ive already tried thinking it to death

and now im brave enough to choose my power to choose the power
of me to choose teh feeling the feeling of me the feeling i prefer

im brave enought o chooseo

to choose the feeling first to know its me to know its me
that i get to choose it that i get to chooes it
that i get to chosoe it

that i get to choose the feeling first the atha
the more i know me the easier life unfolds
life is unfolding in my favor i knwo that all of life
is unfolding in my favor

and that’s the only feeling i need i ta
that i theo nly knoweldge i need and i get to get out of thew ay of the waryt

the rest
i get to choose teh flow of me the flow
of god flowing through me

the powre of knowin g i
i get to choose thep owr o k
of knowing i get to choose teh
power of knowin gi get to choose sce

security in god i get to choose to have fun
i get to

choose to have fun

i get to choose the flow the flow
the flow of life i get ot choo

to choose the the the flow of god
the relae for from those thoghts freedom from those thoughts knowin g
tha i would

i have to be able to live without this perosn

relief fromt hose thougths letting those thoguths tog

do oin

doing the owrk doing the fitnees budcae whta
i get to choose

i treid teverything else
and now i get o cho
to use my po

power i get to use my power i get to use
my power i get to ch

use my power i get to use my power

ive already tried thinking
it to death ive already tried the physical
and now i get to allow the magick

i get to allowt he magick i get
get to tired

ride the magick and not care what happesn

that is the magick i get to ride
the magick today i get to ride the magic
ig et

i get

i can always get dsi
distance distance frrom myi thoughts
and its up to me
what i think about i love that i know i
get to have fun that i dont have to

ick it up that i get to chosoe how i look at it
that i get to choosee th
to know that is put back together and i dont hav

to pick it apra ti
agian i get to just lovve i get to choose myse
fo i getto
to choose myself i

i et to hoose the magick instead
ig et o
i get to choose me instead instead i get to

choose love instead i get to

i already tried thinking it to death
and now i get to choose teh magi

the magick now i get to choose the
magick the magick

the magicck i
i an only ever choose

its so easy to let it go to
allo life

allow life to unfold each day
to ccelebrate

each moment life
knowing life is unfolding perfectly

its so esay to feel good to feel
the flwo to feel

to feel energized to feel happy
to now

not let a single thing touch to
me to knw that its always me its

its always
only ever been me its

only ever me its only
ever me if ever
i start to look outside of me
tis me

its me i feel the feeling th
and that’s athat’s all ai can do


and i know its true
how would you feel if you know


how would i feel if i knew i
how would i feel if i kenw

how would i feel if i knew h

would i feel if i knew if i kenw if i

if i knowe

i know howu
would i feel if i knew she loved me


its only ever me
that’s it

that’s it that’s it
its so eay
its only

me and i know im god

easy to remember im god
and whatever happnes happens

i love that i get to drive i lovet
aht i

i get to know i get to celebrate i

so grateful for the perspctive

for the help into the voex
so gratefl for the hlpe and t

that everything is i my favor
so graeufl i know loi
life is in my favor so

graeufl i nwo
tomorrow is my day
so grateufl
to do me
and feel good and get my work done and have a fun and flowing

so grateful to get it done so easy
so grateful for the flow flowing

for condifent
for the fow

to have fun doing it to love it
to be gratefl for the chance to do it
to feel

good doing it to get to do me
to get to do me to love

to choose love and know
know that life follows to
choose love and then life follows

and kno its that easy

i allwo life to flow through me
i allow love to flow

to and through me

i allo
i kow i

i choose i remember its me i

remember its me i choose my power
i choose th epower the poer

of knwoi g

knoiwng god is always on my se

my side life is always on my side

happnes and then i dont need any one thing
i knwo that god is always on my side

and i dnot ha

whatever happens is
in my favor i loe hat i know this and life
helps me focus i love that
life helps me i know that life helps me

i knwo that life

helps me i know that

life is always helping me
life is

always in my favor life love sme
and i get to deice how i see it
how i look ati ti get to decide how i see it

