so happy for this day

for the moment for the here and now

so grateful to suspend reality to know that i can

always suspend reality suspend reality
suspend relaity

so grateful for this moment to
feel the gift of pure bliss in this moment
so grateful to f

feel blissful in this moment blissful in thi
this moment if eel good i feel good in this moment i
feel great in this moment i feel knowing in

knowing in this moment
knowing that life
life is always flowing through me
life is always flowing through me
is alwaYs fl

flowing through me life is always flowing through me

thank you for this day
thank you
for this day thank you for this day dor
for this moment
for this here and now so
grateful for this here and now for this
here and now

so grateful for this here and now
this here and now
so grateful to know to know to know
to know to know to know

to know to know to know to
know to know
so grateful to know

so grateful in this here and now
for life for the god self to know that
the inner world is only world

its the only place to find
its the only place to find what i seek
and its the only work i know that
my inner world is the only thing i can

i love that i know this and i love that
i get to do the work of designing my life
of designing my life
of designing my life
i love that i get to choose

i love our work i love orders i love that the orders
are always flowing i love that
checks are in the mail i know that life is a

feeling and you get to jump into

just jump into a pool of bliss
anytime you want i love that i feel good i love that
i feel blissfl i love
i love that i feel blissful

i feel blissfull

so grateful to do this work
to feel focused to find focus
in the only thing that mattersa nd

and that’s the gaod self
god self so grateful to remember the god self
to know the god self to know the feeling
of life to know thatl ife

always reflects the feeling

life always reflects the
feeling the inner world the inner world i know that

all that matters is the inner world i know
all that matters is the
inner world the connection to the god self

it feels good to feel good in life
to choose the side of thew ave i pre
the side of the wave i prefer and just keep
choosing it and its that easy i love that i know

i love that i knwo its

its a flawed


people think that someone can keep
something fromt hem

them but its not true

i love that i know i get to choose
and its not up mto

to me to mkae it happen
just choose i love that i get to choos
ei love that

i feel good about the choice
i know the power of me and life
is all about how i feel
i know that

this is the secret to life
and it makes life
so much easier

i know it get to choose and
its a feeling t

like the other day i want

was getting irritated then i decided
to not be and to allow the
version i wanted
and it

come itno foc

into focus right away
and i know i can choose to

do that in every moment and then
life is showing me that
i know that life is showing me that
i know that
life is showing me
that i love that i get to choose

in every moment i love that i get to choose
in every moment
and then life changes
its really that easy i lovet hat
i get to gooc

choose i love that
i get to choose

i know i don’t have to DO anything
just be just allow just allow just
allow the here and now the here and now
just allow just
allow myself to feel good to feel the flow
to feel the flow of life t

to feel the flow of life to feel the flow
of life to feel the flow
of life to feel good to feel the flow
to feel the flow
to feel the flow

of life to feel the flow of life i feel good now i feel
good now i feel good now

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling
and i know the feeling is

all there is i know the
feeling is

all there is i know the feeling is
all there is

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love
feeling the flow
i love feeling the flow of life i love
doing the work i love taking the big leap
i love taking the big leap i love
taking the big leap i love that

taking the bi leap

the big leap i love taking the
big leap

i love my life i love the life i’ve
made for myself i love walking errands
i love the sun i love a warm day
i love where i live i love my family

i love the feeling of loving my life
i love that i get to cultivate it within me
i love that i am
practiced at looking for what i want to see

and seeing it i love that i get to choose
love and that’s all there is i love that i
get to ask and it is given i love that
when i ask it is given i love
feeling the power of em i love

feeling the opwer

power of the focus i love that
i never have to wonder i love that
i never have to wonder
i love

i love that i never have to wonder
i love that i can
only ghan

change the world within