release your resistance
it’s easy to be here to now to celebrate that now and sy thank
so grateful to feel good now to feel the feeling now
to trust right now to
do the work right now
i can do it i can
restore focus
i can
feel centered i can feel good
now i can celebrate life
right now
i feel good now i feel good now
i feel good now i feel centered now
i feel good now i feel good now i feel
the feeling flowing through me right now
i feel good now i feel at ease right now
i feel
i love that i get to choose in every moment
i love that i get to choose
i love that i can always
be here now
be here now
be here
i can do this i can do this
i can celebrate now
be grateful for now
grateful for now for this here and now
for life
i can do it i can do it
i can do it i can
do it i
i can do this work i can come
back to center
back to who i am
who am i can do it
i can do it i can
do it i can
do it i can do it
i can
i can do it i can do ti
it i can i can
i am
i am
i am i am i am i am
i am
i am god i am life i am
i am this here and now ‘m here
i’m here i’m doing this work
i’m doin h
doing the work i’m doing the owrk
i’m doing thew rok
and i love
i love myself
i am
i am
i am
ia m
i’m doing this work
i’m goind
doing this work i’m doin ghte
the work the only work that matters
i feel good now i feel the flow
no wi feel
i feel good now i feel good now i feel
good now i feel good now i feel
good now i feel good now
i’m doing the work i’m doingt hework
the work
tuning the
instrument i’m tuning
it’s easy to tune
thank you thank you fort his day to relax
to enjoy life thank you for this caturday
thak you
for my wife for everyting
so grateful to be alivve
to have
for my partner to be alive
to have a partner who loves me
who takes care of me and does
anything for me
so lucky in this here and now
so lucky to get to do this work
to get to live to
so grateufl to get to live to get to
choose to enjoy this moment to allow
this moment to be
what it is
i allow every moment
i allow the moment
to be i allow the
the moment to be i allow the moment
to be i allow the moment
to be i allow that
everything that is and when i do
the resistance is lifted
the resistance lifts and what’s
left is
kind of like bliss
but more pure
more centered
not affected by the judement of the ego
just pure existence
it feels good to allow myself to feel
pure existence
i love that i know it just
doesn’t matters i love that i know
it just doesn’t matter
i love that i am
i am
i am
i am
i am
i am here now i love
that iam here
now i l
am relaxed in this here and now
grateful in this here and now
doing the work in this here and now
feeling good feeling grateful
feeling the flow flowing through me
feeling the flow flowing
through me
feeling feeling
being aware of the feeling
knowing that the wrro
i love that i get to choose the
resolution wihtin n
and the resolution always comes
from remembering that ‘m so
i’m not separate
i am it i am everything
i’m not separate from it
i just realx
relax into and enjoy
they say
i enjoy the day i say htnka
thank you for the day
enjoy the day enjoy the here and now
i am conscious of the inenr presence as
my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity
therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth
i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance i am conscious of the
constant activity of this mind of infinite prosperiity
therefor my consiocusness
is filled with the light of truth
i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish
i am conscious of the constant activity
so grateful for my life right now
for everything in this here and now
so grateful for the flow right now
the feeling right now
for god right now i’m at home
right now i’m at hom e
at home in the here and now i’m
at home in the here and now
i’m at home in the ehre and now
and i have so much to be grateful for!!!
so much to be grateful for!!
so much to love right now
to be grateful for right now
so much to be grateful for right now!!!
so grateful there is always more than enogh
grateful i know everything is unfolding perfectly
andi can
always trust every moment
and knownig that
of trust
my source and my supply
it’s here now
are you
it’s here now
are you
it’s here now
are you
are you