the space between

always solves everything and i love hat
that i know this i love that i know its eay i love i love that
i now that life is easy that its meant to be this eay

this way i love that i know the truth of life
and its eay to remember i know that tomorrow ill wake up feeling good

i feel good and its so easy
i feel good

and its so easy i feel good and its so easy
i feel good and its so easy

i trust i trust the flow the unoflidn
the unfolding all i can do is trsut the f
unfolding the unfilding
unfolind all i can do is trust the unfolding

its easy to feel good in

i feel good and its eay i feel good
i feel like myself i feel happy i feel happy

i feel the flow flowing through me i feel
the energy of life

flowin throughme

i feel the energy of life flowing through me
i feel the energy of life flowing through me

its so easy when there’s space

i already feel so mcuh better and
its just from not thinking certain thoughts and i know that
with one more day

i could be fixed again
i know that ti

i need time along and
alone and im grateful i know that i now that
if i can just be alone or awhile and recharge

i can feel so much better
it feels good to tand
stand up for me
it feels good to stand up for me

i love that i now its i know its only
me and i get to relax

relax in that i get to relax in that

its only ever me
and that’s a relief
its only ever me and that’s a relief

i love


there’s relief in knowing is
its me and i can blame all day but that wont
change the fact that its me

that ‘m aware
i’m aware i’m aware of the pattern i’m
of the pattern

i create every time and hey
maybe ill break it this time

at least im aware at least im
aware and im trying im trying to

be better??

accept me how i am??

trying to be secure
trying to feel secure

in my life and that’s all it is
trying to feel secure in my life and
that’s all it is

but its me its me

but its me and im aware

i know the solution and its so
easy and its what i siwh
wish i would have done al lthe

other times and i have time
to so

to do it now i have time
i can do it thism
time ic an save myself this time

i can be myself this time
i can

be myself this time

because i know its me
im blaming somone else but its me

its my attachment
its my attachment

its me its me its

knowing that someone likes me
and then

NEEDING them to like me

i’m aware

aware of the thirst i am aware of the
betty factor and i know th answer

is doing me

finding myself again
and i know that’s easy to do i know tisea y

its esy to do i know the real me is always

right here i kno the
real me is always right here

it’s me its’ me and i feel

i am aware i am awre that its no
one else and that this is what i do

literally every single time


i am secure in my life

am secure in who i am
i love that i am aawre i love that
i can
work thtrough it because i am aware

i kow that i need space and time
to remember myself to be myself

i know that and i do it
i know that and

and i make the time to work on me

its me and i can’t blame
anyone else

its the narrative i make up in my head

what is the part
that i know is true
that is true

no subjectivity

i’m worthless

im piece of shit im worthless im a piece of shit

no one loves me no one wants to talk bout
to talk to me

no oe wants to be around me no one wanst
to hear me complain about the same things over and over
one wants to be around me no

one can even stand to llok
look at me no one wants to smile at me

no one loves me

no one loves me

ut its

but its easy to let it go and not ccare
its easy to be aware

its me to know that its me to know that i chose to piick it up
i chose to pick it up and i g
can easily put it down i

i chose to pick at it i chose to pick at it
i chose to look for come

something wrotng and i take responsbi
responsiblity for that and i know that i c

i have to poer to just
leave it alone just leave it alone and
let it solve itself
let it resolved itself

i know the power of me and i can
always take it back

its always right there its always
right there its always right here

its always right here and i can
just choose

tired of choosing
i just want my life to be easy and fun

i miss my life being easy and fun
i just want my life to be easy and fun

my life is

easy and fun

i get tochooe me i

ge to choose me i can feel the disappointment
and allow it to pass

and allow my power to come
back to me

to remember who i am awh

what i am the powre of me it feels good
to allow the powr of me and know that

time and space
fill me back pu with
up with my power

i love that i pretended to care
but i really dont
and i kow that tere sonly
ever god flowing through me

