so grateful for this day

for recognizing the energy
the energy and lining myself up with the

celebrating the good life celebrating
that lie is
life is working out for me and the
thing i was dreading

really smoothly

and the sun came out for our walk and
we got to give amy her tip

and she said thank you

and pwny is better
and she paid!!
and everything is great
we’re saving and
we get to give nice gifts this year

celebrating this here and now
it feels so good to do thw

the work to connect to self in the
here andnow and remeber

i am god and god is all there is it
it feels good so grateful

it feels good to feel good to

love myself to believe in myself
it feels good to
believe in myself
it feels good to love myself

it feels good to do this work
to felel
feel good aobut
about life it feels good to
feel good about life
it feels good to
feel good about
life it feels

good to feel good about life

i feel the energy flowing through me i feel
the i feel the
energy that creates worlds flowing

through me what i’ve been working
with is

feeling then seeing i’ve been feeling then
and it works!

and it works
the wrok athe work
the focus
the work the fouc

the focus
on the feeling and i love allowing the
feeling to flow through me

at least 2 for sure instances
when ichose not to care
and i felt better and it worked out

of course

it feels good to feel good to feel
to feel great in my life!!

to celebrate life in this here and now it
feels good to
celebrate life in this
here andnow to

use this time to focus on the
here and now i’m

i’m here i’m here thank you thank you

thank you thank you

i’m so grateu
grateful for thie
the here and now


i’m here and
thank you i’m here i feel t
good i feel you here with

me i feel you here with me i feel

connected to go i this here and now
and i feel the enegy

energy building i feel the mire
more i make the
choice not to care the more i build
my energy instead of dispersing

by caring by
giving attention to what i don’t want
i love that it’s a good day i love

the power of the focus the power
of me the power

of feeling good feeling onne
connected to god int h
the here and now and letting the

go it feels good to let it go
for real it feels good to love me to

love me to love me
it feels good to love me
to feel good

to love me to focus

int he
the here andnow
to focus on

to take this sit

time to focu s
ont he work the work o

on the miracle that already is
it feels good to allow the healing
energy to flow through me to notice

that i feel good and to

milk that feeling of feeling good to
really feel it

to really feel it it feels good
to truly feel good to truly love
to truly

the wy god feels to know that
is the secret to life
and this is my

it feels good to know that
i’m unlocking a super power

it feels good to feel the feeling
of god to feel the

of letting go the rst
it feels good to celebrate our wins!!

i love that we are making the most ever!

thank you for this
here and now thank you
for this here and now
this here and now thank you

for this here andnow

this here andnow

here and now

this here and now this
here and now for the power of me
for the power of love for the power of what i know
it feels good to feel good
to feel good int hsi
this here andnow it

and now it feels good to feel good in this
here and now this here and now

this here and now this
here andn ow

this here and now and this
is the only work this
is the only work
this is

is th o
the only work this is

the on
i love feeling good i love
feeling good and lately

i’ve been feeling so good i love that
i’ve been feeling so good

milking the feeling
milking the

allow the contrast to help
you develop a super power

i’m developing
the super power of not

the super power of letting
not being attached

very very very very powerful

the most powerful
and those are what i’m


what i’m celebrating in the here and now
i love that i feel that

i’m here i’m here with spirit

that life will take care of it
and all i can do is


i love this day
i love getting to stay up late i love
doing out own

our worn

own work i love working out i love
the better it gets i love

believing in myself i know l

i love knowing ia m workth

worth it i know that

i am worth it i know th

i believe in myself

i believe

int he

power of me

i love that i get to love myself
no matter what i love that

i’m developing the super power
of allowing the god energy to flow
through me to lok f

look for what i want to see i
love that

is the choice for what i want to look
for how iw ant to

celebrate life
todayi choose to cele

celebrate life to jump
for joy

because i know that i am god
i know that i am god and
everything is going my way

i know that my non action is stronger than
my action