it’s easy to have fun it’s easy to

transmute the pain body it’s
easy to make the choice where i put my
focus its easy to feel good no
matter what its easy to love

its easy to make the choice
its easy to feel good its
easy to send the signal of yes its easy
to feel good its easy
to feel the feeling to know that
anything can happen
to know that the feeling is always there

god is always right here with me
and it just depends on where i put my focus
it feels good to make the choice
to enjoy this day it

it feels good to tune myself to the
vibration of me to allow the flow to
flow through me it feels good to make
the choice for me i am making the choice
for me and that’s all that matters


i choose mountain top

i love the better it gets i love
that i get to feel the feeling now and i know
that this work really wrks i now that
this work
really works i know that i get ot feel
to fee the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i love that i get to feel the feeling
i love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get to celebrate right now

i love that i
only i get to choose where i put
my focus and i love the
power of transmutation
i love that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to expect the best i love

that its easy to expect the best
its easy to expected the best its easy to say
thank you to feel the magick and to know
that the magick is always here with me
i love

that i know i love that its easy t
o turn the boat its easy to feel
good now to make the choice to

feel the feeling right now i love
that life is good i love

that its easy to feel the feeling
right now i love that i know its only me i love
that i get to choose i love
that i get to be in a good mood i love
that i get to be in a good mood

i love that it always works out i love
that i get to celebrate life with my wife

i love that i can be ok with myself
i can apprecitate and love myself
and forgive myself
i can let that go dna lo

and look for the best i love

i get to tune myself and its
easy i love that today is a good day i love
that i get to feel good and allow
life to flow through me i love
that i get to celebrate because all my wishes
are coming true i love that i
get to choose where i put my focus i love
that i get to choose to be in a good mood
i get to allowthe good mood to come to me i loe
that i know

when i ask it is given

i love that i know
i don’t have to do it all right now i kno w

i love that i know i am
god and i get to choose how i
experience life i love
that i now feelin

i know feeling preceeds
experience i know this i know i kno w
first i feel it then i see it
i know its just a feeling
and the feeling is always there i know
this work helps me
become more aware of it i know
that its always there and i can always feel it i love
that its always there
and i can always feel it

no matter what i love that i get to
feel the feeling now i love that i

i can do the work and i now
all that matters is the devotion to the work
so i make the coice t
choice to feel good now and
that’sa ll i

all i can do i make the choice
to feel good now and that’s all i can do i love
that i can allow

everything else to slip away i love
that i don’t havet o care

to care about what someone else thinks
or feels i know the feeling is in side of me
and the only reason i would feel bad would be
because i was looking at something
that wasn’t ein

in alignment
with my higher self i now
i know its easy to let all that go
and enjoy the magick
of love i love that its easy to love
to feel the certainty of
gods presence in my life

i know i know i know i know i now
i know the feeling i know the
feeling i don ‘thave toi

i know i don’t havet o
explain it or care about it
just let it go and feel good now
and i now them

the more i do this work and pracitce how
i want to feel the better i feel and i train
my mind through compassion
and that als means

also means for myself i love
love is allt hat matters
and that means loving myself
and loving this right now no
matter what i love

that i can feel the feeling
i love that i nkow
i know its only me i love

i know i can be still
i can allow this here and now
to be what it is and that’s
all i can do

i can allow this here and now
to be what it is and that’s all i can
do i can

turn toward the flow
turn toward the flow

i am allowing myself to
be my best self i am allowing myself to
feel good now i kno that

that is all i can ever do i
is enjoy this here and now i know
that s all

is all i can do and the
contrast helps me know that
i love that i get to e in

be in a good mood right now i loe
that i get to celebrate who i am
i love that i now i am

i know i am god and
i never

havet o worry
about anything

i love feeling good

i love celebrating life i love that i get to make
the choice right now to feel good
i love that i don’t have to care about anyone
or anything else i can simply choose to feel good now
i get to choose to feel good now and allow
the wealth of life to flow
through me i love that i don’ thave to care and i know
that the feeling of celebrating life is all that matters
i love that i get t

i feel good now i love this day i love
that thewife is in a good mood i love that it inspires me
i love that i get to make the choice to feel good too
and it feels good to feel good i love that i get to make
the choice to feel how i want to feel i love

that i get to

make the choice for how i want to feel i love
that this is our day i love that its our special day i love
that all our wishes are coming true i love
that all my wishes are coming true i love

