return to center

and i’m noticing the effects of tehw ork
the work because i’m realizing more and more the

choice to stay in a state of

of disease
of the mind to
insist on thinking about a version
i don’t want

or something i don’t have and i know
i don’t have to believe in lack and i know

i remember that this this work the only work
this work this work the only work

the only work
the only work

is coming back to center
being aware of thoughts that
take me away fromthe know

the knowledge of self
from the love from
the love that is the center of self

i am more and more aware of thought
patterns that keep me

away from self away from center
and how i keep
returning to them like habit
and how i don’t have to

i don’t have to i don’t have to

i don’t have to
return to thou

those thought patterns i can make the choice
to come back to the truth and that is
the only work and i love doing this

that work and i know that
it might be the hardest but it’s also the
easiest i know the only thing i can do

is always the easiest thing and that’s nothing
that’s nothing

i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care i
can always return to the knowledge

i can always return to center to the knowledge
of self i can always return here and n

don’t have to even venture down routes
that don’t feel like alignment

and that is my right


to choose
to suffer

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form
and experience according to my
needs and desires and as the principle

of supply in action its
impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

i can always come back to the knowledge
and that is my choice and my power
and i don’t have to give my power away

i can just choose and trust
instantly and constantly

and constantly

and constantly

have the

bravery to constantly come back to center
i’m barv
brave enough to always come back
to center to the

resonant state
knowing that is all that mtters

matters and that everything is solved from
the resonant state

and from that state i know that
absolutely nothing matters
fromt his

this state i know that nothing matters

and i feel resonant with everything in life
it feels good to sink into the deepness of life

the infinite nature of life and leave behind

belief in lack
i love that i can just leave it behind and aling with the
truth i love

making the time to aling with
the truth i’m making the time to come back to center

center to be aware of how i feel and know

always a choice
i am aware of how

i feel and know that it is always a choice
and he pract

the practice comes from believing in god in

enough to make the choice for ewhw

what i want and then allowing god
to do the work trusting that
the pieces

themselves in and they

have no choice but to
do so

they don’t have a choice
the particles don’t have a choice

it feels good to do this work
to feel through it feel rh

through the energy to be
aware of the energy that is me

and practicce

returning to the knowledge
that life acts only according to my
i love that i can just choose
something esle i love

i love that i get to choose the
version and then that is the version i love that i know

i love that i know i love that i know
it’ss uni

universal law i
i love that i know it i love that i know it lo

i love that i can let the rest go
i love delighting in letting ther est g

the rest go i take delight
in not caring

i take delight in ont ca

not caring!!!

in celebraring l

celebrating life no matter what
to taking the big leap

into my zone of genius
into the event horizon in

single moment
i take the big leap into the
event horizon

i am brave enough to take
the big leap every momebn

into the event horizon in
every moment in every moment

i release my stranglehold on
everything and do the work
to not care

i don’t care i kow that

inner supply instantly
and constantly
takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in action
it is impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled needs or desires

i nkow that
i know that it’s all pratic

particles and they are all
acting according to the
way i’m measuring

they are condensing into the vesion
because that is the vesion i

version i’m measuring and i can choose
to find

any results i seek
i know this
and i celebrate this and that’s what
makes it easy for me to not

get caught up especially in the actions of others
becuase i know it’s a

all just me observing it
i know that i observe it
and that’s what creates it

because i observe it
it is and only
through that observation does it become

only through that observation
does it become
and as soon as i choose to observe

the particles in a different way
then that is what they are

i can always come back to that knoweldge

to that truth

i am the observer
and i get to choose

what i observe and it feels good to align
with that truth it afeel

feels good to align with the ultimate truth
and that is the god within

knowing that i am the creator.