so grateful for this day

for this day for all the blessings in this day
so grateful to love my life to love life to love
this moment so grateful to feel grateful in this moment
to be excited about this day
to feel excited about this day to feel the flow
flowing through me through me life so grateful to feel good

to feel the bliss of the singular focus
so grateful i get to feel good
get to feel the flow flowing through me

get to feel good get to feel the flow
get to feel good get

to feel and see the magickal assistance

love doing this work love feeling good good
feeling god good love feeling god good feeling how god would
feel and i love the feeling that the feeling
is just in me
its just there and i don’t have to do

any work to release it or try to commune with it
because it is always there
i loe this
i love this day i love a lazy day i love
the in and out of life i love the in and out of life
i love

doing this work the only work i love doing
the only work i love feeling good now i love
feeling good now feeling the feeling of life
in this here and now i love

feeling the words fly from
my fingertips i love feeling tuned in tapped in turned on i love
that eveything is working out
that i say yes and life say

yes back

i love feeling this feeling the feeling of the focus
the feeling of certainty of know that life
is a feeling that life is aboutt he focus
the focus and life is about the feeling

life is about the focuson th

on the feeling life is about the focus
on the feeling

life is aboutt he focus
the focus on the feeling

i get to do the wor i love that i get to do this work that
i get to feel good in this moment i love that i know i love that
i now i am god
i love that i know i am god and i get to celebrate that

and that’s what its all about that
is what the counting is about that is what

this writing is about its about remembering
that i am god and with that
knowledge with really KNOWING

i feel the very substance of life i fee life feel me
i love that i can choose to allow life
to fill me up i get to look at life i get to look at life
like i want to i get to see how life how i prefer to
i love that i get to feel goo that i get

that i get to feel good that i get to feel good
that i get to feel good that i get to
feel good that i get to feel good that i get to feel this feeling the
feeling of focu i get to feel the
feeling of focus

love this here and now love this here and now
love the god self love the self the god

the self the god

love that i know love that ig et to choose
love that i get to celebrate it i lo

love that i get to celebrate it love that life
is good love that life is good

love that life

loves me love that life

loves me love that life is good love that ife is

love that life is good love that life is good love that life

is good love that life
love that life is good i lo

love that life is good love that life is good
love life love this here and now love that i know love that
i know love that i now i love that
i know the magick of life and that
i get to

celebrate it love that i
get to celebrate the magick o flife
of life love that i know that


loves me life loves me i love that life

loves me
i love

that i get to feel good now love
i love that i get to feel good now
get to send the signal of love
that i get to send the signal of love
love that ig et to

to send the signal of love the signal of love

lovet hat i get to just say thank you
love that i get to be aware of how i feel i am

aware of how i feel

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very
substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the god self is my supply
i know that my work here

is not to strive or make things happen
its to know and trust the god self and i’m so

very grateful that i feel the god self

within me

so grateful to feel the god self within me
to feel good to feel god
so grateful to feel god in this moemnt
in this

here and ow

so grateful to feel go

feel god inthis here and now

so grateful for where i am
so grateful for life so grateful
to know that each day is a gift

i love that i get to love myself
that i get to love life that i get to

CHOOSE how i feel and i get to choose
the version i live i love that i get to
be happy and love
and feel grateful i love that i know
i g

i get to feel grateful for my life
i get to feel grateful
so grateful to feel


so grateful to feel grateful