shoring up the feeling

that’s what im

i’m here doing the feeling work the knwoing
work the certainty work the

knowing work the god work the only work the god
work sis theo nly work i know that

shoring up the feeling work the knowing wor th
the feeling of me work the feeling ofme work the only work

the feeling of me work the
the feeling of god flowing through me

i had it going so good for a minute there
but that’s ok


always an in and an out
with an in an out

and learningmore

about who iam and the role i want to play
so grateful to know the role i want to play

so grateful

to knowt hat i’m already complete
to not need a technique to know its the
the feeling here and now the knowing
ehre and

here and now tha
and that is tonly work wok i
is feeling that feeling moment to

moment knowing in every moemnt
and when i catch myself not knowing
when icatch myself
not knwoing thats

when i choose knwoing
over and over and that is the game

that’s the jok

that’s the jok e

im here feeling the feeling
the feeling of knwoing the
feeling of

that it alreayd is i
i know life alreayd is i know life i

alreayd is i am here and now
i have the feeling here and now i h
have to
the feeling here annd now

and now knowing that god love sme

whatever happens is in my favor
the fa

the feeling of trusting whatever happens
of letting go of eel
feelng ogoo
good of knwoing of choosing me

of letting that go of rela

releasing that rubber band

all i can ever do is releae the rubber band

love is rleae
releasing the rubber band

love is rlease
releasing the ruubb
rubber band and i love that
i get to

i dont have to care i dont have to care

i dont have to let it get to me
i dont have to

just continue do the work im
i gues im creating the version where im
doing the work

im doing the work
im going
doing the work im at center
i cant care i cant care

i can’t allow myself to look at it
i can’t make

allow myself to care so thank you god for not

allowing me to get sucked in and just
dong lo

don’t look at it i can’t

i can’t look atit i
cn’t let it get it ot
to me i can’t

let it get to me i can’t let it
i can’t let myself care

i love that i don’t care
that life helps me turn within

life turns within

turns within life
turns within
and it feels good it feels good to

it feels good to release the tension
release the

tension of the rubber band it feels ogod
to let that go forever it feels good

to let that go reover
forever it feels good to
be free

it feels good to feel free and not
to not allow myself to care it feels good

to not go there to do thew ork i

the work i said im here to do

it feels good to be free to let it go
forever to bless life for helping

me let it go forever to never again
have to care to never again

have to let it get to me
to never again have to care

to do the work to release the attachment
to release the rubber band to release
the rubber band

to once again
stop caring and she makes it so easy

over and over and she doesn’t even know

i make it esy o
easy on myself to drop it
to cut it off i make it easy on myself
to cut it foo

off and it feels good its the feeling
i wanted the
feeling i wanted the feeling of letting it go forever

the feeling of letting it go forever
the feeling
of letting it go forever

the feeling of cutting it loose

letting it go becuse its not me
its not the center of me its not the cetner
of me

its not the cetner of me its not the real
me its no thte
the real me its not the real me

its only ever me its only ever
the ccetner of me

so great
to be free which is what i really wanted

so graetful to be rf
free which is what i really wanted

free from caring free
from being triggered
every time im left out free from
throwing a tantrum every time

i can really learn to not care i can
let it go completely i can use my power i can
use the power of me to not care

i can ust eh o
the pweor o
power of me to not care to let it go
once again to let it go once again

to try again

she didnt do anything wrong

i’m not going to let it get to me

i loe that i no longer have to care
and that i can come here
to feel the feeling of

being free and that life helps me

life hleps me do what i dneed
i need to do life helps me release attachment
life ehlps me not care

life ehlps me cut that loose

life helps me cut that loose
life ehlps me no ccare

life helps me choose to feel good for me
i choose to feel good for me i choose to enjoy my life
for me i choose to tnot let myself care i choose
to let it go i choose it o

to rlease it is i choose to move on

i choose to life up my mind and heart
i choose
to lift up my mind and heart

i choose to lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know

tat the
that the divine presence iam
is the source and
substance of all my good