so grateful i know the true nature of my abundance

so grateful i know its within so
grateful for the knowledge and the esier

easy access to it like

flexing a muscle its exactly like flexing a muscle

when you realize that the muscle
is off the bus you simply put it back on

its that easy and life is that easy

no matter what the outside circumstances are

the divine consciousness that i am is forever
expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my
liife and
life and affairs

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing itst reu
true nature of abundance

this is its responsibilty not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident in letting go
andl etting
and letting god appear as the abundant all

sufficiency in my life and affairs

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature
of abundane

this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

therefore, i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

the divine consciousness that i am
and i love seeing the effects of the practice

and i know that the effects of the practice
are all around i love feeling i love
feeling the effects of the practice with
comes with an elevated

sense of focus or ability to focus i can
feel that the focus muscle is

flexing i can feel the focus muscle flexing and getting
stronger and there’s nothing there’s nothing

“they” can do to stop it

focus on who you are right now
remember who you are use this time to

utilize this time to go within
your power is within your power is within

powers that be want you to think they are the power
but they aren’t you are and only you can see that
for yourself

no one can teach it to you no one can feel

it for you be it for you i know that
i know the power within i nkow th
i know the power of me i

the power of the god self flowing
through me the power of the god self

the power of the knowledge
of the god self flowing through me

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in letting go and
letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my
life and affairs

so grateful to feel good now to feel good no
to feel the flow flowing righ now t

to feel the effects of the practice to feel it
to be here with it in the now be
here with it in the now

grateful to do this work the fous fow

the focus work the focus work the
feeling work so grateful to tune myself

to tune myself to the feeling of

of god so grateful to wrk out
so grateful for the CC credit!!!

which is really going to help us!!!

so grateful so grateful for the flow flowing
so grateful for the flow flowing

so grateful for a good day
for sunny sun

direct sun bright sun so gratefl to to feel good to have a good day

to feel better to feel better to do the work
to allow thos efeeli

those feelings to pass to


detach myself from them to be aware of them
and allow them to pass to detach myself from them to
remember who i want to be

so grateful to feel the feeling to feel the tuning
to tune myself to trust the flow
to feel the flow completely


totally confident

totally confident
totally confident
totally confident
totally confident

in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs
i feel the feeling i know the
feeling of coming into alignment

with total trust
total letting go
and that is all there is

total confidence
or not

total confidence or not
on the bus or not on the bus or not
on the buss or not

on the bus or not on the bus
or not on the buss or

or not buss it
i know tha is
that is the feeling that is that
feeling of the focus of the god self

that is the feeling of the god self
that is the feeling of the god self

is the feeling of the god self that
is the feeling of the god self that
is the god self that is the

i kow i know and that feeling
of connection with knowing is all i need

that feeling of connection
with knowoing is all i need

it is all there is the feeling of
knowing is all there is so

i say thank you i say thank you i say thank you
i say thank you i say thank you

i say thank you i say thank you

i allow it i allow god to do it
i can alwaYs just

just allow god to ti

to do it so grateful to know to choose
knowing to choose knowin

totally confident

in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs i know all it is is the focus
its easy it’s the easiest thing you can do

just choose knowing just choose knwoing

just choose knowing just choosing knowing
and i know that when i choose it is

i know that when i choose it is

i know that when i choose it is

i know that when i choose it is.

totally confident.