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel the flow of life flowing through me i love
that i get to

go to moutain top i love
that i don’t havet o care i love
that i get to do me i lve that
i love that i get to do me
i love that

i get to feel good now i get to
feel the feeling get to celebrate life
i love that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to allow life to flow through me
easily and effortlessly i love
that i don’t have to believe in lack
i love that i can allow the feeling to come
i lovthat i know

when i ask it is given i love that the
feeling always there i love that the
feeling is always there

i love coffee i love
feeling inspired i love the
feeling of the focus i love
the power of the focus i know
when i think about
i bring about i know what i think about
i bring about
i love

that i get to choose where i place
my attention i love that i kno w
attention creates
i love that i know
attention creates

i love that i get to choose the
version i create i love that the work
always works i love tat its
its easy to tune my signal i love that i know
everything is the signal
everything is reflecting how i feel i love
that i getto fe

to feel at ease and know that
life is flowing

perfectly throughme i love
that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to celebrate this day i love
that all my wishes are coming true i love
that i get to send th siganl
the signal of yes i love
that i t

it just doesn’t matter i love
that the work always works i love
that the work always works i love
that i get to do me i love that i get to
to me i love
the ins and outs of life i love

that i get ot

i love doing the work i love
raising my vibration and i love
that i know i love that i know its only
me i love that the work always worsk i love
that i an al

can always get in the vortex and then
i love that i can let everything go and just enjoy life
i love mountain top

i love that i know all that
matters in life is how i look at it i love
that i get to enjoy this day i love
that i can allow god
to work through me in the way
he sees fit i love
that i get to allow
life to flow through me i love
that i get to allow life to


i am allowing life to flow to
me i love that this work always works and iknow that
how i feel is all that mattes i know

i know

that god loves me and wants the best for me
i know that god is constantly working thorugh me
and that all my wishes are constantly coming true

i love that its easy to
raise my vibration to practice feeling how i want to feel i love
that its easy to feel the feeling
i want to feel to send the signal of yes

i lovethat

that i feel wealthy

i love that the flow always knows i love that
the flow always knows i love that the flow
always knows

i feel wealthy
and i love that that’s all i have to do

s feel good i love that it comes
to me i love that i get to just look

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good i feel good

i feel wealthy i feel good i feel good
and it feels god to feel good

i love that ikno i

i know i am god i love that i know
i am god i love that iknow i am god i love
that i get to feel the feeling of god
flowing through me i love
that i get to feel good now i love that i
get to feel goodnow i love
that i feel wealthy

i love that i feel good i love
that today is the best day i love
that all that matters is the flow
is this work i love that ikno wall

all that matters is the work
is how i feel iknow that
life reflects me and the
signal i send and i know that is
all ther eis to life

i know that is all there is to life

i can always to the work i can
always feel good and i can always focus on what i want to feel

i love that i get to feel the flow
i love that i get to feel good and i love
that i get to focus on how i want to fee i love
that i get to focus ont he

the feeling i want to feel an di get to
get to look for what i want to see i love the
power of the focus i love the power of the
the focus i love

i love that life loves me

and gratitude


i love that it doesn’t have to matter
i love that i don’t havet o care i love
that i gett o

choose me i l

i love that the magick is always flowing
i love that ther eis always more
than enough to love i love
that there is always more than enough to love

i love that ht

the flow

through my conscioisness
of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of
the presence of god within me is my supply

the flow i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i know the presence of god within me
is my supply i love that its easy to
tap into this supply
i love that i can just let the flow
do it ilove
that i get

can simply allow the flow
to do it i love tha t get to feel good in
this here and now i love
that i know my consciousness is my supply i love
that i get to feel wealthy

i love that its a choice i get to make and i love
that i don’t have to be afraid i love
that life reflects me and i get to choose

how i see life i love
that life loves me and i get to choose how i look at life

i love the flow i love the
in and out of life i love the in and out of life

i love the in and out of life

i love the power of the focus i love
the power of the focus i love that i don’t have to care i love
that iknow life
can only reflect me i love that
i know