and i dont havee to pay attention
to anything else

i know tis eay and i know

dong have dont have to cre i know
i know its easy and i dont
have to care

i love that i dont i love that ir eallyd ont

i love that i really dont
and i lovee that life hleps

hlife hleps me not car

its easy its eay to be aware

easy t

its easiier to choose not to think about it
than to think aout it
all day every day

to pick and pick and pick looking for something wrong
and i kno wthat is me i know thats on me

i know thats on me i know that i dont
have to

to htink about that i dont havet o think
about that irefu

refuse to suffer i refuse to suffer

i dont have to care

i have to refuse to care about anything
im tired of suffereing

and its time i stand up for myself

i love staning up
standing up for myself
and choosing to enjoy life
to allow

the energy of life to flow
through me

i know i can let it go
i know i can

let it go i can let it all go

dont have to care i don’t have to care

i dont

don’t have to care about anything
i don

don’t have to care about anything

i actually hate everyone and
everything i hate it i

i literally hate everyone

and everything

i hate trying i hate having o try
to feel good i hate

having to try to like people i dont hli

like having to try to love people
i dont have love

im tired of always having o try

im tired of feeling bad im tired of being mad
im tried

of being in a bad mood im so tired of eing in being in a
abd mood

of being crabby im so tired of being crabby all
all the time
of gine

being in a bad mood all the time
of hating everyone and everything around me

im so tired of hating everyting
of being mad at everything
i wasn’t like this

i wasn’t like this in the summer
and th

i know aht

whats causing it and i kno wthat

i love that i dont have to care

love that i know is ony
only me and i can take sp


tired of taking resposibility
i know i just need time

and time and space i know that i just
need time and sapce

and that time and space heals all
i know that time and space heals all

i know that time
and space heals all i know its only me

i know its only me
i kno wthat
i can just

release it all
nd just

kill myself
just chop off my heasd
that’s all i can do i

i know that all i can do is

is chop off my head

all i an

all i can do is chop off my head
its either that or go through life hating everyone

so tired of hating everyone
and every thing

so tired
so tired of it all so tired of it all

but i know the truth and
i can always come sb

come back

it feels good to cut the cord
to do the thing i know i should have

done all the other times
which is cut it loose and come
back to me

to know i dont know anyone e
anything that i can do whatever i want

i can allow freedom
to flow through me i allow freedome

i allow freedom

i allow freedom
i allow freedom

i allow freedom to flow
i allow freedomm to flwo

i allow freedom to flow

i dont care
i dont care what anyone
does what anyone says

it makes no difference

it doesnt matter what
anyone says

or does

or thinks

it makes no difference

it makes no difference

it makes no difference

i know im in there somewhere
i know

the real mae is in there somewhere

under all the anger


the real me is somewhere

there is a version of myself
that can enjoy life?

that can have fuN??

is ther??

is there a kind verion of me
is there a sweet version of me

i dont know i dont know i cant find it

i dont know where it is i dont think
its there anyone i cn t find it

is there a nice version of me

is there any love in me is there any love in me

i dont know

i’m sad

i’m disappointed im mad im tired of being mad

i know its me i nkow its me i give up i give up trying
ill just be mad and sad the ret of
rest of me life bc im tired of trying to feel good

tired of tying not trying not to love the
person i love trying not to care

being mad instead
being mad instead because loving her is too hard
because she dones love me back because i cant let her

becuae it will never be enough

i’m tired of being mad
i’m tired of being said


im tired of being taken for granted
im tired of being
for granted

i’m tired of fighting in my head

tired of arguing in my head m t
im tired of feeling bad im tire of feeling

i said
i dont want to i dont want to i
dont want to start again

i dont want to love again please
god dont make me dont
make me love again i didn’t want to i said no
i dont want to i tried not to

but then i did it again
i couldn’t stp i tried but i couldnt
i tried to block my heart i tried
to close it off but i couldnt and i
feel ag


