so grateful for this day

so grateful to rent hot cars
and then give them back

so grateful for
lacrosse balls that change
and save my life
on the daily

sooooooo grateful for the
amazing employees at enterprise
in lakewood oh
who make every single experience

a dream

so grateful for a stocked fridge!!

and a space heater!!

and a large cookie sheet
the largest

and for thrift finds
and for money to afford dry cleaning

so grateful the laundry is
done and for our washer and dryer
and free laundry in our place!!

so grateful for our awesome place
that i love more and more every day

so grateful to glen
and monica for having us over

so grateful to miranda
for being a friend

and a witch

and being on the same
vibration as us


so grateful to
feel calmly blissful
so grateful to feel good

to get a break
to work on my own work

so grateful i truly LOVE

my own work so grateful i truly
truly love it
so grateful to feel good in my body
to feel good about myself

so grateful for new ideas!!

to do something alt

so grateful for this job
the wife is applying for

so grateful for ideas
for new life

for something to do


grateful to do this wrok
to feel focused inthis flow
the flow to feel the flow flowing

do the work first

it feels good to feel calmly

to allow god to be the drug

so grateful for getting along
with the neighbor

so grateful for comprimise

so grateufl i know
everything is coming in the flow

so grateful to know
all outcomes are perfect

so grateful to feel
and at ease in my life inthis
here and now

love seeing the wife passionate

love when the kids get out of school
love running love

so grateful for butter and weed and
always having more than enough

so grateful to massage our
money spending and saving process

so grateful we GET

to do that so grateful
everything is going my way
so grateful to feel good to
feel good about myself
to feel good in my body

so grateful
to feel the flow flowing thorug

through me

to see so many


major manifestations

so grateful for
nmrk miracles

to know that life
is always unfolding in my favor
and i get to just
get out of the way


grateful to feel good about myself

in my life

so grateful to feel good

in my life so grateful to feel the
flow the flow flowing through me
so grateful to feel the flow
flowing through me
to know that

everything is a solution

so grateful she didn’t play
her music all weekend

so grateful for snuggles

for pony and linty

for our awesome duvet
and flannel cover

so grateful we get to go to cirque

so grateful there is always more
than enought

that our books make money!
that we print our money!!

that our books are best sellers

so grateful to do the work
to feel the ease and flow of life

to know the magick of life
so grateful to know that magick of life

to just choose

so grateful to choose

so grateful to choose
to feel good now so grateful to feel the

feeling now to feel at
ease in this

this here and now
to feel commp

completely at ease

because i get out of the way
i get out of the way of life
and life flows through me

and i love the feeling of
i love the feeling

of i love the feeling of
feeling totally at pease with

peace with
everything that is
i love that today i feel
at peace i love that
today i feel relaxed into the flow
of life

i love feeling good i love
feeling the ease and flow of life

allowing god to be the drug
i love allowing god to be the drug
i love choosing the feeling

choosing the version i prefer

i love that i
get to choose the version i prefer
i love that it’ sjust ath

easy and fun

i love that it feels fun today

it feels good to feel the focus
it feels good to wkae up

feeling good

to get done projects that have been sitting for months!!

to make spece i


it feels good to make space
it feels good to make spece
to fe

to feel the flow flowing through me
it feels good to feel the flow
flowing through me
it f

feels good to love
to do the work
it feels good to focus
and know that
everything is happening
at the perfect time
and place
so grateful to feel

to feel the
to feel

the magickal flow of life
flowing through me

it feels good to focus
and feel good it feels good

to have good ideas
to feel optimistic about life

feels so good to feel optimistic about
life to allow solutions

it feels so good
to allow solutions

it feels good to feel good to fee
to feel at ease in my life
to know that there’s always


more than enough i love that i know i love that
i nkow



more than enough i love
feeling good in my life
i love
feeling good in my life

i love feeling elevated i love
feeling tapped in i love

there is just



to love

i love feeling good i love
feeling good in my body i lo

i love whre i

where i am right now
i love this here and now
and relaxing and knowing

here and now
is literally


so grateful to feel elevated to wake up feeling
good to enjoy my life so grateful to feel the
feeling of enjoying my life

so grateful to focus and do the work
and see the miracles!

it’s just that easey