i can choose to interpret life how i wish

it feels good to feel good
and i get to make the choice i get to choose
how i feel i even get to choose
other people’s intentions

i get to choose and i choose
the other side of the wave i choose
the side of the wave

i choose the side of the wave i want i love
that i get to choose the flow i get to choose
the feeling and the feeling is all that matters
i know that what i look for i see
and when i feel bad

i push things away i know i already
made it i know i already have everything i could possibly need

i know i love that i don’t have
to care i love that i get to celebrate my life
in this right now i ove t
i love that i get to feel good
right now i love that i know life
already worked out for me

i love that i know life already worked out
for me i love the power of the focus i love
the power of the focus i love
the power of the flow i love

the in and out of life i love

i keep my mind
and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus
on the god within as the only
cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my affairs
as the substance of all things

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me

i love feeling the flow i love
the power of the focus i love the power
of the focus i love

the power of the focus i love
that i’ve moved on i love having fun i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that its

easy for me to move on
and not be attached i love
that we left on good terms
i love that i am loved i love
that its an

indicator i love that i know
i am loved i know i am loved

but i’ve let that go
and i don’t have to care i am releasing
old patterns in my life and i know
i don’t have to be


to be validated

i knw that it comes from
wtihin and i get to choose
the feeling i get tcho

to choose how i feel and
when i choose that feeling
the flow wol



when i send the signal of yes
the universe responds with yes
and i know the best thing
i can do is not care so

i transmute the energy into good feelings
good feeling energy i choose the
way i want to feel about that
and i don’t have to let it make me feel bad

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world becaues i know i am the creator

i get to c hoose how i feel
and i get to choose how the world
unfolds in from on

front of me i love that i
get to choose the feeling i love
that i get to choose
the feeling i love that i don’t have
to care i love

that i get to choose i love
i love that i get to choose
which side of the wave i focus on and the
affects how i feel and how i feel

affects my life
so i make the choice to feel
good about that

to make the choice to align myself with the side
of the wave the side of the wave
that feels good i love that i get to make the choice

and refuse to suffer i love that i get to make
the choice to refuse
to suffer

i love my life i love the
good life i love waking up feeling good i love
when i get to make the breakfast i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to feel good about

me i love that i get to life my life
as me feeling good feeling free i lo

all that matters is ram

i love that i know all that
matters is my singular focus on
god on the god sound on


i love that i know that
and that everything else is
flowing perfectly throughme i love
that the contrast helps me
feel good i love that the

contrast helps me focus i love that this
is the only work that matters

i love that i don’t even care
i love that i don’t have to
have my feelings hurt i love
that i get to feel good and
believe in myself

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am in the flow of
life allowing god to take
care of everything

i am at mountain top

i love that i know life
is flowing through me life is flowing
perfectly through me and i now life
i know life
always works out for the

best i know life always works
out for the

through my consciousness of
my god self the christ within
as my supply

i draw into mymind and
feeling nature hte
the very substance of spirit
this substance is

my supply thus my consciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply

when i am
aware of the god self
within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i know i am totally fulfilled in this
right now i am totally fulfilled

right now i am
totally fulfilled

i amnow aware
of this truth

i have found the secret to life
an can
relax inthe knowledge
that the activity of divine
abundance is eternally
active in my life

i simply have to be aware
f the f the

of the flow

the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now
in theflow

i love that i don’t have
to care i lov that
i am practiced in to the
flowand know that
god loves me and is takig

care of me i love
that i know god is taking
care of me i love that i now life
is going my way

i love feeling good
in this right now i love
that inow

the flow is always flowing
flow is always flow the
flow is all

here with me right now i love
that i know the

flow is always with me
i love that i know the magick
is helping me

turn toward god

the god lif ei love
that i know i know the good life
the god life i love

that i know the good life
is the god life i love
that i get to choose to
feel good about myself i love

that my vortex

is enough

i love that i know its
all me i love that i know its all
me i love leaning into the flow
i love

leaning into the flow

i love that i know i love
that i get to choose knowing ilove
that i get to choose knowing
i love

