and i only need to be aware of the
radiation of creative energy which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness
not mad
just disappointed
just have to be aware of the
creative energy which is continuously
and effortlessly
pouring forth from
my divine consciousness
it feels good to feel free to know the god
within is already free it
feels good to feel the feeling to allow
life to flow through me
it feels good to say yes to life
to say yes to life to let life
let the magick be the drug it feels good to allow the magick
to be the drug to know it’s only me it feels good
to feel good to feel too
to feel good to feel good it feels good to feel
good to tune in tap in turn on
it feels good to elevate my mind and body it
feels good to be aware of the
creative energy
that is
easily and
pouring forth from
my divine consciousness
i am now aware
i am now in the flow
i just allow the flow to do it
i allow the flow the flow to
come through me live through me
and i et tou
get out of the way i get out of
i can do it i can enjoy this day i can say
thank you to this day i can feel good i can
keep up the good work knowing
knowing knowing knowing
making the choice to be unconditionally
happy it feels to make the choice to take the leap into the day
it feels good to feel at ease to practice
feeling at ease to let go of the rest to practice
letting go of the reset o am
to make sure i
to choose to feel how i want to feel
to choose to detach to focus
to be a
i have the found the severe
secret to life
i have found the secret to life i have
found the secret to life i have the
the secret
to life i have
found the secret to life i have the fou
found the secre to life to life and can relax in the knowledge th
i have found the
secret to life
i have dound
found the secret to life i have found the secret to life
i have
found the secret to lfie i l
to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow
today i am focused ont he
on the flow i feel the energy of the
flow and i know the flow
manifests in
many ways and it just doesn’t
have to be just doing
making creating
it is also allowing i know i n
i know i cna
i know i ca
i know i
i knowi can
i can celebrate this day
i can do it for me i can
do it if or
for me i can
celebrate this day for
me i can celebrate this
day for me
i get to do the to to
to do the work for me me for me for m
i get to do the work for me i get to do the work
for me i get to
to do the work for me it’s only
ever me it’s only ever me it’s
it’s only ever me i love that i can live my life for m ei have i have to live my life for me i have
to live my life for me
i make the choice to enjoy this life
to say thank you for this day
not just be acting life
like my life is sooooooooooooooo
hard because i neeeed something so
bad that i can’t
live a normal life without out and have to
act like it’s the end of the world
if i don’t get it
and mope around like
my life is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
and there’s nothing worth living for
but i can focus on me i can focus
on me enjoying my life
figuring out how to take the big leap
for myself today i
can take the big leap for myself
today i can find
the energy within today i can today
i can today i can today
i can do it for me i can make the choice to
feel good today to feel good to
turn the boat to take the big lea for
me to allow the energy to flow
to know i’ve found the secret to life
to know that i can find the god within
i know the god is there i know the god within
is here with me i know the god within
is here
is hre
with me i know i knowi am
i know
i know
the secret to life and that
is the magick that is the drug
i know the secret to life
when i am aware of the god self within
me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled
i am totally fulfilled i know that
life is enough i know that life
is enough inkow i know that life
is enough i know i know that
life is enoguh i know that lie
life is enough i know that life is t
enough i know the e
i know that life is enoug i know
i know that i know
i know that i don’t have to care i know that
life is enough and i can make the choice
i can make the choice to
allow life to flow fully through me i know the
secret to life and all i have to
do is be aware of the flow and that is my only work
is to be aware of
of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness
i know the flow is always
pouring forth from me
and ic an cele
can celebrate knowing this fact i
celebrate knowing this
i cele
celebrate this truth i love
doing the work i love
that i can always do this work i love that i cna
always do this work and i know
the secret to life
and that is all i need to know
i kno th
i know the secre tto
to life and that is
all i need to know