i am energy i know i am energy
and life reflects me

i love that life flows through me i love that life
flows through me i love
that life is good i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose how my life


i love that i get to choose how my
life unfolds i love that i don;t
have to care i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to

do me i love that i get to feel the feeling
right now i love the power of the wor i love
that i get to do this work i love that i know this
is the only work that matters
i love tw

when the words come easily

i love cookie dough i lov epizza i love
snacks i love

m and ms i love that my mom is coming
and we get to og go to lamberts

i love the flow i love
the in and out of life i love
that life is flowing
easily through me i love that i know this
is the only work i love
that i get to feel good now

i love that i don’t have to care

about anything i love that
i get to feel the flow right now i love
that i get to feel the flow
right now i love that i get to

look for what i want to see i love
doing me i love that i ge tto m

to make the choice i love
that i ge tto make
the choice i love that
i get to make the choice

not to care i love that i get o make
the choice to

devote myself to my own vortex

i love that i am
devoted to my own vortex and that’s the only
thing that matters i love
that i get to do the work
i love

that i get to feel the feeling of the focus i love
doing the work i love
that i know its only me ai

i get to take responsibiliyt
i love the flow the

i love doing the work i love
that i get to choose i love

my consciousness
i love the feeling i love
the feeling of consciousness and i love
that i get to chfoose i love

that i get to choose how i feel i love
that i ge tto choose
how i feel i love

that i get to choose how i feel i love
that i get to do the work i love
that i get to do the work i love
that i get to do the work

within myself i love that i
get to do the work

i know all that matters
is my own vortex i i love
that i love that i love that

i lovet hat i get to
i get to choose my own vortex i love
that i get to choose

my own vortex i lo ve

that i get to do the wor i love
that i get to do the work i love
that i know its only me i love
that iknow its

its only me i love
that i know

my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw intao my
mind and feeling nature the very subtance of

this substance is my supply
thus my conscio0usness
of the presence of god within me is my supply

i know mky consciousness is my supply

i love doing the work

i love the power of the focus
i love the power of the focus i love
that i know
what i focus on expnds

i love old friends i love love
i love that there is so muc to love i love
that i am the creator i love
that i know i am the crator i love
that today is a good day i love
that today is ago

good day i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love

i love having fun with my wife
i love when the wife wants to write
i love when kenneth stops by i love
having bud i love
having a good day i love the magick of
life i love feeling good i i love
who i am i love that i get to feel god i love
i love

i love that i get to feel good
i love the in and out of life i love
the in and out of life i love

the feeling of life i love the feeling of life
i love the feeling of life i love
the feeling of life loving me i love that life
is good i love that i a

already made it i love that
i already made i ti love
that there is more than enough to love
i love that

i already made it i love that
there i so much to love

i love doing the work i love
creating more of what i want to see i love
that i get to create more of what i want
to see i love that there is so much to
love i love that i get to enjoy this
day i love that i

get to enjoy this day i love
that this is my life i love that i love my life i love
that i get to feel good and that’s

all that matters i love that i get to feel good
in this right now i love that i
get ot enjoy life in this right now i love
feeling the flow in this right now i love

the feeling of letting go and allowing
god to flow through me i love
doing the work i love feeling good i love

feeling good i love celebrating life i love
celebrating me i love that i knw life i

i love that iknow life is

flowing perfectly through me i love
that i get to choose i get to choose
the good life the god life i love
that iknow al that matters is
what i focus on right now i loe
that lla

i love life i love that life loves me i love
that ll m

all my wiehse wishes are coming true
i love that i know what i want is always flowing
to me i love feeling good i love waking up
feeling good i love waking up feeling good i love
waking up feeling good i love

going to bed feeling good i love
that there is so much to love i love this perfect day i love
leads i love bookings i love that
this is my life i love how
far i’ve come i love

where i sm right now

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance i am conscious
of the constant activity of
this mind of infinite prosperity

thereofre my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i love feeling good g

i love that i know life can only reflect me i love
my new workstation i love that i know
when i ask it is given i love
that i get to send the signal of es and


that it is ture

i love there is so much to love
i love that i already mad it i love
that i already have everything i love
that i already made it

