so grateful to wake up feeling good

so grateful i get to live
that i get to enjoy this day

that i get to live!!

that i’m in perfect health
that i get to feel good that i have so many
reasons to feel good so grateful to
feel good to celebrate life in this
here and now so

so graetful f

to feel good to feel happy in
my life so grateful
for a good life

so grateful for my mom
that she is happy
so grateful to feel good

to feel loved so grateful to love to
to love and feel loved to remermber
who i am
and to remember that i can just realx

relax into life to remember that i can
relax into life it feels good to feel good to feel good
to feel good to feel

good to feel good

so grateful to remember who i am to do the work
to do the owrk to

i love who i am i love that i know i am
god i love that
i kno wi a

i am god i love that

so grateful to feel good so

so grateful to

so grateful to feel good to allow the flow
the flow through e
so grateful for how far i’ve come

so grateufl i know who i am
know what i am so grateful to remember who i am
remember what i am

to remember that i get to choose to
remember that
everything is an opportunity
to use the magick

be the magick to look for the magick
to look for the magick

it feels good to
look for the magick

to look for the magick

it feels good to look for the magick
to love this here and now o

it feels good to tune my vibration to make
the time to tune the vibration
to remember this is the only work

to enjoy doing it
to make the choice to feel good

no matter what is happening
to remember that i don’t have to care
about anything and i can just allow life to come
to flow through me it
feels good to allow life to flow through e it

me it feels good to love myself it
feels good to love myself it
feels good to love myself

to focus in this here and now
to focus on the magick to remember that

the magick is

all ther eis

it feels good to remember that the magick
is all there is it feels good to elevate my mind

to a higher level to feel good in my
body to feel good in my life to feel at ease in my life

it feels good to relax and feel at ease in my life
it feels good toknow that
everything i evere w

wanted is right here and now
it feels good to choose knowing
it feels good to choose knowing
it feels good

to make the choice to make
the choice

to make the choice

it feels good to make the choice it
feels good to make the choice

to make the choice it feels good to make
the choice it feels good to
make the choice to make the choice i

it feels good to love to feel the feeling
insinde of me to feel

my heart singing to allow life to flow through me
to do the only work that matters to

love msyelf and god to know that

they are the sayme

it fesl g
feels good to feel good to feel good

it feels good to feel good
to not have to try
and allo life to come to me
it feels good

to elevate my mind and body

to lift up my mind and body
it feels good to remember who i am that ia m
vibration and that i can shooe

choose certainty

it feels good to make the choice
to feel certain it feels good to feel ceratin
certain to love it
feels good to love
to feel the feeling right now
to feel my

heart singing right now
it feels good to
allow my heart to sing in this

here and now and let go of the

so grateful iknow
i know notne

none of therest matt
the rest matters it feels good it
feels good it feels good to feel good

to allow the heart to dance
to allow the

mind to drift away to be
here now
to be in the vortex now to choose
the vortex

now ot fot

to feel the effects of the practice to know
it’s only ever me it feels good to make the

to make the choice it feels good to
make the choice

and not have to try not
have to force anyting

it feels good to tune myself
to the magick of life

i love that i can make the choice
i love remembering that i am magick
i love

doing the work to feel how i want to fele
i love that i get to

to feel good
i love that i get to celebrate life righ now
i love doing the work to feel good

i love that i get to feel good now i lov
that i know i love that i know i love that
i nkow life is

is good i love doing the work

looking for what i want to see i love
that i know tha

so grateful for this here and now

grateful for the life experience

i love that life is good i love
that life loves me i love that
everything is perfect right now

so grateful for work!
so grateful for time to myself!

so grateful for a wife who loves me!

so grateful for a good life
and doing the good work
the only work that matters

working on love

learning to love
to look with love to look upon
everything in life
with love and

remember i am the creator of it all