that i know the
fow is al

is always flowing i love
that i don’ thave
to care i love that i know

i know i am
the creator i love that i know

all i have to do

can do is look for

to appreciate

i know that;s all there
is to it i love that iknow i love
that i get to feel

the feeling i lov that

that its working i love
that i feel good i love
feeling good for me i love

making the choice to feel good
i love

tuning my vibration i love
doing the only work
that matters

i love doing the work
i love trusting the flow
i love


the flow i am here now
i m loo

am looking for what i want to see i am
looking for what i want to see i love
that i get to

i love that i get to look for
what i want to see i love

enjuoying enjoying

the process of life

i love ejoying

enjoying the process of life
i love where i am right now i love
where iam
right now i love doing this
work i love doing this

work i love that

life is good and i know it
i love that i know i never have to
wonder i love that i know

god loves me i love that i
get to choose the feeling and
that’s all that matters i love
that i get to choose and i love
that i am getting

better and better at making the choice

i know i am the creator
i know i am the
creator and its my choice what i create

i know i dn’th

have to hold my
breath i can turst the
the porcess

process of life i acan
allow i can alow the flow

to flow through me i can allow the flow
to flow through me

i love myself i love myself i love myself and i love
my reality and i now that

that is all that matters

i love myself and i love
my reality and that is all that
matters i love myself and i love

my reality i love
feeling good and leaning
into the flow

i feel good now

through my consciousness of my
god self

when i am aware of the
god self within me as my tota fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this
truth i have found the
secret to life and can relax in the
knowledge that the activity
of divine abundance is

eternally operating
in my life

i simpl have to be awre o

the flow the radiation
of creative energy
which is continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth

from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i m now in the fow

i love that i am in the flow i love
that i am in the flow
i love that i am in the flow

i love that i am in the flow

i love myself

i love feeling focused
i love
feeling focused i love
feeling the feeling of
believing in the version i prefer
i love that i know it
can only reflect e

i love the ower of steadfast
to the vibration i want
to feel

i loe doing it for me
i ove

love that i

get to choose
i love that i get to choose
love that i
get to choose to le
t it come to me i love
that ii

i get to let that
go let all of that go
i love
that i already made it i love
that i already have

everything i need i love
that i am totally fulfilled
i love that i know i am already
totally fulfilled
i love that i already made

i love that life is good
i love that i get to choose the
life i lead i love that i
get to let go and make the choicet o
feel good now i love that i
feel good now i love
that i love that i love

that i know i love that
i’m not nervouse i’m knowing i love
i love that i get to send the signal of yes
i love doing the work
this work the only work
i love the
better it gets i love

better i feel about myself
the better i feel i love
that it always coes i love
sending the signal of yes

i love that i get to feel successful
i love that i get to look for what i want i love
that i l

i love that i ove myself
i love that

life is going my way i llove
that life is going

going myw ay i love
that life is going my way

i love that

life is flowing to me
i love the power of the focus i love
that i get to choose the
god self within me i love
that this is my work i love that
everything already worked
out for me

i love doing me i love
believing in myself i love
looking into the flow

i love looking

i love that life is going
my way i love that i
get to hold that feeling in
myself and nothing can stop me
i love feeling new love

i love that i know i never
have to wonder becaue god

god is always taking
care of me i love that i’ve let that
go and am living in the now
i love that i can simply

send the signal of love
send the signal of yes i love
that its all working out

i love that its all going my way

i love that life is going my
way i love that i feel good about
myself i love that i
love my life i love that i get to
say yes to the flow

i love that

i get to say yes
to the flow

because i am here now
i love that i get to lean into
the flow i love
that i get to lean into the flow
i love

that i get to feel the feeling
i love that i get to feel the
feeling i love that i get to

to feel the feeling i love
that life is good i love

that life is good i love
that life is good i love
that life is good

i love that i get to

do the work
practice the feeling
of yes and know that

is all that matters
the magick is all that matters
the choice is all that matters
i love that i get to feel good
i love that

i feel prosperous i love
that i feel good now i love
that life is good right now i love
that i’m not

i’m knowing

i’m not nervous
i’m knowing i love that i get to
feel good and celebrate my life i love
that i get to enjoy life

i love that life is good right now
i love

being at mountain top

i love living at mountain top
i love feeling good about myself
i love looking for what i want
to see i love looking for what
i want to see i love

that i am brave enough to create
the reality i want to see i love
looking for what i want to see

i love doing the work
i love being a creature of god i love
allowing the feeling to flow
through me i love that i get to

feel good no matter what i love
that i feel good now i love that
my heart is singing i love

that we have money!

