so grateful for this day

for this perfect day
so grateful everything is going my way
so grateful life loves me so
grateful life loves me
so grateful life
love me

so grateful for this day
to do this work to do the only work
so grateufl to do the only work that matters

so grateful life is fun
and easy so grateful to feel god flowing through
me so grateful i get to feel god

get to know god
so grateful to know god to know tog

to know god to know the god self
to know this focus
to be deep into this to choose this
to choose

focus here focus here
focus on the turht

truth on the knowledge
i know that it’s only ever me i know

the divine presence i am

the divine presence i am
the divine presence

i am

is the source and the substance

i love thtat i nkow this
i love that i know life is good i love that
i get to feel good get to feel the horses
i love the horses
i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good
i love that

i get to feel good i liove that
i get to feel good

get to feel god get to know i am
god i love that i know i am god

i feel good now i feel the energy
of life flowing through me i

love i love i love that
i get to feel love

get to feel love for life
get to feel love

for myself i love
that i

get to feel good i love that
life loves me i love
that life loves me
i love that

life is good

so grateful to get to do this work
to wake up feeling good to love waking up
to look forward to waking up

so grateful to feel good in my
body to get back to classes
to get back to eating well

so grateful for life

my perfect life
so grateful everything is going our way!

so grateful for sales!
and orders!
and work!

so grateful life always works out perfectly for us

so grateful to feel good to feel good
to si

to sink into feeling good
to sink to

into the feeling

the divine presenc i am

the divine presence i am

1i get to feel good i get to
feel good i get to feel good i

get to celebrate life i get to
feel good i get to celebrate life

right now i get to allow
the feeling of god

to fill me up i get to allow the feeling
of god to fill me
up i get to

allow the feeling of god to fill m e

me up i love that i get to feel good i
get to feel god
i love that i know the truth of lfie
and i

i get to feel it right now i love
doing this work
i love doing this work .

yes thank you and i keep saying yes

yes thank you and i keep saying yes i can just
keep saying yes i love that i get to

that i get to cht at

that i get to keep saying yes

i love that i get to feel good get to drop into yes
get to crop in

drop into yes

drop into yes drop
into the truth

drop into the truth drop into the truth
the truth of feeling good the
truth of feeling good

drop into yes drop into god so
grateful to drop into god
to feel the feeling of god
to know i wanted this

to celebrate life
already being perfect

celebrate life already being perfect

i love that it already is i love that life
already is the way i want it to be i love that
life loves me i love that life loves me i love

that i get

i get to feel the feeling of yes i get to dive into this work
trust this moment

trust this moment
so grateful to trust this
moment to trust this moment

so grateful to

trust this moment

i feel good now

divine presence i am

divine presence I AM

I AM i love

i love that i get to feel it
here and now i get to

feel it here and now i get to
feel it

here and now

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

is the source and substance
of all my good i love that i know that
i love that i know this
i love that

that i know god i love that i know god
that i get

to feel god that i get to
feel god that i get to be god that i
get to remember that i am
god i get

to remember that

i am god i get to

remember that i am god i
get to feel the feeling of god

get to

completely be god in this moment
say thank you
for the god self
to know the god self
to love that god self

so grateful to chosoe how i feel
i get to choose how if eel about that

i love that i know i love that i know it’s
only ever me

it’s only ever the energy
i love that i know that and i love
doing the energy gow

work i love that i get to feel good

feel good now
feel the

the energy in this here and now
love this

here and now
get to love

this here and now

what am i here doing

tuning myself

am i tuned


i am tuned i am
tuned to miracles
i am tuned to god

am on the frequency with the god self
with the god self

with all my wishes coming true!!

so grateful for life for the flow
for the flow for the
god self for feeling the feeling of alignment

for say yes

saying yes

to the moment to everything that
is i’m here feeling the feeling
i’m here feeling teh feeling