something amazingly awesome

i love the space to do the work
i love getting up early i love
seeing something

amazingly awesome happen
and knowing

i created that i love that i know
i created that
i love that i know i can always feel good
i can always feel the way i want to feel

i can always focus on the flow
the god energy i love that
i get to feel the

god energy flowing i ilove that it’s a chance to use the magick
i love that iam see

i am seeing signs of improvement
i love that everything is a chance

to do the work i love that i know that
is a chance to do the work i love that
i know the flow i love that i know the

flow is flowing i love that the
flow is flowing through me i love that
ig et to do this work theo nly work

the only work i love that
i get to enjoy life right now

i love that i get to use my magick
i love that i get to use my magick
i love that i get to feel the flow i love that
i get to feel the flow

i ilove doing the work i love feeling
good i love

elevating my mind
and herat i ilov
i love feeling he

the magick flowing through

my veins

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love loving myself i love loving the
moment i love loving the day i ilove

that this day is good i love
thatl ife is good i love

feeling waves of joy
and relief flow through me
i love feeling at peace in my life

at peace in this moment
knowing this

moment is

forever i love that i knkow that
this moment is forever i love tath

that there is so much to love i love
that i get to feel good i love that
ig et to love who i am i love

the better it gets i love


i love syaing ye

saying yes i love that i am
training myself to say yes
i love that i t

it feels good to say yes
feels good to feel good i love doing

the owrk

the only work i love doing the only work
i love

doing the only work

i love feeling good i love
looking for the magick i love knowing the magick
is there i love

getting in the vortex and then
i love feeling good i love

yelling it fromt he the

mountain tops

i love feeling at ease in my life
i love
feeling relaxed in my life i love that
i knw i can

relax into this moment
and trust it i love that i
can relax into this moment
and trust it i love

that i know that this moment
can hold me this moment
can carry me this moment

will take care of everything
and my only job is
to enjoy it i love that
i have this

this moment to enjoy i love that
i get tthis momemnt
to enjoy i love

loving my life i love
loving my wife i love feeling grateful for this
moment i love
feeling the magick inside me

i love letting it out

i love that there is so much to love
i love that i get to love myself i love
that iknow

i know life is easy i love that
get to feel at ease and relaxed in my life i love
that i can leet go

of the

old vibration of worry
i love that we’ve made it

i love that we are wealthy i love
that we never have to worry about money again

i love that our business is successful i love
that everything is alwys working out for me

i love the better it ges

i love feeling good i love
getting there i love getting there i love that i know
it’ss here it’s always right here i love having fun
and enjoying life i love that i know

life loves me i love that
i know

life loves me i love that

there is so much to love i love

that there is so much to love

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to love i love that
i get to love i love

that i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good i love where i am

right now i love where i am

right now i love the focu i love
i love the magick i love knowing who i am
i love

knwoing i am

knkowing i

knowing i am

i love thati kow i am god

i love how far i’ve come
i love doing the work

in this here andnow
the magick work i love doing the magick work

making the time
and space for the magick work i love

loving myself i love loving my life
i love

wanting to feel good

i love doing thew ork
i love doing thies

this work i love liftig myse

myself up i love feeling loe for
for all

lust for lif ei love
i love feeling a lust for life i love that
i know the

lust for life is alwys w

here i don’t have to e
manic about it

the god self is always here
in the now

and right now
and right now

and right now

it will never not be rightnow i love
tha i love this i love

feeling good i love

feeling elevated i love
that i can lift up my

heart andm ind i llv
i love that i feel at ease in my life
i feel knowing in my life

i feel at ease in my life i feel
the ease and flow of life

in this moment and i know i can

every moment

that it only reflects me