so grateful to be here remembering the feelng of
the power of me so grateful to feel in tune wiht the power
of me so grateful to sit here in the nowing
knowing of the poweer of me
so grateful to celebrate thiss dasy to feel good to feel
the flow flowing through me
so grateful to be here knowing the
power of me feeling the feeling of the power of me celebratign the feeling
of the knowing of the pwoer of me
so grateufl i have it ih ave it ii have th
the certaitny
the certainty of me the feeling of me the knowing of me
the knowing feeling the knowing feeling the
knowing feeling the
knowing feeling the knowing
feeling i love the
feeling of me the feeling of teh pwer
the power of me the feeling of tapping into the power
of me the feeling of tapping into the power of me all
of allowing the flow to flw the
energy to flow
the energy of to flow the enregy to flow
he energy to flow the god self the
to flow the god energy to flow and i love that
it already is i loe that
it already is that its me
that its my life experience i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose every minute i love that
i get to i love that i get to choose
every minute i love that i get to choose
every minute
i love that i get to choose every minute i love
that i get to focus on the feleing et to tune toward the feeling
get to tune towardd the feleing tet to feel
get to
celebrate the feeling et
get to know the feeling is my work
i get toi
i’m od i’m god i’m god ia m
i am the one and only god of myi exi
existence and i knwo ths i know this
and i celebrate it i feel for what i want
i watn i become what i want and its’ that
easy i love that its that
easy i love that i et to i love that
i get to i love that li get
i get to i love that i get to feel it i get to feel it
and then it is i and
an di love had
that i know this truth i love that i know thsi
this truth i love that i know this truth that i am thiss truth
i know that ia m the one and only god ao
of my reality
that creation is done that createion is done
i’m not creating it i’m hust
just selecting it
all of the options are already ther ei
i just choose a door
choose a wino
its all ther ei can just walk into the door i choose
i know that i am the one and only god i know that i am
the one and only god i know that i am god i know that i am
god and
i get to celebrate this knowledge i love that
i know that lfe is easey
i love that i know that
i get to choose i love that i nkow i am
god and i just feel for twhat
what i prefer and then it is
i feel for what i prefer and then it is i know that
with every thought
every believe
i create the version i see
taht’s it jsut the version i see and i know tis it s that
easy i
that i get to diave
dive in i get to dive right in
i get to choose
i am the one and only go di am
i am the one and only god i am the one an donly
only god of my reality of
my existence and i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose i ge tto choose i get to choose
i get to choose i get to
choose i ti get to allow it i
i get to allow it to come to me i get to clla
allow it to come to me i get to allow life i get to allow life
ia m
i am life i am life i am allof life i am
all ofl ife ia m the god of my own experience
of my own existenc ei am the god of my own experience
of my own
existence and i love that i know that
i know this i know this
thank you i know thank you i feel the
feeling i feel the connection the god self
the knowing sellf the
celebrating celf the free
the free self i love that i get to fele the
feeling that i get to tune myself to truth the one and only
truth the one an
and only truth an di love that
i get to choose it get to feel it get to celebrate it
get to ccelebrate this day
so grateful i know and i can just check out
so grateful i know and i can just
check out and allow the perfect of life to flow through me
so grateful i know so
grateful i know so grateful i knwo
grateful i know so
grateful i know the flow of life
i kno wthe flow of life i know the flow
of life i know
the god self i know that i am the god self and i get to
feel it anything that i can
want already is because i can feel it here and now
energized by this knowledge
so grateful i can
always come here and remember this knowledge
t ath i get to choose the
reality i live i get to allow the
eenrgy to flow through me i get to feel the
feeling and know that it already is
i get
i get to feel the feeling and knwo that
it already is