practicing the focus

here i’m here i’m here practicing the focus
the focus

training my attention like i train
my body and i know that the

them ore i train my attention
the easier it is to take my focus and put
it whereever i want

i can pick up my focus and place it
on whatever i want and then just focus on that
just give that t

attention instead and i love that i know
its that easy i love that i know iand

i’m here training that muscle knowing
that there is no limit to th
how strong it can get

i’m training the focus into thee
here and now that is the goal

to get the focus in this here and now
feeling the feeling of god right now
the focs

the entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

entire focus on the god within as the
only cause of my prosperity

entire focus
on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

entire focus on the god within as the
only cause of my prosperity

entire focus on the god within
take make


take the leap teake the lleap
take the leap into the hre andow
and now

make the choice about the world you want to create

make the choicea
bout h

about the world you
want to create

the focus work the focus work the focus
work i’m focused on this right now work

the feeling of the focus the focus on
what is wanted the focus

what is really blocking me is fear


decide to make the choice to make the world better anew

do the work you want to do
to make the world better
to give people a new perspective

to open their minds
to help expand their consciousness

do this work to expand your
own consciousness and understand
who and what you are i love that i get to ci

i love that i get to

the focus on this work the focus on
this work the focus on this work

focus on this work the focus on this work
the feeling the

attention to what is wanted

i can pick up my attention
and put it on something else

training my attention training my focus
picking it up and putting it on what is wanted

what is wanted what is
wanted what is wanted

pt it on what is wanted and just pracctice

practice keeping your attention in one spot

your entire focus and that is
really the secret

entire focus not the secret but
the most powerful aspect
just put all of your attention on what is wanted

and then it is

it’s just that easy i love that i kno this
i love that i get tput

put all of my attention on what is watned

its just atht

that easy and i come here to train my focus
train my focus in this very mometn

not going en

anywhere else

just coming here to milk the feeling of this now
of this life coming here to milk the feelig of this life

of this veryp erfect mo

this moment
in which i have it all i have
everything i ever wanted!!

i am totally fuflfille
di love that i am totally fulfilled

and free i love that i can come here and
feel the freedom of the oem

oment and
lthe p
the feeling of the practice of bringing my
attention back to the present moment
and i love that i can keep it hee i love

i love that its all about the focus
the focus the focs

the focus

so grateful fo thi
for this here and now to have the ability
to put

my entire focus on the truth

i love htat i am aware i love that i know
my personal power

entire focus on my personal power

entire focus on my personal power

entire focus on all the blessings in this
here and now

entire focus on the fact that
i’m totally fulfilled

entire focus on total fulfillment
i love that it’s here and now i love that
i get to take the leap i love
that i get to take the leap i love
that i

get to take the leap i love that
i get to take the leap

grateful for this

for the ability to puck pu

pick up my attention and put it on
what is wanted and its just that
easy i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose i love
that i get to do this work

the focus work and know this
is all there
is this
is all there

si know
i now this
this is all there is i love that i know
this i loe th

attention on what is wanted

attention on what is wnted
attention on what is wanted

entire focus and that’s
all it is entire focus

on well being i allow well being

entire focus on what is wanted

totally confident totally confident

thank you for the indicator
so that i can cbocome

become aware and then let that go
i love tha i am

i am aware of the indicators and
then i can just put
my attention on what is wnated
i bet

i get to do that i get to
do that
it is something that needs addressed
i get to

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel good i get to
feel good

entire focus on the god within
entire focus on the
god within entire focus

ont he god within

entire focus on the god wtihn

entire focus
entire focus

on the god within and i feel it i feel the

i feel it returning the focus returning rememberig that
it’s all the focus all that matters is teh

the focus where is your attention
where is your attention

just keep asking that
and tuning accordingly

i love that ig et to do
to do this work that i know this work

so grateful for this wrok