i love the flow of life i love
that everything already worked out for me i love
that everything already worked out

i love feeling good in my body i love
that i am here now in this right now
sending the signal of yes i love
that i get ot make the

the choice to feel good and enjoy life i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good and enjoy life i love sending the signal
of yes i love

that i get to celebrate i love that i get
to enjoy life i love that i get to do me

i love that i get to do me i love
that i get to feel the flow of life i love
that i know i am loved i love that i know
god loves me i love

having old friends
who i love and trust and admire

i love that ther is
so much to love i love that i know
life is going my way i love
that god loes me i love that h

there is al

so much to love i lovt hat

that i know all that mattes

matters is the feeling i know

all that matters is the feeling i know all that
matters is the feeling i lovethat iknow

i love practicing
i love

that i can forgive myself forthat
i love letting go i love forgiving myself

i love doing the wor i love
doing this work and tuning myself i love
that i get to make the choicet o feel good
i love that i don’t havet o

believe in lack

i love that i don’t havet o
believe in lack i love
that i don’t have to

believe in lack i love that i get to
sned the
signal of yes i love that i know this
and the more i sign

send the siganl the more
fun life is bgecause


because i am cele brating it
i love that there is so much to love
i love that

there is so much to celebrate

it’s easy to make the choice to not care

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to choose how i feel i love that it
just doesn’t matter i love that i
don’t have to care i love that i don ‘thave to care
i love only i

get to make the choice to feel good only
i get ot make the choice to have a good day

i get to choose to enjoy the day i
get to choose to feel good and have a good day i get to
choose to enjoy i get to choose not to
care i get to choose to love
i get to make the choicet o do
to do me to do what feels best to me and that is a blessing

i get to choose to feel good and i know
that’s all that mattes i don

i don’t have to feel bad i don’ thavet o care i lo

i don’t have to care i don ‘t have to care i don
thave to feel bad i get to enjoy this day i love
that i get to enjoy this day i love
that i get to do the work to feel good i love that
life feels good i love
that i get to make the choice to allow life to flow through me
i love that i get to make
the choice to enjoy this day i love
that i get to make the choice to feel good now

no matter what i love that i don

don’t havet o care ot i love that i
really don’t i love that it ruly

truly don’t hi love i love that its
easy to turn the boa

bot ai love that i can get in the vortex and then i love
that i get to get in the vortex and the
feel good i love that i get

to feel good i love tha ti

get to get in the vortex and
then i love that i get to make the coihce
choice tof el

to feel good now i love
when ideas are flowing i love
i love feeling good i love
feeling the feeling i love
feeling teh feel
the feeling i love

feeling good i love doing the work i love the the
the work always works i love that the

wor always

work always works

the work always works
the work always works the work always works

i love that i always have me i love
that i get to choose love i love that i
get to make the choice not

not to care i love that i know its
not worth caring about i love
that i can let that go i love that i can let that go

i don’t havet o care i

don’t havet o care i don’t have to care i
can make the choicet o enjoy

enjoy life i get to make the choice
to feel good and not care i know i don’ thavet o care
i knot i

i know i don’t havet o care

i know it

all i can ever do is the work and
the contrast helps me do the work the
contrast helps me focus the

contrast helps me focus the

the contast helps me focus and i
get to make the choicd to feel good
now i get to make the choice
to enjoy the day

i know i can always turn the
the boat i can always turn the boat
and make the choice
to feel good i cana lways

turn the boat i love that i


get to choose how i feel and i
don’t have to let it be dictated
by something outside of me i ilove
that i

i am sure of who i am i know that
the god within me is my supply and nothing esle

i know i don’t h

need anything else and i know i don’t have to care
i love that i

never have to care i love that
i get to make the choice to feel good i love
that i get

can feel the magick within me i love
making the choice
to do the

to do the work i love
making the choice i love
that i get to choose how i feel i love

making the choicet o feel good and not
care i love that i don’ thave to care i love

that i don’t have to care i love that i
get to make the choicet o feel good and i get to feel in

of how i feel i love

getting up early and enjoying the day
i love that ther eis so my

much to enjoy i love
that i get ot say yes
to the flow i get to

say yes to the flow to the
feeling i get to make the choice
to feel good now i t

it feels good to feel good
to want to get up and feel the
of life flowing thorugh i love