fell again

the feeling is all there is

the feeling is all there is and i know it for a fact
just have to ask myself how i want to feeland th

and then i will just have to ask myself how i awnt to feel
and feel it and then know that’s all it takes

i love that i know this i love that i nkow that
i get to be happy hw

whatever happnes becausee it will be in my favor i love
that i now that life is alawys in my favor
i love that i get to live i love that i get t

to live love

i love that i never have to worry
that i get to trust life i love
that ic an al

always trust life i love that i
get to trsut life
i g

love that i get to trust the flow of life
that i get to feel the feeling of yes and then know ti

its is i get to feel the feeling of yes i get to

feel the feeling of yes
get to feel the feeling of yes

the feeling is all there is and
it precedes all experience

i know this for a fact and i know that
theo nly way to drive y life
is to drive it with the feeling

the feeling of celebrating life

theres only ever the feeling
and i get to feel it now i get to feel
the god self now i get to

feel the god self now i
a th

am the god self now and its eay

its eay to remem to do
when i remember this is all there is
the feeling is all there is

the feeling of celebrating life is all there is

feeling of celebrateing life
is all there is the feeling

celebrating life is

i knkow this feeling is all there is i kow the flow
is all there is
i know the

flow is all there is the feeling of god is all there is
the feeling of god precedes everything
the feeling of god

the feeling of god is everything
the feeling

of god is everyting the
focus is

all thre is the foucs ois
the focus
is all there is the
is all there is

the foucs
is all there is the feeling is all there is
and tis the more
the most important

the feeling is all ther is
the focus is all there is

and its all i can do
its o
the most

important and the easiest
i love how easy it is not
to look at anything

i love how easy it is to not care
i love how i

easy it is to allow life to ccome
to me i love that i know

that i’m allowing life
to come to me in

every moment
i am

allowing life to come
to me to flow through me

i allow life to

flow through me i allow life
and i allow myself to acccept it

the focus is all there is
the feeling is all there is the
feeling of knowing that i need only ask

the feeling is all there is
the tuning is all there is

the tuning is all there is the tuning
is all there is the focus is all there is the focus

is all there is

the focus is all there is the
focus is all there is
the focus
the feeling this feelign

the vortex is
all there is this feeling is all there is
the feeling is all there is
and the feeling
is here no matter what

the feeling is here no matter what

the feeling is
all there is the feeling is
all there is and i can access

the feeling no matter what

i can always find the feeling i wnat
i can


the feeling is all there is the feeling is all
there is and if i want to cch

enjoy my ife ih ve to choose
the feeling i have to choose the god f

vversion i hve to always choose the god
version i

have to always choose the god version
i h

to always choose the god version
i have to

always choos the god feeling
and the feeling

the god feeling is here om
no matter what happens outsiide of me

i know that wen

when i dont care at all
life unfoldes

perfectly i know no matter what
happens next its the perfect thing
and i can trust that

i love that
the feeling of trust i love the feeling
of knowing my power of knowing that

i get to choose i love the
feeling of getting to choose
i love that

i get to always choose the feeling
and then

there and therefore life
i get to chooset eh
feeling and threfor life i get

to choos teh feeling no matter what ahppens

or wher ei am or wher ei am
i get to choose i get to choose how i

how i feel i get to choose get to allow
the god self the god

feeling the f

the god feelin i

the god feeling the feeling of not caring about anything

ann di get to
take that with me wherever i go

i always have god within me
i always

know that i am god i always know
tat i am god
and ig et to choose it here and now

i get to bring it to every situration


i am god i get to be the god self i get to
celebrate the god self

here and now i can only ever dh
choose the god feelign and i love that i g
et to cchoose

not to cate
i love that i get ot
do this work and have a good day i love
that i get to celebrate life
knwoing that life is alays celebating me

i get to let go of eveyrthing and just knowing!

