so grateful for this day

so grateful for everything that is
to love myself to make the choice to love myself
to make the choice to say thank you

to just be grateful and choose knowing
it feels good to

choose knowing
to tune my vibration to the one of
knowing the one of god self to the one
of celebration
it feels good to tune myself
to the vibration of knowing to choose

to know i never have to wonder
never have to doubt and that center
is always right here waiting

center is always right here
center is always right here and it feels good
to come back
and just keep saying thank you and knowing
that i am creating the version i prefer

whatever i give attention to
is the version i create and i love that i know this
i love that i found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the

activity of diving abundance is
eternally operating in my life

it feels good to connect to come back to center
to love it feels good
to love this here and now it feels good to love this

here and now to really connect to truly
choose the feeling of gratitude of knowing
that attention crates

creates gratitude creates
gratitude allows it feels good to get back to center and choose how i feel
it feels good to choose how i feel to
feel good now to love now
to choose love now
to choose

gratitude now to choose the side of gratitdue
to choose the side of feeling good because its better than

feeling bad

to choose the side
of gratitude

because it always feels better
it always feels better to chosoe the

choose the version i prefer
to look for reasons to feel good
it feels good to look for reasons to feel
good to look for


ways to use them agick it
it feels good to use the magick

i decided to feel good aobut
about that i decided to feel good about that
to allow my heart to sing about that
i decided to feel good about that
and that feels good

that is alli can
can ever do and i knwo this
is the only work i nokw this

i know this is the only work
coming back to center is my work
and i know moeny

mone is

money is not my supply
love is my supply
because when i love
i d

i don’t interfere with waht
i don’t interfere

with what is

i intend to do the work
i intend to tune
i intend to get all
my engines running in one


i feel good i feel good i feel
the flow flowing through me i feel the feeling
of yes i feel the trains

i feel the enegines

engines i feel myself
allowing them to run
believing in myself
believe i

believing in life
loving life
treating life with the
with which i expect to
be treated

hope to be treated
pray to be treated

treat life
the way you want to be treated

i know money is not my supply
and not only that
but it is limitless

i love that i know this and i love
that i know that

it is only an outpicturing

all of life is i loe t
love that i know this i love that
i know this

i love that i know and i can live my life

money is not my supply
no person pla ce

or condition is my supply
i love that i can celebrate athat

everything that is

i love that i can always


celebrate everything that
is i love that life

loves me i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to love myself i love

that i get to love i ilove that
i get to send love i love that i get to send love

through my consciousness of my god self

the christ within

i draw into my mind
and feeling nature the very substance
of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness
of the presence of god within
me is my supply


i draw into my mind and feeling nature the
very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness
of the presence of god within me

is my supply