i love that our bills are paid
i love that i get to choose i love

the focus is flowing through me
i love getting to do this
work i love that i get to choose
and never have to wonder
i love that life is good

i love having great vendor relationships
i love that i know there is only one flow
and its of well being i love
that i get to choose to feel good now
i love

being my best self i love
being my
best self i love
being my best self

i love
that the more i let
go and allow the more
it flows i love

i know the universe god
my order i love looking for
what i want to see

i love that i don’t have
to wonder i love
that i know god is my supply
and when i send the signal of god

i see god i love that i now

i know

i love that i know
that i know i love that i know i love
i know i love that i
get to choose me i love
that i

get to choose me i love
that i get to choose the flow
the feeling i love
that i get to choose

the feeling of the flow

the feeling

the focus is all that
matters the feeling is all
that matters and nothing
is worth
coming out of the
vortex coming

away from god so
i make the choice to believe in the
version i prefer
and then

allow it to manifest

i am aware of my thoughts and the
version i am creating and

i am aware
of the version
i am creating i am
aware of the
god solf


self lfowin
flowing thought m
e me as my only

source of abundance
i now my supply
is the feeling i know my
supply is the

the feeling how i feel is
what dictates my life
and i can choose the

choose the version i prefer
instead of what i don’t what

i am looking for what i want to s
ee and i am at moutain top

i have been to mountain top
and i now now

i know i’m not nervous

i’m knowing

i know everything
is unfolding
as it should and that girngs
me peace

i feel peace within
knowing that everything
is unfolding perfectly an i
dn’t have

to get in the way
i love that i get an
to enjoy life

with frends

friends and family

to celebrate

i love the power of the focus
of the flow of the choice i love

the power of the choice
to feel good to lean inot the

into the flow i love the

to look forw hat i wan t
want to see

i look for what i want
to see and i create the
version i want i know the
only thing that

is my connection with god
is feeling the way god
feels and i do this work

to practice the way
god feels iknow i am

can control life with my
focus i know its
all about the focus i know i can
do it
witht he fl

focus i know

i know its only me

i know its the feeling i know
i make the choice to feel good
andl ife floo

follows i

i love the reason to
i love positive stress
i love that i

get to feel the
feeling of knowing

that everything is unfolding
and i never have to wonder

i can just love i love
the feeling of just loving

the feeling of knowing
the feeling of knowing

is all that matters

so grateful to
get to focus so grateful for the
flow for the magick of life

so grateful for the

of lie

the focus is all
that matters because
it can only refelct
me and i am god
so the more i commune with god
the more

prosperous i am

i love that i can choose
love i love that i get to c
get out of the way i love

that i know that only thing
i can do

is get out of the way and choose
the feeling the

feeling of god
is all that matters

the focus is all that
matters the acting as if

the acting

ready to let that go
and move on with my life

in the vortex

i’m not nervous

i’m knowing i know that
the flow is always flowing and when

i send the signal of
yes the universe shows
me yes

i am brave

i have the courage
to look for what i want
to see to believe in
the version i want to see
and know that

none of it matters

i feel good i am celebrating
this day and nothing can stop me

i am looking for reasons to
love this day and nothing
can stop me i feel good
i feel the feeling the feeling
of me that

is what i seek i know

to remember

it just doesn’t matter
and i don’ thave

to care about anything
nothing matters and i don’ thave
to care i

can simply

enjoy this right now
it feels good to remember
i don’ thave

to worry i can just
get out of the way
and allow life
to ahpp

happen i can give up
and joyfully go dabout
my life


that i am taken care of

today i inten to
enjoy this right now
and let god take care
of the


i intend to to
to know i am

i send the signal of
knowing t
and that’s all that matters
i am

brave enough to look for
what i want to se

and it feels good to
feel good that’s the

real on ly
reason is because it feels good
to feel good it

feels good to let go
and just love to aloow
allow the love of god
to l

flow through meit feels ogo

good to look with love
to take
the time to do me

to make the choice

to come back to center

to be the fullest
version of myself in this
right now

it feels good to make
the time
to feel good in this right now
because now is

all that matters
i love this rightn ow
and it loves me

i celebate

celebrate this day
and allow it to fun
and easy i allow
life to be fun and easy

i know that life is fun
and easy i now that
life is fun and easy and i make
the time to

