so grateful to be here

so grateful for everything ih ave that i get to
celebrate this day that
i get to feel joy that my kitty gets to live!!

so grateful to feel the other said e
side of the wave so grateful to do this work
and feel good so gratefl it was nothing so grateful for
everything i already have so grateful
for everything i already have and knowing that
i dont need anything else
that its already perfect the way it is i know ths i know i know that

life is alredy perfect the way it is i know that life

loves me i now

so grateful for this day
so gratefl for life for the flow l

of life flowing through me so gratefu for
for this day for the flow

so grateful for all the gifts of life that
are constantly bestowed upon me
so grateful i get to live i get to feel good i get to enjoy life

i get to hang out with my kitty !!!

so grateful for this day
so grateful it all worked ot
so grateful all of life worked out

for me so grateful for where i am
for the flow flowingfor

for the in and out
so grateful its my day so grateful its my day

so grateful for this day for this moment
i savor this moment i milk this moment

because im so grateful pony is here and she is alive and well!!

so grateful for this moment for this life that
ig et to enjoy every day

i’m milking ths feeling the
feeling of peace the feeling of gratitude

the feeling of feeling good the feeling of
not having to worry so grateful i dont have to stress
i dont have to worry i dont havet o wonder

i can just choose to feel good to feel love
to feel knwoing i can sh

choose to feel knowing i can
choose to feel knwoing i get to choose

i get to choose hwo i want t
to feel ig ett

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose i love that
i get to celebrate this day i love that there is so mcuh in life

worth celebrating i love that i getto o
get to love i love that i get to love

where iam right now i love that i get to choose love
right now i lovee that i know that life

is working out for me i love that i get ot choose the

feeling of yes

i’m here and i’m focused on the

the magic of life i’m here and i’m focused on the
feeling renouncing my humanhood
and just saying yes

to everything that is i accept all that coms
i accept it

so grateful for this day
that i get to feel good

so grateful to feel the flow
of this right now
to feel good rightn ow to feel
tuned in tapped in turned on

right now i get to feel good i
get to feel good i g

get to feel the flow the flow
the flow

the flow of life the flow of life in there

this here andnow

overjoyed in this moment ath
that everything worked out

so grateful for the feeling of relief
so grateful for relief

so grateful we got the van
that we can make it work without a vehicle
and its easy!!

so grateful for the cool peple at enterprise
that someone real helped us out instead of the fake peo[le lo

so grateful for the vet and they were nice and it was fast
and it all worked out perfectly

so grateful it all workd out even though it was stressful

and we got our van!!!!

so grateful for this dady for the

for the feeling of tuning for the feeling of knwoing
for the feelign of knowing the truth of life
i kno

i know the truth of life and i’m so grateufl to
allow it to pass through me
so grateful for this day
and this moment of life
that i get to celebrate so grateful i
get to celebrate life today that i get to

bask in this feeling of relief
so grateful to bask in the feeling of relief
knwoing that its all ok that it all worked out
that she’s fine

so grateful we did everything we could

so grateful we can afford it!!!

so grateful to have more than enough and not
have to feel tight so gratefult o feel
free with money
so grateufl i could buy anything i want!!

today i’m focused
focused on the blessings of me
focused on all the blessings constantly

raining down on me foxue

focused on gratitude
for what i have focused on gratitude
for what i have what i already have

i already have it all i already have so mch
sooooo much to be grateful for and i’m so grateful
for all that i have for all that is good in life
so gratefl for the good life for the flow of life

flowing through me so gratefl for life for life
for this life i made this pefect
perfect life i amde and where i am right now

i’m here i’m here now and there’s already more than

i love that it already is il ove that
we made it!!!

i love that we made it and i get to feel grateful for that
i love that life is good and life loves me i love that life loes me

so grateful for this moment to

feel at peace in this moment so gratful
for everything i have and knowing that
its already perfect
that nothing has to change so grateful to know

that nothing has to change
because i already have it all

i already have it all right here and now

i am the god self i renounce my humanhood and i am the god self

so grateful for everything i already have!!!