so gratful for this good day

to feel good as me to feel good as my rue

true seld so grateulf to get to love to day
to fe

get to feel at east today to get to sy thank you today

so grateful to gt to d the work today to g
to love toay

so gratefl ig et to love today i gt to allow today i gt to
be hwpp

i get to cchoose to love tooday i get ot hoose to clto love

thank you for this day
so gate

gratefl use people and
use use so grateful people use and love our work

so grateful our work works so gratufl
ig et to feel good i get to feel good i kow its a feeling
i know tis a feleing

i kow its a feeling i now that all of life is

a feeling i nkow that i am the source and its not
outsde of me i love he

when im all filled up i love that i dont need
anything outside of me i love

getting in the vortex and

then that’s what i’m doing i’m here a

getting into the vortex

i’m tuning into and protecting my energy i know the
energy of me i now the poer of me and i keep it
here i g

i never i

give it away only i am in charge of how i feel and i nkow

i know that nothing can make me feel bd
so graefl to gett

feel good about msyelf
so grateful to feel good abut myself
so gratefl to feel good to feel
the flow


i’m tuned in tapped in tunred on


i’m tuned in tapped in turned on i love that i feel

good i love the better it gets i love that
life comes co

to me i love that i feel it here and now i love
that life is esay i love

feeling life flow through me i love that i now it
i k

i love that i get to feel good today
i love that its a new day i ‘

i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to fee

have a good day i love that i get to love
and have fun i love that i
get to enoy life

i lve that

tha t

that i get to enjoy lif

life i love that i get to enjoy life
that ig et to say yees that i get to fee good

i love that i dont care teoay
i love that life is good dao

today i love that all of lfie is working out for me and it always does

it’s easy to focus its easy to
feel the god feeling its t

easy to tune myself to the truth

thank you

its’ esay to remember who i am and focus on it
its esay to make the choice for ehat

what i want its eays to make the choice love and
feel good its easy

to make the choice to allow love to come to me
its eay

to make the choice to enjoy life
to love life

to feel flic

bliss today i feel fli

today i am focused in my bliss today
i am focued in my bliss and i now that f

bliss creates
every feeling creatse
and the feeling i aliwn

align with the feeling i align with is the
feeling i see played out the feeling i feel now

i kow this i know ths i am

i am the master of creating
wtih feeling i am the master of creating with feeling

and all i have to do is akwa

aks what i want and then feel the truth of it and know that its comein

comeing because when i ask it is given and if i just feel the
feelig noww t

then it already is if i feel the feelign now
then it already is and

i kno thi

i know this for a facet

i know this for a fact i choose teh
feeling i choose teh the feeling i choose teh
feeling i choose
the feeling i choose the

feeling i chosoe the feeling now

i choose teh feelign ow i

i ask and it is givne

it alreayd is

i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the feeling
i ge tot

to feel the feeling i fee
i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the

feeling i get to feel the feelin now

i love that i now ths work i love that
i know the power

i know the power of me i love that
i know the

power of me i love that i now for a fact and i love
that i get to do the work i lov that
i get t align

with god that i know the feeling of aligning
with god and i know the

that when i’m with god
when god is my supply

when god is my supply

i am totally fulfilled

just me and god that’s all i need
and i always have god i alawys have god

i love that i knowt hi that it’s only ever me and i’m god

i always have the feeling and i am always the sourc f t

of the feeling

i love that i know this i love that
i get to feel bliss

i get to feel bliss happy for no reason
i get to just feel the

feeling of knowing that im
taken care of totally

i know that i am the feeling

i know that
i am bliss
i am bliss

and i dont need anything else i have bliss and
i dont need wanythin

anything else


nothing outside of me
could eer

coud ever be bliss
blss is eithi

and its the only feeling its the
only reoa


bliss is the only relationship