practice the signal i love
doing the work i love
taking reps

responsibilty for
what i want to see
and how i feel
i love

allowing myself to look
for what i want to see

i love that i am awre
of my thoughts and

that they are all


i love tht i get
to chose
and its tat

that easy i am
brave enough to make
the choice

i am brave enough to make
the choicet o do this
work and allow
god to flow

to celebrate knowing
i am already rich
with gods love

and that feels good

I love my charmed life

I love that i am
over the moon i love allowing the magick of life to
flow through me i love

gtd i love leaning
into the flow i love
leaning into the flow
and know that i
will feel good no matter what
and that god

will be here with me i love
that i can breath easy i love
letting that
go i love that i now

its my choice

i love my family
chosen and given i love
that i am loved i ove
love that i feel
loved i love
that life i sgood i
love that we actually

made money at an

i love knowing
that i am not human i love
that i know i am god
and i a

simply get to make
the choice to allow the
vesion i

version ip ref

prefer i get to make
the choice

i love who i am
right now i love
who i am
right now i love
this moment
right now i love

life is perfect in this right now

i love how far
we’ve come in a year
i love that

its working i love

that i can do it i love
that the flow can do it i love
that i know i am god i love
that know

the power of the
focus i am here and now and i know
that i am creating

all this

already created it i know i already
created it iknow i

i know i already
created it

i love that life
is good in this right now

the divine conscioiusness
that i am is forever
expressing its true nature of

this is its responsibility not

my only responsibilty
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally
confident in letting go and
letting god

appear as the abundant all
sufficiency in
my life and affairs

divine consciousness

i am celebrating
the fact that
i am divine consciousness
the divine
that i am is forever
expressing its true

nature of abundance

this is its
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of
ts truth

therefore i am
totally confident

in letting go and letting
god appear as the
abundant all suffi

in my life and affairs

i love that life is
good i love that life

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever
expressing its true nature
of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this
truth therefore
i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i love that i feel
good i love that its spring
i love that i can
choose to cultivate the
feeling within myself
i love that i can chosoe

love and that it always

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing
its true nature
of abundance


is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant
all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i love letting go
i know the more i let go
the more it flows i love
doing the work and

feeling better i love
coming to center
i love coming to lotus

i love that iknow
the true nature of who i am
i love that i know this
is my wor i love

i love taking the
big leap

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever
expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility is
to be
aware of this



i am totally confidnet

in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant
all suffiency in my life and


the flow is always flowing
the in and out of life

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its
true nature
of abundance

this is itrs
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident
in letting go and letting
god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in
my life and affairs

i’ve let go i
let go and i amallowing
god to flow
through me i know
i can refuse to suffer
i can

focus on gd and allow
god to flow through me iknow that
is all there is

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing
its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of
this truth

there fore

i am totally confident in
letting go and letting go
appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

today i intend to have laser

laser focs and that’s
al t

all that matters is the laser
focus today
i intend to let go
of throughs that

thoughts that make me feel
bad and allow myself to simpl coa

coast through life

i refuse to suffer and
i make the choice
to go to moutain top to live
at mountain top i know the
signal i send is
what i receive and its ies

easy to let go
to send the signal of yes
of ease to feel calm in my life
i know i am calm

and knowing

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing

its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear
s the abundant
all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance this
is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is
to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

here and now
is all that matters

here and now

here and now
here and now

i can do it

i can take the big
leap adn celebrate this
here and now
celebrate my magick

i can choose to
believe int he version i prefer

i can choose to believe in
the magick of life

i can choose to celebrate
i can choose fun

the focus and the feeling are all that matter

it feels good to
get there to let go of
old patterns to allow
new ones it feels good
to feel good about
who i am to wake up
feeling good

