smiling always feels better

its easy to feel good and i know
the flow only reflects me i know that its

easy to feel good i love that its
easy to feel good i love that i know life
can only reflect me i love that i know its
only a feeling i love that i know its

only a feeling

the flow is always flowing the flow is
always flowing i love where i am
right now i love

where ia m right now i love that
today is agood day i love
that i feel wealthy i love that

get in the vortex and then
get in the vortex
and then and then and then get in
the vortex and then

god said


well i know its only

i love that iknow the
magick is always right here with me
i love feeling good and allowing the magick

i am allowing the magick of life
to handle that i am allowing the magick of life
to handle that i am allowing the magick of life
to handle that

i can feel that
the magick is working i can feel the
flow flowing i ca

i know when i let go it
flows and that my

ower o

is my stopping my letting go i know
my power is my stopping in my letting go iknow i know i know the opwer
is in my benergy

i know its easy to smile about it
just smliel

about it and the maoutn
life smliels with the
me is the amoutn i smile back

the maount
amoutn i smile back i know

allow it to unfold

just smile because you know it
already did

just msile
smile becaue you

becauseyou know

life already worked out for me

its easy to just msile
smilke smile and the amoutn

the degree to which i am
able to just msile
smile abouti

it reflects the degree to which
i am willing to let go and allow

god to do the work

its work the degree to whcih


whcih ti
the degree to which the degree to
which i am

the degree to which i am
able to let go the

degree to which ia m
able to smile

i the dreg
degree to which ia ma ble to let go

i love the work i love the feeling
the flow i love

to just msile i know the work alwys work s
just msil ena dknow

and know that it alredy is
is th

the way i want it go be
smile and know that it can only reflect me

smile and know taht

just msile smile and know that it
already is smile and feeling the
of it being doine

smile and feel the feeling of it
already being done
and that’s all that matters

smile and know

smile and know that life is good smile and know that life

is good smile and know
that life is good smle
smile and feel good smile and allow

myself to feel good now

smile and allow myself to feel good now
to allow m
all my wishes to come torue

smile and know that all my wishes are comeing

and know that life is good smile and know
that life is good smile and feel good now
smile and feel good now


smile and let it come to me
smile ad let t come to me s

smile and stop
smile and stop becuase my power is my letting go

smile and stop

just stop becuae
its all i can do i love that i can
create it with my thougths i love

that i cn allow the magick
to do it i il ove that

i know i can allow the magick o flife
life to take care of it i love that
i can get out of the way and allow it to flow

to flow i can llow allow life to flow i love
doing the work i can make the choice to

i love doing the work i love
doing the work and allowing life to flow through me
i love allowing life to flow through me i love

allowing life to flow through me

he the work is working i love thati know i love

that i feel the power of god i love
that i feel the power of god flowing
through me i love that i know the work
is working t

and the only thing that stops my breath
is a belife

belief that i am separare

that it is possible that
anything could ever

not go my way and iknow that
its not possible i am la

allowing i am allowing life to reply
i amllow

am allowing life i am saying yes i am saying yes
to life i am saying yes to life

i love my life i love my life
i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love
that i know thef l

the flow loves me i lovehtati
get to choose the feeling now i love that
i get ot choose

to choose the feeling now i love
that i get to make the choice i love that i know
its only me i love that i get to make

the choice to smile i love that i get to allow
the magick to do the work i love the
power of letting go i love tat

let it go and let it flow i love

that i can celebrate life i love that i can


celebrate life i love
that i can celebrate life and

allow life to flow through me i love that
i can celebrate life i love that i can

the flow is always flowing the
flow is always flowing the flow is always flowing
the flow is always flowing the

magick is always
right here with me i know i am the one and only
creator i kno ia m

the only one who can allow the flow