STOP THE worry
stop wondering
and just say yes
just say
yes thank you
yes thank you yes thank you
thankyou yes
i have the power to stop
i have
the power to stop
stop worrying
stop wondering
stop analizing
and do it
with my feelings
create with my emotions
all i can ever do
is nothing the only thing
i can ever do is nothing
and trust the flow and the
more i practice
trusting the flow
the better i feel i know
i am the one and only creator of
my life experience
and i can’t
blam other people
even for how they behave
because i am the on
i am the one perceiving it
i am
the one perceiving it i am
the one the perceiving it i am
the one perceiving it
i am the one
perceiving it
i am the one
perceiving it
i am the one
perceiving it
i am the one
perceiving it
i am the one creating my life i am
the one feeling the flow i am the one
feeling the flow i am
the one
feeling the flow i am the one
i am the one
i am the one i am the one
perceiving it
i am the one creating my life
no one but me and its my choice
to feel good
i love that iknow i love that i know
the flow creates it the magick creates
it and its easy to know this
i know that the flow
always here with me
flwoing me
with me andi can allow myself to feel good
and have fun
stop wondering
stop wondering
stop asking what if
and wondering if the
worst happens
becuase i can
looking for the best
i know its only ever me i love
that i know i am the on e
creatiing my life i love that i
can let go
just stop
just stop
and feel good
feel the flow
and then i can start
enjoying life i love that
its easy
to stop
its easy to stop