that the flow is always flowing through me and i
don’t have to care about anything else i love
that i don’t have to care

i love that i get to feel good
for me i love that i et to

get to celebrate life
for me i love that i get to celebrate life
for me i love tha ti get to
feel good now i love tha til

life is good and i know
it can only

i love that i get ot make the choice
to feel good i love that i get o me

to make the choice to enjoy life
i love that i am doing the work and life
is helping me i love that life

helps me do the wrk
i love tha ti get ot me

to be in charge of how i feel i love
that i feel good i love
that i’ve let that go and i love that
i cam

am cultivating the feeling
of feeling love

i feel loved i feel good i feel t
he flow the flow flowing throuhg me

i feel good i feel loved

The focus is all that matters

I know where i put my focus
is all that matters and today i intend to focus
on my vortex

i know when i focus on when i don’t
want that it manifests into
something i don’t want i know when i look
at what i don’t want it make more of what i don’t want i know

today i can choose to feel good
and look for what i want to see today i am
looking for what i want to see i
am looking for what i want to see more of and i’m
not going to let anything distract me
away from my vortex

i don’t have to care i
don’t have to care i don’t have to care

its not worth caring i know its not
suffering about

so i decide to turn my focus to
what i do wnat to
feeling good and celebrating life
i know that’s my choice

and i make the choice i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good

i get to feel good and today i make the choice
to look for what i wnat to see i know that’s
all thatmatters and i know its my choice

to turn away from what i don’t want more
of i know i am the creator and its my choice
to create what i want to see i get
to create what i want to see and i get to
feel good now i love
that i can just let it go i love that
i don’ thavet o care i love

i am conscious of te inner
the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled witht he
light of truth

therefore my consciousness is
filled wit the light of truth

i know i get to make the choice
and the ocntrast
contrast helps me i know i get to
make the choice and the contrast helps me

i get to look for what
i want to see i get to look for what i want
to see and i know that part is easy i
get to look for

i can let it go and choose the vortex
and i know that’s all that matters i get to look
for what i want to see i get to look for
what i want to see i know

everything is vibrational and

everything is an indicator of a vibration
i love that
everything already worked out for mei love
that i get to look for what i want
to see i love that its
easy to focus on the versoin i p

i prefer i know all that matters
is focus and where i place it i love that i
get to feel good about myself
in this right now i love

that it just doesn’t matter i love that
i don’t havet o care i love that i
don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to care

i love that i can let it go
for my health

for my own health i intend
to let that thought pattern go

for my own health

not for any other reason than
i really don’t have to care

i really don’t have to care
so i let that go i let that
go i love that i’ve moved on i love
that i’ve let that go and i don’t have
to let it affect how i feel i love

that i don’t havet o care i love
that i decided not to care

for my health i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t care i love
that i g

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to choose my vortex an that’

and that’s all that matters
i love tha ti am aware i love
that i would rather feel good
than care

i love that life is good for me
i love that i get to choose not to
be butr hurt

i am grateful i’m not butt hurt
i’m grateful i love that i get to choose
i love tat i

i get to feel empowered about who i am
i love that i et to get to allow i love
that i am allowing the version i prefer
i love that i have the power to
create the version i prefre and

ignore the rest i love
that i have the power ot look for what
i want to see i love
tha tlife is working out for me i love tha ltife
is working out perfect for me

i love that life is good

i love client work!!
i love biking i love that we did it
i love snacks i love nashville

i love the flow i love the flow

i love the flow the feeling the feeling
the feeling i love the flow the feeling

i love doing the work i love
looking for what i want to see i love
that this work is my medicine

