so grateful to be here

to get to choose to know that it’s only ever me and i’m
the energy i am the energy and the driver

i get to enjoy this day i get to tune myself to it
i get to let go of the rest and just feel the feeling
today i let go of the rest today i just
feel today i just am

i’m doing this work i’m tuning the self i’m
getting the moreo

motor running

i love waking up feeling good
getting to sleep in never really having to set an alarm

i love liking my chores

so graetful my wife and my kitties love me
so grateful for where i live and all the allies we
have here so grteful to stand behind it
so grateful i can be happy wherever i cam

so grateful that today i can shoose
choose love today i get to choose love i get to
send the signal of love i get to choose love
i get to choose love i

today i get to choose love today i get to allow life
to bring it to me today i get ot

allow life to choose i love coming here and doing the
wrok and tuning myself to love i love coming here and doing
the work nd

and tuning myself to love and i lov that
i get to

so grateful i alerady know
so grateful it already is
i know it always comes back around and i can
allow it i can allow it i can

today i get to allow it and i dont even
have to think aobut that
i cna just turn the boat on it i can

i can just turn the boat on it i can
totally not

i can totallly let it go and not even thinking
it today i get to feel good get to
enjoy the day todayi get to enjoy they day
and i never have to do anything out of obligation
i can do it for fun

i get to have fun i get to feel that feeling
today i get to feel that feeling l
of letting it all go of enjoying life of haing
having a good attitude
of feeling tuned to life i

of eel the

feeling ther est slp away
i kknow the feeling is there i know the feeling is always there
its me i know that feeling is me i know that feeling is
me and it’s always here

i dont have to add anyting
to myself i dont have
to become anything else becausee i always

already am it i get to feel the feeling of it
so grateful to celebrate this day to tune myself
to the magick of this day to choose teh love of
this day to choose the
verison i wa nt to

feel the version i prefer

i get to choose to embrace to fully love this
day and dont have to choose resistance

dong ha

don’t have to look for reasons not to
i can just release all that annd bask in the day
today i choose to bask in the day
and allow the natural feeling to flourish
today i allow god to floursigh
through me

today i allow god to flourish through me
to express itself through me
to know that i do my best and i dont have to do it all

i can leave space for me i can leave space for me
i can do me i can be me

i can live my life fully without the influence of others
na di love

doing this work i love doing thiw work
waking up to the feelings
choosing how i want to feel

chooseing my proximity to god knowing that’s a

all there really is and that all o flife
reflects that so ic an always
choose my proximity to god and the rest will follow

i get to have fun and enjoy the day

and the rest will follows

i love waking up doing this work
tha this work can steer my day
i love that i can always


steer my day i love that i know i can
always choose the feeling i love that i
know i can always

choose the feeling i prefer i love that
i know i love that i know i can choose love i love that
i know i can choose lov ei love

i love that i know its only eve a feeling and
i can trust it

so grateful to lovet his amazingly awesome day
so grateful to not care
to get to enjoy the day to get to embrace the dasy

to get to love the day to get to choose love
and feeling loved to get to choose fun
so grateful to get to cchoose fun and love

to know i always do my best
to know that i always do my best and that’s all i can do

i always direct the feelign of love
and that’s all i can do.

so grateful i get to choose the feeling
and know that’s all ther is
that i get to choose the basking that i
get to choose to

fully love my life and know that
no one can stop me
i get to feel successful
and trut that

turst that

trust that life is always
on the case trust that life is always

on the case trust that life is
always on the case

i love that i get to enjoy the day
get to enjoy me gett o

to enjoy my life get to enjoy the
power of the focus the power of
focusing on one point and allow the rest to unfold
i trust the flow i trust the feeling

i love that i’m here i love that
i get to experience life as the god self i love that
i can never try and i can all

only allow life
i can only allow life to live itself
i can aonly

only allow life to live itself.