the feeling is easy

i get to wake up feeling good because i
trust life i trust the flow of life i trust the flow of life

and i know the truth

there is only one truth
and that is that the feelin precedes all of life
as long as i remember this truth
i am the master of this creation known as life i know
tis ony

its only ever me and what i look for what i e
expect what i feel i get tochoose
how i feel and thte the feeling drives the rest

i come here because this is a fitness
and i want to keep it up i wan to

to keep up feeling good and remembeirng that
all ic an ever do i

is releasae is not lookat it

all i can ever do is not look at it i know this
i know this
i celebrateknwo
knwoing this that

the only thing is the easiest thing
and the hardest thing bu mostl

easiest thing and that snothing

i know that all ican do
all i can ever do is nothing
and i c

i drive life with how i feel i drive life
with ow i f

how i feel i drive life
with how i feel i dreive life with how i feel

i choose it and then it is and i come
ehre to keep

up with that fitness

the fitness of the powr of me the power of the
feeling p
the power f

the poweer of choosing the feeling i prefer
the p

power of choosing the feeling i prefer
the power

fo choosing loe
loe the poweerr of choosing love hte

the poer

the power of this fitness
of the relae
the release of choosing the feeling of choosing the

release of rmembeirng
the one single tr

truth tht its only eve me
that its only ever meand a

and all i a
can ever do is not look atis

let the light of myself shine
on all that is knowing that i am
the illuminator
and the illuminated

i am it and i know the feelingo f res

of resonating with the
that truth i knwo the feeling
of the truth is

is the feleing oi

feeling i seek and that seeking it outside
of me i will never dind

it os grate
so grateufl to knwo the truth
that its in me that

its here now t
the feleing

the feleing is here now
and it doens’t come from
anything it come frosm

trusting life
from saying yes to life i do this work
to feel good to say yes to life
because i want to feel bee

good i want to enjoy life iw ant to celeate


celebrate life i want to allowl ife to flow

i’m focused onthe true source

i’m focused on thet rue sourca
and i now tht its never outside of me
i know the truth i

i nkow the one truth a
dn i live

i life
live by it i celebate it i c

what i have i allow myself to
just be grateful for what i have

just be gratful fr
for what i have
just be grateful for what i have

just be grateful for what i have
i allow msyelf to
just exist
to not look it to let it go comeplte


i get o o k
i know that the feelig is
i seek is the eeling the feeling of the magick
i now that

the only thing ever missing
is the miag
magick of life

i know that and i know the magick is right her
i know i get to choose it and i nwot hat ic an

keep on choosing it ad its here and

no its here right now i get to cchosoe it and then

its here i get to choose it and then its her e

its here i get to choose it and then its here i get to
chooe it

choose it and then its here i
get to choose it i get to l
let it

it go i get otnot look at it
i et to c

trust the
life i get to wka

wake up feeling good because i trust
life i trsut every mometn i gu

i tstut eh i trsut the flow
i tsrut

trust life i trstu life

i’m focused
at the center of knowi that

nothing matters i
get to wake up feeling good
becausee i trust

i get to trust whatever happens
i get to know

trust whatever happens get to trsu

trut teh funo
unfoldin gof life im

here to do the work the fitness
of the feelig to come

here to feel the feeling the true
feeling of life the

the feeling the feeling
the feeling

i love the ower the power of not
caring i love the power of me

i loe ht
the power of the pracice i love hte
the contrat creating

i love being aware

i love that i know that i’m always becoming i love that i know
that i’m

always becoming
i love that i know
that i’m always becoming

i am alawys becoming
more god i love that
i know the truth
of life

that i get to eeak
wake up feeling good because i ttust

i trsut life
becuasee i have love because i know that
life reflects me

that’s all i need to know thats

all i need ro
to remember that itsnot outsie of me
its not

up to ome outsdie forsc


its ntohing outsoe some of me its not real
its all me itsa alll i me i can

and i celebrate what i made
i love what im

i made im so greateul vor
for what i ah
have for the

the best part the

part the

best and the a

easist theing i love that
all i can do is not look at it
i love that i get to not
not look at it
and trust it

