for this day to feel good to feel wonderful
so gratefl for this wonderful say
day so gratefl for this wonderful day d
so grateful for the god self flowing through me
so grateful to wake up feeling good
so grateful to wake up to texts so grateful
to wake up to calls so grateful
i get to chooe to feel good today i get to chooe to love
today today i get to feel good i ca
get to celebrate the day
today i get to
celebrate the day d
today i get to do the only work that matters
and i love that i ccan feel it i love that i v
can feel the god feeling flowing through me i lov e
i loe that i get to enjoy the day
i love that i get to feel good get to
feel this feeling knowing that its within me
all of life is me i know that alll of life is me
its within m e
its wihtin me its within me all of life is the way i feel
all of life is what i expect and i love hat i know this
that ig etto dhtoo
to do this work that i get to feel good that i get ot
feel th
the flow the feeling of the focus the feeling of releaseing the
rest the feeling of freedom
i love that ig et to do this work
the only work im here doing the only work
feeling work the knwoing work the its inside me work
im going t
doing the work inside me i m doing
doing the feeling work im
doing the feeling work
i am the feeling work im the flow ima
the flow flowing through me
i amt he god self flowing through m
me i am life i know that they
the way i feel is life i know that the way
i feel is life and i get to choose
to keep feeling how i want to feel
i knowt hat the
so grateful to get back to life
to feel good to feel the feeling of life being good so
grateful i knwo life is good
so grateufl i get to ccelebbrate it so graetufl
i get to feel fr
rich i get to feel wealthy i
get to choosee th feeling right now k
i know that god brings is all to me
i love
that i get to cchoose the feling o i get to choose
the feeling i get to choose
the feeling of celebating life i love that i get to choose teh feeling
of life is good i love that
i get to chooe the feeling of feeling good
so grateful for this day
so grateful life is always working out for me
so grateufl i knwo that i am god and when i feel the
feeling iw ant to feel then life arranges itself
so grateuflt o fee the feeling of feeling confident in life
in knowing whatever happens in trsuting
whatever happens
so grateufl to be here praccticing the feeling i want to feel
of not ccaring of not letting anything get to me
today no matter what happens i will know it is on my side
it feels so good to practice feeling how i want to feel
to practicce feelign the magick ofl ife flowing through me
to pracctice the feelign of truting life
of knowing life of havinga lust for life
so grateful for this day
for love for sun for a great morning
for a wife who loves me so
so grateufl for a wife who loes me
who wants to be around me
who wants to hug and kiss me and love one me
so gratefu for a wife who loves me
who wants to love and kiss and hug me
and be around me and loves me so much
so grateufl for a wife who loves me
so much so gratefl for my perfect life
with my perfect with
so grateufl for the time and space to parce the
practicce th feeling want to feel
this moment to feel good this moment to ccelebrate life
moment to be aware of all that i have
this moment to celebrate all that i havve
this moment to pracitcce th love
the love i want to feel today i amke the choic to
practicce the love i want to feel to give the love i want to d
to receive and to remember what is importatn
to remember what i ha
i already have to focus on how beautiful what i alraeyd have is
so gratefuli get to choose
so grateufl to feel the power of me so gratufl to feel the
the poer of me the power of me the
power of me to remember the power ofme
to remember to be grateful
for what i already have that i already have everything
i need and to cclut
cultivate that
focuson it
build it up
pay attention to it
water it dont neglect it
water it and make it flourish
pay attention to what you already have
before is too late
feel the gratitue for what i already have
that i already have thae
the perfect love that i already have the perfect partner
righ here besides me
i get to feel good i get to feel god i
get to py
pay attention to the god self
and i get to choose to vibat
vibrate lack i get to choose
to havve a conee
wonderful day i get to chooset o
kknow that life is on my side
i get to choos teh feeling of life is good
i get to choose teh feelin t
he feeling of life is good
i get to choose hte fthe feeling
and i know the feeling is real it is the only thing
that is real and i love that i get to choose
to feel it i loe that i
get to choose to feel the feeling
of real life