so grateful i don’t have to care

so grateful to keep myself my god self and remember ia m the
source so grateful to take care of me first so grateful to know i don’t care

i care about me i care aobut
about my god self and that is my only focus

my only focus in on the is on the god wtihin my only focus is on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i love that i don’t care i love that
i care about me i take care of me can

and i don’t care about the rest i love that
i can take care of how i feel i can always take care of how i feel

i can alays take care of how i feel and todayi do tme

today i do me
today i stand up for myself today i

allow life to come to me to day i love
myself today i love myself today

i love that god self today i am the god sleself

i love that ig et to choose me i love that i get to choose my wort

vortex i love that it he wo

the work always works and i know its
outside of me now when i see that i can

feel relief because i know

i can always feel relief
i can alawys feel

the relief of the god self i can always feel the relief
of the vortex i can always feel the relief of looking at it like god would

and celebate becausee the work always works
becausee life

because life

always works perfectly through me
life alawys works perfectly through me


i love that i get to take care of me i love

i keep my mind and thougths off this
world i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

and place the en

my entire focus on the god wtihin as the only cause

i love that i don’t have to care and when i see that i can
take it as indicator
to go within and take care of me

i can take

i can nothice it as an indiccator
to go within
and take care of me i love that i

ca n havve a good day no matter what
becuase i

can have a good day no matter what
i can have a good day no

matter what because my

i dont have to care what she’s doing
that’s the number one realization

i come here for

i dont have to car what


anyone else is doing
i focus on the god self within

and that’s all i can do i
that’s all i can is focus on the god self within me
to make the choice t

choices that feel in integrity with me
today i will feel the feeling wihin me
and trut the f

trust the feeling
today i can do whateer i feel is right
today i get to feel good for me
i get to be the god self i get to be the god self

i get to celebrate being the god self and i get to

cut myself loose from that situation
i know i gave over my power but no more

i don’t have to give my power
to anyone im not going to give the power of
over how i feel to anyone i love that i know

that i dont have to that i know tis all me
i know its all me

i love that id o

don’t have to i ilove that i can

choose me i love that i get to choose me
here and now i love that i get to feel

trust the feeling of me i get to turst the

the feeling of me ig et to
trust the feeling of me and i odn’t have to worry aobut what

anyone else is doing

i get to trust the feeling of me
i don thave to
give my power to anyone

i know my power i know i have the power i know i have
the ower

i know i have the power i know i have the power

i know i have the power

when i see that i know that is how she sinks her
teeth into you

i ove
i love that i don’t have to think about her
or what sh’es doing

i love that i can take care of me

right now i lov ethat
i can take care of me right now
i love

that i can take care of me right now
i love the feeling of not giving m

aways my power i love the feleing
of i love the feeling i love the

feeling of keeping my power right here
i love the feleing of remembering who i am i love th

feeling of remembering who i am
that i am god i love that i get toc

to choose i love that i am god i love that
i’ve let that go ro

i love that i’ve let that go forever
i love that i dont

care i love that this work hleps me o i love

i love that i can to live loving

i love that i don’t have to care what
other poeple do

i can only care about hw i feel
and if i see something i dont like

i can just decide what i prefer

i prefer not to care
i prefer not to noticce

i prefer not to even notice because its

not my problem and i dont need anythong

anyone i love that i know that
i dont need anyone i love that i now that

it’s only ever me i know that it’s only e

evver me i know that its only ever me
and i can choose the feeling i can choose teh feeling of me

i can only ever care about how i feel
and i know my power is choosing

dont want that what do you want then?