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity
therefore my consciousness is filled
with the light of truth

i love doing the work i love that it
always comes i love that it always comes i love
that i get to choose whati look at

i get to choose how i feel and
its easy to let it go its easy to let
go of resistnace

i love releasing resistance i love
that its easy i love that i get to
make the choie i love

i love when i get to make
the choice i love

when i get to make the choice i love
when i get to make the choice
i love tha ti get to feel good i love that
i’ve let that go i love that
i’ve let that go i love

that i’ve let that go and i don’t have to care
i let that go

for my health

i love that all my wishes are coming true

i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i get to choose wht i care about
and what i ceate more of i love
that it only affects me and i get to choose

i lift up my mind and heart to be aware to understand and
to know that the divine presence i am is the source and substance of all my good

i’m so happy to see what i want to see
to look for what i want to see to feel good to
wake up feeling good and make the choice to kee feeling
good i love doing me i love making the time to do me

taking the tie to do me i love that i know i am
the creator of time i love
that i know i am the creator of me i love
the better it ges i love
i love the better it gets i love
the better it gets

i love that its working i ilove that its working
i love that i don’t have to care i love that i get to
feel the feeling right now i love
that life is flowing perfectly through me
i love that life is flowing perfectly through me i love
that i get to choose life in this right now i love
that i get to choose
to celebrate life in this right now i love that life

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to pay attention to what i don’t want i love
that i get to create what i want i love that
this life is forme t

me to feel good i love
that i get to celebrate life right now i love
that i’velet that go i love
that i get to choose to feel how i want i love
that its not worth caring about i love
that i get to make
the choice

i love that i don’t care i love
that i;ve let that go i love starting
the day off right now i love that i
get to make the choice to feel good now i love
that i know its only me and how i choose to feel

i love that i get to celebrate life rght now
i love the better it gets i love
cultivating the feeling i love
practicing the feeling and i know its only one feeling and t
that is the feeling of celebrating life

i love that i can do it i love
that i get to make the choice to feel good now i love
that today is a great day i love
that i get to make the choice
to feel good now i love

my life i

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am is the source and substance
of all my good

i love enjoying life i love
summer music i love that i get to make
the choice to love and enjoy life love
i love that its my choice
i love that i get to let go and enjoy life
i love that i am letting life in

i love doing the work i love
feeling good i love feeling good i love
feeling good

i lift up my mind
and heart to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am is
the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

the source of all my good

how i feel is the source of all my good
and i know that i love that

that i can let that go i love
that ive let that go i love that i make
the choice to float i love that
i’m not nervous i’m knowing i love
the power of the focus i love
that i am loved i love
that i am loved

i love the power of the focus i love
doing the wrk i love looking for what i want
to see i loe that i know its only me
i love using the magick i love
that i am aware of my thoughts i love
letting go i love

catching my breath i love letting go i love
that i’ve been to mountain top i love
that i get it i love tat i know

if i RAM it it will come i ove

that i’m not nervouse
i’m knowing i’m not nervouse i’m knowing
i love that everything is working out for me i love
feeling good about who i am i love
feeling good about my life i love
that life is good i love
that life is good

i love the flow i love the flow

i love that i flow i love the
flow i love
the flow i love the flow

i love me i love the power of me i love
the power of this work i love that its easy
to tune myself to the vibration of source
i love cultivating the feeling within me
cultivating the magick i love
that i now all

know all that matters is the magick i love

enjoying that knowledge i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that its easy for me to not care i love
the better it gets i love
taking the big leap

into my zone of genius i love
that i can d it i love that i know
everything is an indicator i love
the power of the focus of the diligence i love
that i kno its only me i love

practicing the feelings i want to feel
i love that life i

is already perfect for me

i love the feeling of relief i love
the feeling of devotion to my vortex i love
the feeling of creating the version i prefer
i love t

making the choice i love making the choice
and knowing that life
only reflects vibration i love
making the choice
to drp that thought

for my health

i love doing the work
and elevating my mood i love
that i know i am


i love that i now i am god
i know i am god and i get to make
the choice for how my life unfolds i love
that i know i am
god in human form i love
letting god take care of
everything because god such su

does such a better job
i love that i’ve let that go
for my health
i love feeling good and trusting the flow i love

the power of the focus i love
the power of this work i love doing thiw

this work because it works i love

whre i am right now i love
that i don’t havet o care i get to choose
i get to chose the

the version i create i love
taht i am practiced at chooseing the

version i awant

i love that i am wealthy i love
that it works i love that the work always works
i love that the work always works i love
that i feel good i love doing the
only work that matters i loe that
i know that all that matters is how i feel
right now i love

cultivating my magickal powers i love
looking for opportunities to use them

i know i am the creator

its working its working its working
its working and i get to make the choice
i focus
on the single
thing i want
and i don’t make

what i don’t want

that’s all i can do i know
who i am i know i m

magick i amthe creator
and i

am here now i

i love that it’s working
i love that when i decide
to create the version i want
it comes i love

aware of my thougts i loe
eing aware

being aware i love
being aware i loe that
love that life is good
right now

right now
i love that everything is working out
i love letting it in
i love letting it

in i love

letting it in i love saying
yes i love making the choice
i love making the choice to

feel good no i love the power of the focus
i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence
i am is the source and substance of
all my good

