our eve!
that i get to feel good that i get to feel the acid feeling without acid
because love is a stronger drug than all of that
and i love that i get to i love that i get to love i love that
i get to choose
love i love that i get to choose to love thsi day
to love this moment to love the
energy of now i love that i get to choose it that it is me
and that i get to allow it that i can even build it up i love that
i can build up the love eneryg in my like a drug
i love this day i that i
that i get to love i love this day that i
get to love i love that i
get to choose to build up the love i love that i know that love
is the energy of god love is the god energy and i love
that i get to feel it
i get to live this day get to celebrate this day
because we made it through get to celebrate this day
we made it rhoguht
and i love that we get to celebrate i lovet hat
i get to choose calm bliss
i love that i get to chosoe to feel godo i love that
i get to choose to feel good now
to feel good now to feel love now
so grateful it’s always working out
so grateful for perfect timeing
that god lovese us so grateful god loves us
so grateful for this day
for this moment
for all of life workingout for me
i nokw that all of life is wrking
out for me i love
that ig et to know that i love that
i get to know that i love that i get to choose that
i love that i get to choose authentic gratitdue
i love that i know the power of me
and i get to feel it i love tha i g
that i get to choose teh power of me
i feel that feeling and that’s all there is
the feeling of believing in myself the feeling of believing in life
the feeling of catching a waind th
wind the feeling of feeling good inmy life
of celebrating life tdaoy
today i get to have fun and celebrate life i love that
i get to i love that i get to have fun
i love that i get to do this work the only work
i love that i know this is the only work i ilove that
i know this is the only work i love that
that i know the feeling is the only work i love that
i know the feelign is the only work
this is the only workt he tuning
is the only work
milking the feeling i
i love the feeling and that i alrady have it
the feeling of lust for life the acid feeling the acide wind
today i’ll catch and acid wind and i love that
i get to that i even know the feeling that i even know the
feeling and its the feelign of
believing in myself in life
of believing in life!!
of believing in myself!!
in believing in god!
in giving god a place to make miracles and opportunity to make
miracles and i love that they are all around
i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to choose to feel good to feel the
god self now to feel the god self to feel the
fully aligned self i get to fee the
of the fully aligned self i get to be the fully aligned self
and i lvoe that i kno the
feeling that i can just h
jump into it i love that i get to choose it i love that i know i am it
i love tha ti know i am it i love that i k
that i am the substance of life
this substance is my supply
this substance is my supply
and i
i’m so gratefl i get to feel it
that ig et to believe in myself that
i get to belive in life
that i can feel authentic gratitdue
for the life i know is already mad ei loveet hat
i get to feel it
i love that i get to
that i get to say yes to life i get to say yes to life
ad allow
all of its splendor
i am relaxed into the flow
i relax into the flow
i relax into god
i let it all go i release it
i know it snot
it’s not up to me to make everything
its just up to me to allow it
to accept it to relax into the knowing of it
i get
to relax into the knowing of it and this
work eh
helps me do
that i can relax i relax into the flow
into the knowing and i release the rest i know that
i can always relax into the flow
allow the flow to flow allow
the flow to flow release trying to control
trying to make
release trying and allow allow life to flow through me
i allow life to flow through me
i release and alllow
not trying to control
just expecting the best in every moment
i lvoet hat i get to
i can release i know the release i know the release and i get to feel it now
i get to feel the god self i trust the god
self flowing
coursing through me i trust the god self ia m
the god self and i release the rest i am
the god self and i release the rest
i let go and allow i release and allow
i release and allow
the ene
i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which i
easily and
pouring forth from my divine consciousness
i am now aware i am now in the flow
i am now aware i am now in the flow