so grateful for this day

to feel energized by life to feel myself
being aware of how i feela nd taking stae
steps to feel good it feels good to be aware of howi feel
i l

i love that i am aware of howi feel i love
being aware of how i feel and how that affects my
life i know that this is the only work

the feeling is the only work the focus is the only work
here i feel the feeling i milk the feeling and i offer


so grateful for our neighborhood and our neighbors
i love seing ou
seeing our neighbors out in about in the
businesses they own in the neighborhood

i love that w’ere putting
in effort we’re trying at least a little
i love hwen the
dinner comes together so eaisly

i love when the

when the chopping is easy i love when its fun i love
that life is fun i love tha my life is fun

i love being awrea
aware of how i feel kn
knowing its the only work
this is theonly work the
is the only work the focus is the only work

time under tension

i love that i know this i love that i know the only work
i kno wthe

i am the only work i am the only wrok i am the tonly work

i feel the truth of life
i feel good i feel greate knowing

the truth i love

i love that i get to i love that i get to i feel the god
self i feel the god self i feel the
gos d

god self inthis moment
in this day i love that
i get to feel the god self inthis moment
in this day knowing this

is the only work this is the only work

this is the
only work

this is the only ork the wofuc
focus on this feeling is the only work
the feeling how i want to feel is the only work
and i love that i know that

that i get to feel it that i get to feel the
certainty of it i love that i get to love it

i love that

i know the truth i know the truth
i know the truth i know th

the truth i ilove that i know the truth
i know the truth i know the truth i know the

so gratefu i am already totally fulfilled so
grateful ia m already fulfilled to make the time to

tap into and really embrace who i really am

i’m here to feel the waves of relief

i’m here to feel better and better i’m allowed to feel good
and i feel greate i come here to feel great i

come here to feel great about life i come here to tune myself
to see the effects of the practice

so grateful to see the effects of the peract


so grateful to see itive
ive been taking care of howi feel

taking responsibilty for how i feel
becuase i know that how i feel
creates my reality

i know that i’ve allowedmysel
myself to feel stressed
and that creeped into everything esle
but now more!!

i feel like the best version of me
the god versin of

i feel energized by life
i feel certain in life knowing that its all laid out
for me i love that i get tochoose
to chosoe teh feeling of that

its all laid out for me
its all laid out for me

it all comes my way saily
easily and i relax in that knowledge
that life is always reflecting me
that it’s always me
that i get to choose to feel at ease i get to choose to feel
at ease and not care to just do what feels best i get to feel good

i am at peace in this moment if eel greate in this moment
i feel so grateful i feel so grateful

feel so grateful for my life as it is that
i get to nejoy life
that i get

so grateful for my life as it
is that i get to enjoy and easy life

so great

grateful to get to relax into the magick
to feel the waves of relief
to do the creation work in every moment

so grateful to feel the creation work in
every moment o remembe

to always remember the feeling of me that power of me

so grateful to do this work
the focus work the

time under tension
the tention
of releasing tention

tension the focus work the deovtion
devotion to the feeling work that’s

all it ever is the devotion to the
feeling of mroe relief
knowing that how i feel is always creating
that all o fli

life reflects me

allof life
reflects me

all of life i know that i am the only
one and only creator i know that i am the one and only
creator and that life is always showing up perfectly for me

i love hat i know that i love that i know this
i love that i know this

i’m here to remember how good it feels go tf
to feel good to cr

create the life i want withhow i feel
and i love that i get to
i love that i get to i love
that i get to i love that
i get to i

i’m here remembering the truth of lie

life and celebrating it

i love celebrating life i love that
every day has the potentia to be whatever
energy you put into it

i love that i know ia mth e
the creator and i create with ohwi feel
i love the better it getsr i love that
i get to do this work
and see and feelt he
effects of it

i get to feel it i get to grab on
and feel the muscle flex and i do this work
to remember the feelig of that muscle flexing and

it work sthis this works works
it helps me remember who ia m
it helps make it

easyt o remember how i want to feel
the version i want to act out and i love that i get to