i get to make the choice

i love that i can
stop all that right now i love

i loe that i can
feeling bad

feeling good and i love
that i can start that
right now i love
that i am not afraid to

enjoy life i amnot

afraid to look for the
best for myself

i love the flow i love that
the flow flows i love that the
flow loves me i love that i am
brave neough

enough to chose t

choose the feeling of certainty i love
that i get to choose the feeling i love
that i can sto the

stop the rest and choose the
feeling i want to feel i love that i know
its working i just

look for what i want to see
i love

letting go i love that i can
just stop


stop projecting my vibration into the

stop wondering about the future

stop planning for the future

stop trying to make it happen
stop believing
anything is separate from me

stop getting in my own way

just staop


and allow i love that i can allow the
best i can allow the best and all i can
do to do that is be

aware of my thoughts i love that
it is so easy to feel the magick

of life i ove that i feel it rightnow i love

that its easy to life

lift my vibration i love that its
easy to love right now to feel good right now
to do the work right now

andl et that go right now i feel
at ease in this here and now and that is all
that matters

this here and now

the work always works and the more
i focus on feeling

at ease and allowing life to
take care of it
the more

life and breath flow easily through me

i know all i can ever do i s

create it with my thoughts

not my action

and get out of the way

i loe feeling
inspired i love good ideas i love
that iknow i am loved ilove
that there is so

much to love i love that life
is good for me i love that i get to

i am doing what i am called to do i love
that life is good for me i love that i
feel loved i loe that i
get to feel good about life

and allow it to happen

i love that i get to stop the rst
i love tath

that i get to stop and allow
life to do it

i love feeling at ease i love knwoing
that i don’t have to figure it all out
i love knowing that i never will
i love that i know its not my problem

my only job is to observe
and choose and that’s all i know i am
the one and only magickal creator

ad what i look for i see
i am grateful for
how everyting
is unfolding

and i know that life

i love that i can just stop
and its that easy

i love that its easy to stop
worrying and start celebrating life!!!

i can always say yes thank you

i can say yes thank
you and then the world say yes
thank you back i love that i can
always say

yes thank you i can
always say yes thank you
i can alwys
say yes thank ou and i can
make the choice to feel
good a

thank you

yes thank
you yes thank you

yes thank you thank you
i know that the magick
is always right

here with

when i say yes thank you
i feel good i feel
feeling of gratitude and i know
that is all that matters
so i say

yes thank ou
thank you

alli can
ever do is

thank thank thank
god for proviing
the best fo me

all i can
ever do is say thank you thank
you thank ou t

thank you sand
and know that life is always givine me
me the best

all i can ever
do is say thank you because
what i look for i care
create more of

i love doing the work and
looking for things to feel
grateful for i love feeling
in control of my vibration
and making the
choice to feel good i love that

the contrast helps me focus
ilove that i now my power i love
that i know the
power of the magick i love

feeling brave enough to say
yes thank you to look for something
to be grateful for i love

looking for dom

something to be grateful for
i love that the


i get to choosei get to
say ytha
thank ou i love that i don’t have to wonder

because because i love that i
get to say

i get to say thank you i get to say
thank you i am brave enough to say tyank y
thankyou i love that
no matter what i get to feel good
i get to feel good

nomatter what i love
that i get to feel good no matter
what i love that i get to celebrate m

myself i love

doing the work to feel good
because feeling good feels good i love

doing the work i love
doing the work i love the power
of the

the focus i do this work
to practice feeling good feeling

i love that i ge tto feel
good the feeling is always there and
it comes through
gratitude i look for things to be
grateful for and thats all that mmaters
i love

that i get to send the signal i love
that i get ot feel
to feel good nw i love that i
get to
to say thank youi love

made the choice to feel good for
me i love making the choice to feel good

good for me i love
that i get to tune myself to the
feeling of gratitude

i love that i get to feel the

the feeling
of gratitude
is always there the feeling is
always here

and i get to say thank
you inkow there th


there is only this moment and
thism oment is me t

i know this moment is me i know
thismoment is me i know this moment is me and
i get ot fele to feel the feeling

i get to

i practice the feeling
i practice the feeling to feel good now
i get to feel goodn ow and the work
always work s

the work

work the work the work

the work always wroks the work alwys work s
and i get to do the work
i kwo t

i know the work alwys works i know the
work ath

alwys works i know the
work always works and nothing
else i know ic an

toil and try to hammer
things into place but the only
thing that ever
solves anytihg

is letting go i love
that i get to let go i love that i get to

make the time to do me
to feel good to feel good i love that
its all good i love that
its all good l ove i love letting go

i love hat i get to to feel the feeling of
letting go i love that i know tis there

its there i love that i knowthe magick
is right here i love

celebrating this knowledge i love

that i don’t hve to vee

feel bad i get to feel the
feeling get to feel goodn

i get to say yes thank you

i get to say yes thank you i love
standing up to my thoughts i lve

standing up to my thougts i love
that i ge tto feel the feeling

i get to make the choice for

i love that i get to make
the choice i get ot say
to say yes tank you

thnak you i get to say yes
thank you i lovethat i get to
feel the feelin i

i get to practice saying
thank you today

today intend to look for
thing to say

be grateful for i love
that inw its

its alwayas in the flow the feeling
feeling is alwys right here i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i’ve let that go i love

that i can refuse to suffer i love that
i don’t have to care i love that
i can just


i love that

i can just trust i don’t have to
want i love doing the work to feel good
and allowing the rst to f

to fall into place i love
that the

grave is alw

the gravy is already made

i love this feeling of focusing
ont h magick i know i can just say
yes thank you and focus on the


yes thank you
i love that i can say

yes thank you anything
if it is


i love that i am god in human form
and everything is always going my way

thanks god

for everything