to be aware of my thoughts
feelings and emotions
it feels good to
do it for me it feels good
to do it for me

it feels good to know to
choose the feeling of knowing
i love my easy life
i love that everything is working out
just as i knew it would i love
that i get to feel good i love
that my ship alredy
came in i love

the feeling is all that matters
i choose the feeling and then
the rest follows i love
that i get to choose the
feeling right now i love that
i feel the effects of my practice i love

the effects of my practice
i love feeling the
effects of my practice ilove
feeling the feeling now becaue i now

i know that god
reflects me
and god is everyting

everyting reflects my vibration
na di love

and i loe

love being tuned in tapped in
turned on to that knowledge

i am here now
cultivating my energy
and allowing the best of life
to flow through me i

i am allowing the best
of life to flow through me

i don ‘t have to care
because i know life is flowing

perfectly through mei feel
good in this right now and
relax in the

the on

knowledge that
the magick is flowing
through me i

get to make the choice
i get to make the choice
i love

that i get to send the
signal of who ia m
i love that i get to

i love the flow
of life i love the feeling
of certaintly i love

i get to choose
to cultivate the
feelings within me which
i want to see

played out in my
physical reality and
then the universe takes
care of teh

rest i love
shedding the old
version and allowing
the new version to floursih

i love that this is my life
i love that everything already
worked out for me i love

feeling the effects of my
practice i love
hearing my heart sing

i love the feeling of
knowing i love the
feeling of my heart singing

i love that i already
have what i want
i love that i can let go of
all attachment in my life and
celebrate what i have
i love that its easy to

cultivate a feeling
of knowing within me i love that
its my choice i love
that i know it can only
ever reflect me i love
that i know the truth and i am
brave enough to live it

i am brave enough to live
it and every time i

drop a thought pattern

i am showing

how brave i am
i showing faith

in the universe iknow
my power is in my letting go i know
my power is in how i feel
and i


my inner supply is
instnantly and constantly
takes on form nd experience ccor

according to my
needs and desires and
as the principle of
supply in action my

it s im
impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled
needs or esires

i knkow this is true

i know

all that mattes is the
feelingo f knowing within me
i know it

i know that is all that matters
i love letting go and letting
god do the work i love
the feeling of trusting god i love

that my only job is to cultivate
a state of peace within mysef

i now this is all that matters
i can let the rest go i know the
knowing comes with practice and
the more i

exercise the
feeling of knowing

the feeling

knowing i love that life
is good i love

that i know the
i know i am god i love
i know

i am god i know
i am god i know i am god i know
i am god i know

i m god and
my power

my supply is through
the knowing of the

that can

and i don’t have to
care what anyone else thinks

i can allow myself
to be patient and compassionate

with myselfl

i love that i’ve let that
go i love that i know i already
have what i need i love
allowing myself to relax in this

moment ad tru

and truly enjoy it

i love that this omoent


i am here now in
this moment and i know this
is all that matters
it feels good to feel good

to get there to feel good
to get there to know
there is only thisr giht now

to focus on

to focus is all that matters
to knwo i am god to know t
hat the feeling of knowing
i am god

is all that matters

the feeling of knowing i am
god is all that matters is

i am here now


i intend to drop it

drop the thought

intot he abyss

and assume mt
my personal power as
god it feels good

to know my god self
to celebrate life in this
right now and know

my god self to know
that i get to choose

to be my god self

my inner supply instantly and
constantly takes on forma nd experience
according to my needs and desires

and as the principle of supply in
action it is impossible
for me to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form and
experience accordingto my needs and desires and as te

the principle o fthe

supply in action
it is impossilbe for
me to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires

my inner supply
instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience
according to my
needs and desires
and as the principle
of supply in action

it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires

the focus feels good

the god feeling good
the god feels good god

god feels good flowing through
me it feels good to direct my foucs
to feel the feeling
to make the choice
to feel myself making the choice

i love the flow i love
tat i get to celebrate
this day i love that i get to celebrate
this day this
right now this

i love the power of the focus
i love that i get
to know that money is not my supply i love
that iknow

