the imaginative the placce
the placce of knowing the palce of ease and flow
the place of choice and then life arranges i know that life
arranges its self
life arranges i
i’m here i’m here sinking back into the knowing into the
feeling place
i’m here in the feeling place i sink ito the
feeling place
i sink into teh feeling place
i sink into the imagination place
i feel the feeling placei know the
feeling place the
feeling ofme the realness of me the
celebration of me of choosing the
veresion i prefer
of knowing thepoweer of me
that i get to choose the power of me
that i get to
choose the power
of replacing the mental image
i kow its all imaginattion
i know its all in the flow i know its all me
celebrating life ccelebrating the flow
feeling good feelig
for the true self for the knowing
frot he
the exhiliration of miag
the power of choosing in each moment
i know that i get to
choose in each
every moment i get to choose the verion i prefer
i get to choose the version i prefer
i get to choose to have fun
i get to cchoose
to feel the flow ig et to cchoos to feel love i get
to chosoe to be teh
the source of life i get to choose to be the sourcce
of fun
i get to cchoose i get to chooe i love that
im past that i lovve that i get to feel the
god feeling get to cle
celebrate the god feeling the
lust for life feeling