start the day off right

and knowing that i am unstobbable
i know that today is a good day i know tht today
i will live my best lif ei know that
today i am living my best life today
i am living my best life

fitness of the mind
and that’s all that matters
fitness of the mind and i know this

i know that it’s only ever
fitness of the mind fitness of the mind

fitness of the mind i love thati know
i love that i feel free becaue i

because i don’t care what
happens i lovet hat
that i don’t care what happens i love that
i feel free i love that

i’ve let that go i love that
i’ve moved on i love that i get to

do me to live my life
that i get to do me to follow my passion

to be who i

truly am and dothe onlthe only work
matters this is theo nly work that matters
this is the only work that matters
i love that i know this

is this

is the only
work that matters

the work right now remembering
this is the only work


coming to center is the only work this
is the only work and this
is what i am devoted to

mly god

my god self is what i’m devoted to

knowing that life is happening through me i love
that i know this il ove that
i now this
i lov ethat
i get to choose to love that

i get to choose to love

feel at ease in this

here and now i love
myelf i
i love myself i love myself i love

myself i love myself i love
myself i love

myself i love myself

i love that i now that
is all that matters i love feeling good i love
allowing life to flow through me

i get to allow life to flow
through me i am allowing life to flow through me i am

life to flow

the mental focus
the clarity

the clear strong signal
and that’s all there is so

i have to decide what i want

that’s all there is

i want it to go well
i want it to go perfectly
and flawlessy and
int he flow

i want everything to work out
i know everything is working out
i know it’s only ever me
and i get to choose
i want to go with the
flow enjoy the space

feel grateful for it
and tha’ts a

that’s all that;
that’s a

i can ever do and whatever
happens is in the air
it’s not up to me to

decide because

the energy creates worlds
and the energy
creates my world

it’s not my

job to make things happen
it’s my job
to listen to and trust

the neergy

it’s my job to relax into the here and now

my job to focus to feel the
knowingness of knowing
i am god that is all there is

is the knowing feelig that

that i am god
i love that i know i a

i can always come back to
center and feel the healig

energy of life flowing through me
i love that i get to choose
that helaing

healing energy in the here
and now i love that i kow
it can only reflet

me and i get to deicde i love
that we get to have some
fun i love

that we get to have fun ilove
having gu

fun and knowign that

that i

get the feeling
i choose
the feeling i choose the feeling
i choose the feeling

i choose the feeling
and i don’t have to care
what happens because it

always follows the feeling
it always follows the feeling
and i know that
for a fact i love that i know

it’s all working out i love that
i know life is working out i love
that it’s working out i love
that lifei s

i love that i know
life i go
is god i love

that i know that life
is good i love that i know

life is good i love hwere
where i am right now i love
the feeling of coming back to

center and remembering
center is all there is i love that
i know life
loves me i love that i know life

loves me i love that i know life

lief loves me i love that life
is good i love that i know i am loved i love that

i know i am loved
infinitely by god i love
that i know


i love that i know i am
enough i love that i get to
love i love that i
get to love i love

i love and that’s
all there is i love i love

i love that i get to relax i love
that i get to let go and feel the flow

of life trust the flow of life
i love that right now

i trust thef low
the flow of life

i relax in toth

this here and now i love
that i know it’s all vibration i love the
better it gets i love
feeling healed i love that i know

easy to relax at center

in the here and now
it’e eas

it’s easy to relax into the here and now
i love the

thank you for this here and now
thank you

for this here and now

thank you

i nkow i know it’s only
ever the here and now i love that
i know thi i love ilove that
i know the magick of life
and them ore i p

the more i practice the more

i do the work of coming back to
center the better i feel the

better i feel

today i am enjoying life
today i allow myself to
enjoy life today

i take the big leap
into my zone of genius

today i take the big leap
into loving myself and not caring what

happens i love that i don’t care
what happens i love that i love myself i love
that i love

myself i love

that i love myself i love
that i love

myself i lovethat

i love myself i love doin
work i love the
better it gets i love the
better it gets i love

allowing myself to trust the now

the here and now to feel the
feeling i want to feel right now