so grateful to feel good!

to feel energized to feel good about life!
so gratful to feel good about life
to switch it up
to feel good now so grateful to feel good now

so grateful to be here now
to feel good now to feel good now to love
this moment so grateful to allow
myself to love this moment

so grateful to allow myself to love this moment

so grateful to allow msye
to love this moment to
feel good in this moment
in this moment
so grateful to allow myself to
feel good now in this moment
i feel good now
in this moment

so grateful to do this work
to be deep into this work to get deeper and ee

deeper always deeper into this work so grateufl
to put my attention where
it needs to be

so grateful to put my attention where
it needs to be

grateful for this here and now
to love myself right here in this here and now

to celebrate life to turn the attention
within so grateful to
to turn the attention within

turn the attention within

deep into the work
deep into the focus into the energy
into the

energy deep into the energy
deep into the focus the god work the
god work
the god work

to go deep into it
to remember its all me to
remember its all me

to remember its all me it feels good to do the work
to do me to go within
to know that i can go within
i go within first
and allow the rest to come and i know that’s the
only way i know that’s the
only way

i go within first

i go deeper and deeper i get to feel the
feeling i get to
feel the

feeling i get to feel the
feeling i

get to feel the feeling
here and now
i get to feel the

here and now i get to feel the feeling here and now

i pay attention
i pay

attention i pay attention i pay attention

i pay attention
i pay attention

to how i feel to the thoughts
to the version the thoughts are creating

grateful to see a new world

i know i know we’re all
a collective consciousness
and nothing about us
is separate

i know that life is showing me a

i know that life shows me
a simulation

i know that it’s just a simulation
i know that it is
i know that it’s just

a simulation

i pay attention to the indicators
i pay
attention to the indicators

i pay attention to the thoughts
and the version i create

i pay attention to the inner self
i connect with the inner self

i connect with the inner self

i connect with the inner self


ok i can do it i can
go totally within i can trust i can

trust i can trust

i can trust the flow i trust
the flow i trust the

flow i trust the flow

i trust the feeling the inner self i love
that i an

can always put the focus within
i can always put the focus within

turn the focus within
i love

that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good that is the number one

then do the reset

then do the rest
then do the rest

then do the rest

deeper and deeper
is all i can do all i can
all i can do is
feel for center and know that
god self will lead me

i know that all i can do is let go
and know and trust and allow
and when i do that i feel good

i feel a rush of life flowing through me
i feel
a rush of life flowing through me i feel

rush of life flowing through me
i come to center and i allow
center to do the work
i come to center ot

and i allow center to do the work

deeper and deeper into the self
into the self

into the self into how i want to feel
into how i want to feel i know i have
to find teh fee

the feeling place first

find teh feeling place

grateful to choose teh feeling i prefer

that’s all i can do
choose what i prefer and know it is

it already is choose it and it
already is i don’t have to defend my

i can just return to center
return to center
and feel for the version i prefer

feel for the version i prefer
i love that i can help imagine a new world
i love that i know i can play a part in that
i know that our materials can play
a part in that i know that i can do the work

take the leap to make that happen and i know i’m doing
it every day i know i’m doing it every day

i know i’m doing it every day
feeling toward it more and more

feeling toward it more and more

the feeling deeping into

deeper into this deeper into the emotional switch
the emotional switch
i love remembering it and i love knowing
that my only job is to flip it

the switch i love that i can always flip the switch i love that i get
to feel good

get to love the day
get to love the day

get to love the day
welcome the day
welcome the

changes the world is going thorugh

a chance to make a new world
always making a new world

looking for ways i can give more
of myself
i know that’s all i have to do
and the opportunities will present themselves

and all i have to do is say yes

all i have to do is say yes

deeper into the feeling i prefer
deeping into the

into the feeling i prefer

deeper into the feeling i prefer
i know that’s all i can do

i know that’s all i can do i
i know that’s all

i can do.