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am
is the source and

substance of all my good

i love that everyone around us
is crushing it

i love that i know it reflects
mei i

i love that its easy to
come back to center i love making
the choice i loe making
the choice
i love

making the choice
i am here now i am here now
feeling the feeling
with you god and that’s all that matters

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware
to understand
and to know

that the divine resence
presence i am is the source
and substance

of all my good

i love this feeling
i love the feeling of feeling
close to god and seeing
my life reflect that

i love that i’m not
i’m knowing i love
that i get to chooe
i love the

better it gets

i love breaking teh
cycle i love breaking the
cycle ilove

breaking the cycle

i love being in charge of
how i feel i love
the feeling of floating i love
making the choice to feel
good i love that life
is good i love that

the work always wors i love
that life is good

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of
all my good

i love that its easy t
o let go i love that its easy t
o drop things and let them go d
i love that

its easy to create the version i want
i love when projects flow through me
i lovw i love working ot i love
my gum gym i love walking
i love my teeth i love my good

i love my computer i love my pets my wife my roomate
my dinner i’m about to eat i love my
website i love my clothes and my washer and dryer

i love the feeling of pure gratitude
i love that i am floting i love that
i feel good i love

hitting the ground running i love
that i wanted to work thismorning
i love that i was ready i love
that i wanted to get up i love
that the wife and i have been getting along so well

i love feeling good i love
being aware of what i am creating
i love i love giving up i ove
that i love that it just dosn’t matter

i love that all i have to do is
decide how i want to feel and then
feel that feeling and then life
surrounds itself with that feeling

i know who i am is the feeling i feel
and life is just an outpicturing of that
but the trueness of who ia m
is how i feel right now the
signal tat i

that i send i know i am
a signal i love that i knw who i am
i love that i’m not afraid to wake up
and trut the flow

i love that i know there is no such thing
as lack i love the feeling of floating
i love that life comes to me
i love that life comes to me i love
that life flows perfectly through me

every instant i know that it
can only reflect me so i choose the
feeling first i choose the feeling
of celebrating life

and then the rest comes i am
celebrating life in this right
now and that’s all that matters
i’ve let the rest go

i let that go i love that
i can let that go i love that i can
allow well being to flow
and i can allow myself to float through life

because i truly

know that i am taken care of i truly
know that i am taken care of i
truly know that i am taken care of

i love that its my choice
i love floating
i love giving in i love feeling love
and loved i love loving and feeling
loved i love that i know
that is all that mattes i love

i love making the choice
to focuso n th

on what i want and not worry i love
that i never have to wonder

i never have to coner
wonder if god is on my sid ei never
have to wonder if god is
on my side i never

have to wonder i love
that when i ask it is given i love
that life is fun because all
my wishes are coming

true i love leaning into the flow
and letting life take
the lead

turly truly letting go
and truly letting life take teh lead

i never have to wonder
i never have to wonder i never have to wonder
because its working its working
its working i love that its easy i love
that i did it i love that i did it

i love that i’m already wealthy

focused on the flow

and the version that feels
the best because it feels the
best and feeling good
is all that matters not

because it brings something else
but because i get to choose
that feeling that i think that thing
will bring

right now

i don’t need the thing i

don’t need the thing
just the feeling so i choose
the feeling the version that
feels best because
i want to fee my best

i love my blessed life
i love milking the feeling i love
that i get to look for what
i want i love

that life is good for
me i love getting along with lizz

i love brunch i love biking i love
time with my wife
i love

space between i love that
its all going my way i love
allowing it to come to me
i love doing the work
i love the powe of the focus