feeling first
i become it then i see it i love
the magick life i love
that its working i love
that its working
i love that as soon as
i look for it i see it i love
creating the reality

i love the power of the focus i love
doing the work i love

celebrating life and leaning into the flow

all i do is win i love
that life reflects me i love
that all i do is win i love
that i all i do is win i love
that i get to

allow the magick o flife
i love
that i know i love doing the work

i love that its easy to
let go i love that

that i get to celebrate this right now i love
the magick is flowing i love
that life is good i love
that i get ot make

the choice i love
that i ge tto feel good today
i love
that i know all my wishes
are coming true

thank you thank you thank yo
thank you thank you
thank you
i love that its working

i love that the flow is always

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love that i am wealthy i love
that when i look for it
i see it i love that
when i look for it
i see i love

that i get to look for what i want
to see i love

excited to do the work

excited to do me
excited to feel teh feeling
the feeling of god within m
eand know

this is my source

excited to take the
big leap i know i can do it
i know i can live life for me
and be my own reason

excited to allow the god
self the flow through

first i become it
and then i see it but
te s

the seeing it
doesn’t matter
only the becoming

and i am allowing myself
to be the best version of myself

allowing myself to feel
the god self in this here and now

here and now i know i am

mone is not
my supply no person place
or condition is my supply

my vortex is my supply

and the more i tune myself
to the vibration of source
the better i feel i love
that i get to choose how i feel
i love

that i love my wife il ove
that we get to have a good day

i love solutions i love
smoothies i love
coffee i love
rice and beans i love that i
don’t have to care about that

anymore i

love the flow i love
that the flow is flowing
through me i love
that all my wishes

are coming true i love
that ig et to
o feel
to feel prosperous i love

leaning into the flow i love

feeling prosperous i love
doing the wro

this work the only work
that matters and the more i tune

myself to the vibration
of source

the better i feel i know

all i ever want is to feel
close to source and i can do that


i can always feel
the love of god and that’s all

i love that i get to feel
the feeling choose the feeling first
and i don’t have to be

afraid i choose the
feeling now
first i become it

then i see it

i get to choose what i look
for i get to choose how i feel
i lift up

my inner supply
istantly and constantly takes
on form and experience
according to my needs
and desires

and as the principle of
supply in action it is impossible
for me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

i love that i’ve let that
god i o

i love that i can
come outo f

of it

shed that skin and grateful
to the contrast that finally
helped me release that
pattern in my life

i am grateful to turn my focus
within and allow myself to be my reason

it feels good to let go
to release attachment

i don’t have to care
what hapens i get to choose
to be happy no mater what
an the feeling i direct toward life

is what i get back

it feels good to shed a skin
to remember who i am to remember who i am
to come
back to god to the vibration

of source if

it feels good to walk the

to remember that
my enjoyment of life
is based


on me

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form and
experience according to
my needs and desires

and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

it feels good to completely
get out of te way

the way to refuse to think about
ahtt too

to get out of the way
i know i can et

get out of te way
the way to allow that
to unfold it feels good
to feel the feeling

to now

to know this

is the only wor k

that matters

i feel blessed i feel wealthy
i feel abundant

i feel loved

i love looking for what i want
to want to see and then i see it
i love that there is always more
than enough

there is always evidence

of what i want to see i love
tuning my thoughts and vibration
to the feeling

of source i lve that i know life is good

i love
wanting to enjoy life wanting to
feel the flow to get themost
out of life

to celebrate life and

every day and know that life
celebrates me

it feels good to celebrate
life it feels good
to celebrate

life to lean into the flow
to ceb

become the feeling and get
out of the way

it feels good to let it
go to completely let it go and lean into
the lfow it

it feels good to allow it
to say i am ready

i am ready to feel the
feeling i am


i know i can do it

i know i can create
any version i want i know
that life can only

reflect the feeling
the signal of god

so when i send the sigal

signal of god i know
no matter what happens
it is god

i love doing the work
and letting my life go
to god

i love doing this
work clearning out

m ene

my energy and sending the signal
i love

feeling grateful i love
that its easy t

to turn my focus to feel loved
and to refuse to think about
something it feels good
to get out

