i asked myself
i asked the universe
anything i asked it
what i should
focus on or what is
most important and it said you
and then i kept listening
and it said self
and i know that is true
i know more and more every day
that this is the work and
the importance of this
work is in the remembering of
what is important
the remembering the remembering
of what my priorities are
what my
values are and
when i remember that
i already have what i need
what i value that i am
so blessed
i feel a lot more calm
in my life when i remember
to focus on what
truly matters to me
which is enjoying life
and giving and receiving love
i know that i am a lover
i am one who loves and love
is the answer to everything the signal
answer to everything and i know that
is what cures all and makes all
of life good
worth living and i
i know that self is the
only thing that matters
this is the only work tha tmat
that matters and the
rest follows and i know that
by how i feel i can feel that i’ve
blowing up small tasks in my mind
keep on thinking
i have to get this done
waisting my nows
thinking wasting
wasting my nows thinking
about what i’m not doing
but what i prefer
and what i now feels better
is trusting the isness of the
now and knowing that the
action follows that trust
and ia m
am grateful i am aware enough to know
this ia m
am brate
grateful i am aware enough to love
aware enough to love
for me for the sake of me
for the sake of my own life
because i do want to live
i want to enjoy the ride and
the way to do that is to sit down
and talk to myself
about what truly matters
it feels good to love to lift
the veil to know i already have the
i already have the teeth
they are already there and i can
relax into the knowledge of that
i know that
everything is energy and i understand
that on a grand level i know for a fact
that everything in life is
reflecting the signal i send
that is what really matters is the siganl
get the signal right then
try to do anything else and
feeling that i need
to do
anything else would mean there is a
lack of connection because when there
is understanding there is
knowing that the isness of each moment
is all there is and all
there can ever be
thank you
i can feel my bravery
building i cna feel that i am feeling more and more
willing to trust
the voice
the voice
i can feel that i am trst
trustin life more and
more ai can feel that i can
feel that i am more and more
willing to trust the life flowing
through me
more willing to
let go nd
allow myself to be at home in the moment
i am brave enoug to alolow myself
to be at home in the oment
brave enough to love to make
to love no
matter what
to let go and love
brave enought o
let go and love
it feels good to make
the choice to always
be at home in the moment
it feels good to feel brave enough to
let go of
the future
to let go of anything
out of this moment it
feels good to practice
the signal
it feels good to do the work
for me first to know the
connection is all that matters
it feels good to
make the space for me
andk now th
know that ther est
the rest floow
choose love and the
rest follows choose love
and the rest floowing
today i choose love and
they why they
the mind always comes back to the why
becaue it because it
it feels good and i want to feel
good it feels good to feel goodand
and i want to feel good
i am allowing to feel good!!
good god goo
it’s all the same
it feels good to focus
on the feeling to feel tuned in tapped in
turned on and know that that is
my only job and know that i can
choose love instead of judgement
i can let go of worrying about
what other pepe
people thing and embrace that
i am here to let that go i love
that i know understand the
source and that
it’s all coming full circle i love
that i can allow myself to
be seen i can allow myself to be
succesful to live my life how i want to
live it and i
i don’t have to be afraid
id on’t
don’t have to be afraid of what
others will think i can
only ever trust the feeling i an only
ever trust the feeling
i am aware of thought patterns and
my ability to
to think something new and
this work ehlp
helps me do that i am aware
of my thoughts and how they create
my experience
i know that my energy
my expectation
creates and i get to choose what i epec
expect and this work helps me work
through that
helps me become aware
of what i am creating
and the more i make the time to
become aware the more at home
i feel in the now the more
at hoem
home i feel int he know
the now
and i love that i get to
choose the feeling
of yes of peace
i love that this work always heps
helps me remember who i am
that ia m one
one who loves and that is
all that matters
its helping
me break down the walls
the facade
i am lifting the veil
and allowing myself to
be one
who loves