it always comes it always comes

i love that
what i ask for always comes
and i love feeling the
feeling i love that

life is good

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and life keeps on flowing perfectly through
me asit is
meant to and i love that i
get to celebrate life

i love that i get to
celebrate life i love that i get to look
for what i want to see

i kee my
keep my mind and thought off this world and
place my entire focus on the god within
as the

only cause of my prosperity

i know that i know the god within
is my

the only cause of my prosperity
and i know i get to look for what iwant
want to see i love
feeling good in my body i love

trusting the flow of life
i love that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to

feel good now

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world and place my entire
focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial

as the substance of all things

i place my faith in the principle of
abundance in actoin within me

i love that this
causes me to focus i love
being forced to focus on the
flow i love that
the flow alwys flow

i love that the flow always
flows i love tht the magick life
is always right in front of my face
and the more i

raise my vibration the better
i feel i love that i get to make the choice
to feel good now to look for what i want
to see i love that i get to make
the choice to look for what i want to see

i love that it always coes i love
that i get to choose the feeling first i love
that i get to feel the feeling first

i love that i get to feel the
feeling first

i love that the space creates i love
the power of the focus of the feeling
and i love that i know

its only me i love that
i get to choose to feel the feelign

now feel how i want to feel
right now

i love feeling the flow i love
uplifting myself i love

tuning myself to the vibration
of god i love that i get to feel good now i love
celebrating i love that i know

i am loed i love i love
that god loves me i love
that we get to have

fun i love
that i know life only reflects me i love
that life is alway giving me what iw ant
i love that i am open to flow
the flow

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world i love that i know
i don’t have to think about that thing
or create that thing i love that
there is alwys more than enough i love
that i get to look

for what i want to see i love
that i get to celebrate life right now i love
that i get to feel good now

i love that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to feel good now i love that life
is flowing perfectly through me
i love that life is flowing

i love that life is good i love
doing this work i love
that i know i get to feel good i get to feel
the feeling i get to act as if and allow life to
flow perfectly through me

i love the flow i love
that life is good i love that life is good i love
that everything always works out i love
that god knows i love
that it always comes

i love that it always comes i love
allowing it to come to me i love
that life is good i love that life
is good i love doing the wor

the good work i love
believin in myself i love
that i know i am always

exactly what i want i love
that i can do it i love that i get to
make the choice to have fun and feel good right now
to feel good in this right now i

get to make the choice to have fun
and feel good

i never have to believe in lack
i never havet o believe in lack and i know that i love that

there is always more than enough i love
that there is always more than enough i love
that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose i love that i get to make
the choice

i am focused in god mode
that means i feel the way god
would feel about it i love
that i know i am the creator i love

and feeling the effects of my practice i love
that there is so much to love i love
that teh

there is so much to love i love
that iknow its only me and the

degree to which i decide
to celebrate life i love
that i can feel the feeling
i love taking the big leap

i love doing the work i love
celebrating life i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love

that life is good i love
feeling good i love this
rightnow i love

this right now i love
the power of the focus

i’m not nervous
i’m knowing

i know there is no rush and that
life is always giving me exactly what i want i know
i get to have fun i
get to have fun and celebrate life i love

that i get to feel the
feeling of how i want to feel and i

only i

get to dictate
how my ife unfolds

i love that i get to
decide exactly how my life
is and then the celebrate the


i love that i don’t have to
believe in anything i don’t want to
i love

that all the contrast
helped us focus

and now i am feeling more magicla
than ever i love allowing the magic
to flow i love looking for it i love
believing in it i love that i know i am

loved i love allowing the
love into my life i love
that we are writing
instead of drinking

i love feeling goodi k

i know this is what i want i love
that i know i love
that its easy to feel good about msyelf
i love feeling fo

good at life i love
feeling good at life i love
feeling the feeling of life flowing
through me i love

that iknwo i love
that i get to celebrate

i love that life is going my way !!!

i love that its taht easy t
o change the omo

momentum of a thought

i love tuning myself i love
that i know i am magical i love
that i get to choose
i love

that i get to choose

i love that god always knows
god always figures it out i love
that life is good and all that matters
is the feeling the magick signal

and everthing else is fake

i can choose to create the version
i prefer