of the way completely

to know my magick
is in my letting go my

power is in my letting
go i know my power is in my
ability to let go

i love that i’ve learned that
i love feeling my heart sing i love

refusing to suffer i love
loving this right now i love
that i am

not nervous
i’m knowing

i’m not nervous
i’m knowing

i’m knowing
i know god is flowing
through me doing the
work and my job
is not to do
it is to allow

and i am free
to roam and allow
god to do the rest

my job

is to celebrate life
and celebrate the god energy that
is always flowing through me

t feels good to
focus in the flow

tuned in tapped in turned on

it feels good to vroop
vroop to lean into the flow to say
yes to open myself up to
it to know the flow is
always flowing and lean into the flow

it feels good to have
the singular focus
of god it feels good to do me
and allow the flow of life
to flow through me
it feels good to fcus

focus and do the work

money is not my supply
my consciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply

i love new friends i love
artists i love collaborating
i love goodwill i love good

i love the flow i love

that we can afford conveinence

i love coke i love
my cats i love i love
that there is so much to love
that i love that it is

easy to raise my vibation
to focus on the
versoin tha t

feels good

i love feeling focused i love
that i am here now
feeling the feeling and that’s
all that matters
i love that i am here now
feeling the feeling
and that’s

all that matters


singular focus
not worry not
racing my mind around
i dn’

don’ have
to do that i can realx
in this right now and

know that it already is

i choose unwavering
focus i choose

unwavering faith i know that is all that matters
and i know it

comes with focus i know
i know the faith comes with focus ilove
that ig ett

get to choose to feel god

about that and te more
the mfore
the more i choose to feel good

the better i feel i love
that i get to celebrate life right now
lean inot the flow
and decide to celebrate lfe

life for me

i love doing the work i love
believing in myself and knowing
my god self i love that i know its
only me i l

i love doing the work and
remembering who i am i love
sending the siganl for what i want

i love that it
always undo

unfolds i love
that it always unfolds

the flow

i love the flow i love doing
the work trusting the flow
leaning intot he flow
and deciding

making the choice

im not

not nervous

i’m knowing

i’m not nervous

i’m knowing

i love that there is so much
to allow i love that its
eay to

to allow i love that i
don’t have to wonder i love
that iknow

god is on my side i love
that i know everything is
going my way i love
that i get to choose
to float i love
that i

don’t havet o o

to wonder i can simply
choose to float i love

the easeir it gets
i love tha ia m

i love that i am floating
i love that its easy
to float easy to allow the process of life to flow
through me i love
that its easy to send teh sgianl

i love doing the work

i am here now doing teh
work and i know i never

have to be nervous
because i am god and
whatever i think about
i bring about

i love that its taht
easy i love that i

never havet o wondr

to wonder because life
can only reflect me i know i never have to wonder
because life can only reflect me i love that i

get to feel good now feel the
effects of my practice i love
feeling the effects of my practice i love


releasing resistnace i love
feeling practiced inthe flow
i love believing in myself
i love that i get t o

to choose the signal of

certainty i love
that the contrast hleps m

me focus i love
that i never have to wonder
i can be sure that
the world

will always reflect the signal i send i love
tha ti get to feel good about that

life is easy!!

i know life is easy i know!!

i make the choice and i send
the signal

i act as if i act as if

i am here now

i have let go of
caring about hings
things and am simply
observing so that
i can

discern preferences

i love pizza i love

coupons i love when the

wife is happy i love
when the wife happy i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to

feel good now i love
choosing faithin i love

i love that i never have to wonder i love
that i get to

choose my my god
within i know my supply
is my connection with the god within

i’m not nervous
i’m knowing i know god is always
taking care of me

so gratefl the flow helps me
focus and know whe

that i am


i know god is always taking care
of me i’mnot

wondering if i am
going to get what i want

i know

i never have to wonder i simply
choose knowing
i’m no


i’m knowing

the flow is knowing
and i have the focus
i have the laser focus on
the version i prefer

i choose the laser focus
and then i feel better

i choose

the laser focus
i choose the

laser focus i

choose to focus on the
version ip refer

and life is easy i know

inever have
to wonder i know i never have
to wonder i am
simply relax and allow i am a