i am

in a state of openness
in a satr

state of rature with god

in a state of knowing that
whatever happnes next in the
is the right thing

i am totally fulfilled
i allow god in all things i allow god
to flow through me i nkow that i feel better
because iam seekign the god self

i love that i get to be easy going
i love th
not caring i ilove that that is my power

i love that not caring is my poweer
i love that when i care

it is an opportunity
and i celebrate it
whe i care that menas i preer

and i can release my preferences

i love that i dont have to care what a
happens i love that i can always iterate on myself i love
that i now hat iam always becoming
and i trust the unfolding of that

i love tat

taking the time making the time
to take care of me

to not care i love that i dont have to care i love

that i dont haveet o care i love that
i get to choos not to care i love that ige to

get to do this wrk the ease and flow work i get to do this work the
ease and flow work i love that i nkow my power is in my

not caring i love that i dont have to care

i love the feeling of being the god self

my consciousness of the spirit within me
as my unlimited source

is the divine power to make all things new

is the divine power to make all thigns new

i know that i canmae
all things new based on how i feel

i know that the awareness
helps me be the person i want to be i love
that i am always becoming

i know that my aware

my consciousness of the spirit within me
is the divine power to make all things new

my consciousness of the spirit within me
is the divine power to make all things new

this awareness
and knowledge of spirit

appears as every visible
form and experience
that ic ould p

possibly desire

the divine power to make alll thigns ew

i have the divine power to make all things new
i have the divine power to make all things new

i am ware of how i feel i am

i am aware of how i feel and that life is flowing through me
i am aware that ive been irritated
and its because im

looking outise

outside of me and i loe that i can look within
and not care i love that i can let it all go i love that

i get to release it i love that i
get to release it

i love the new old me
the new

old god

i had limited the unlimited but no more

today i reeenou

renounce my humanhood
today i renouncy my hanu

humanhood and remember i am god
today i celebbrate knowing that iam

today i watch thea mira
the miracles unfold
today i choose enjoying life todya i en

i choose enjoying life today i choose enjoying
life today i choose teh god self
i choose not to care

i choose the power of not caring
today i choose the power of not cring and i

relax into it i love that i dont have to
i love that i never have to care what

anyone thinks about me i know that im
doing my best i nkow that im doing my best

the choice and the feeling area all
right here the choce and the feeling are all rght here
and i never need anything esle

i love that i canalways celebrate th
the feeling of god right here a

with me alaywa sand know that life
the rest unfolds without me
i nkow that

life unfolds without me and i can just
watch i

i love the ower of just watching i love that i feel my pwoer
today i love that i feel my power today

it comes and goes and i bless that proccess
i bless the proccess of coming back into my votex

vortex i bless not caring i bless taking my power
back i bless whatever happens next i blless

the feeling of loving withouth

without getting mad

i just watn to relax and have good life
with my wife i just watnt o

to relax and lie a

live a nicce
stress free life with my wife

just being awrae and i know that is
the place from where i create

i know that i get to just be and allow
i get to just be and allow

i get to alow mys

allow myself to nejoy life
knowing that god is on my side
i get to alo

allow myself to enjoy life
to feel the feeling i want to feel to lov

look for what i want to see to feel for
what i want to feel and know that life reflects it

grateful for the contrast that helps fe

me focus
grateful to know i dont have to change

that i get to accept myself as i am also
i get to acccept everything as it is

i love myself how i am

i love myself

i love and accept myself just as i am

and i know tht i am always becoming
i am always allowing more god into my life
i am alway

always allowing god i am always allowing god
i am

alwayas alloinw ghte feleing of god
celebrating my poweer as god

i am always ccelebrating my power as god

i ma the creator of me

i know that i am always becoming
i know that i’vve let that go i know that
ive let that go and i al

i am always allowing whatever god wants for me

i trust everything that happens
i trust god i just am

i just watch and allow