allowing the flow to flow
through me i am


i dn’t have
to be afraid

i’m not nervouse
i’m knowing

i’m not nervouse


and i know i can feel
my way there i can

believe in myself
and feel my way there
i can lean into the flow

and its easy to lean inot the flow
i dn’t h

don’t have to wonder
i can choose faith
and gratitude i get o look for
what i want what i am grateful for
and i know its easy to choose
that feeling right now

it feels good to wake up feeling good

to make the choice to have
a good day to make the choice
to celebrate this day
it feels good to celebrate this
day and know that

life can only reflect how i
feel within

it feels good to know that
life is flowing perfectly through me
it feels good to make
the choice to practice
to feel good to celebrate this life
and know that i get to tell
the story however i want

grateful for how far we’ve come

grateful for how far we’ve come
grateulf i can
always goo

look for the best grateful its
hard for me to feel bad because i am looking
for the best grateful i know


to feel the feeling of knowing
to choose knowing to recreate
myself in this moment
as knowing and i know that’s all that matters
i know all that

matters is this work i know
all that matters is the flow
and i am in it i love doing the work
i love when i trust the flow
i love how far we’ve come

i love
how far we’ve come i love
that life is good i love
doing the work i love that i know

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing activity

of the divine mind within me is my supply
my consciousness of this truth is
unlimited thereofre my

supply is unlimited

i know all that matters is the feelng
how i feel what i expect i know i am magick
i know i have the pweor


power to cultivate magick within
myself i know i am magick i know life
is going my way i ko

i know that everything is
going my way i know i am magick i know
i am god i love

knowing i love feeling teh
excitement of god flowing
through me
i love feeling the
the flow is always flowing
and i knw it

i know it is i know the flow
is always flowing i know the
flow is always

flowing i know the flow is

within m

i know i don’t work my
way to feel good i feel myself there
i know

nothing is outseif of
gods reach i know that
when i ask it is given i know

when i ask it is given

i love doing the work i know the

that the flow is always flowing
i know when i ask it

it is given i am focused here now
in the vortex and allowing life to flow
through mei know

i know i am god and iknow
i know that life can only reflect the
vibration i dens

send i know its all vibration
i know its

only feeling and i get to
feel the feeling iw ant to feel

so grateful our books are finally making money!

so grateful to do the wrk
to feel the flow to make

to amekt

make the time to fele g
ood to know that all that matters

is how i feel

money is not my supply
no person place or condition
is my supply

my awareness
and knowledge of
the all providing
of the divine mind within my is my supply

my consciousness of
this truth is unlmited therefore

my supply is unlimited

i know my supply is unlimited because i know that erh
i know
its up to me how i feel

and my supply reflects that
i love that i know how to feel good
no matter what i lov elvii

living the magick life i love
allowing it to come
to come to me i lov that

that i can be a match to it i love tha t
i am a match to it

i am a match

i am a match to god i am
god an di know all that matters
is feeling the god self flow throug me

i love that i know i love
that i know i love that i can
tune myself to the vibration of source
i love doing the work i love

allowing god to do it

i love feeling my way there
i love that i know i love that
i can let go of everything esel

else because i have the god feeling
within me i love tha ti can

always choose to feel the
way i want to feel i love that

only life experience teaches i love
that only

life experience teaches i love
that there i sso much to love

money is no my supply
no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness understnading
and knowledge of the all providing
acticity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is
unlimited therefore my supply is unlimited

i love the do

never have to wonder
i simply get to choose i m
simply get to choose
and celebrate the
knowledge of my choice i love

that i get to choose to feel good now
i love that i get to choose
to feel good now i love

choose the flow the mgaci

magick of life
i love tha ti am good at

i am good at life i am
good at allowing the flow
and feeling good

looking for the best i can

i love that i get to choose
to feel good anwyay i love
that i get to choose to

enjoy life i love that
there is always the other side of the
wave i love

that or bisune

our business pays our bills

i love believing in myself i love
new leads i love feeling invigorated about life
i love feeling good about life i love
that i kno wlife i

i know life is good for mei know

i lov that i know life is good for me

i love that i get to simply allow

i am allowing the best of life to flow through me.