im here feeling the tao feeling th tao
the tao that ise
is everything
the tao does nothing the tao does nothing and im
so proud of myself for takig the action tha i know feels good
for doing the work for me for feeling my feelins for feeling through it
for makig the time to feel good in my life
so grateufl for someone who loves me
who is attracted to me that wants to be with me through thick and thin
that waalways lovese me no tmmatter what
that loves me no matter what so grateful to have sonesomeon
that loves me no matter what
so grateufl for so much love in my life
so grateufl i get to enjoy my life
that i can work out that ig ot ot wok
to work out that i know i would i knew i would
so grateful i new i chose knowing
so graetful
today im choosing knwoing today im
choosing knwoing today im choosig knowing
im here its here the tao is her the
taoe is here and the rest isn’t up to me
today i observe
today i feel my feelings
today i allowt he flow allow the truth i allow the
truth of life to flow through me
i allow the tao o flow thorughme i allow knowing
i allow the power of me i tap into the power of me i
tap ito the power of me
i feel it for real i feel it for real
i really feel it i choos to feel the power of me
the knwoig of me
what do i know what do i know
i know that i am the one and ony
only creator
the one and only observer of my life
and i nkow that i get to choose what i loko for
i get tocchoose hat
what i lookf or i get to
choose hwat i look for
i choose i choose the feeling of me
place my entire focus
on the god wthin as theo nly o
cause of my prosperity
i know i now that th feeling is all there is
the feeling of l
eltting letting everything else go of letting
evverything false go the feeling
of letting go of evverything that
isnt’ real
nd celebrating what is
allowing myself to be hap in
happy in my lf eia llow myslef
to be hawppy in my life
knowing that life is alawys going my way
i choose the side of the wave i prefer
and that is my power
i choose my power i choose me i choose th
cneter of me
i choose love i choose love i choose love
becausee i am the sourcce of lfo
loe i choose love because i am one who loes
because i am god and i look at it how god would i look at life
how god would and that is how i go through life
so easily
i look for what i prefer
and the more i prect
practice looking for what i want to see
the easier it is
the ore
the more i dont allow things to
get to me
becaue im tuning into and
and protecting my entery
i can let it remind me who ia m
i can let it remind me
nothing ourside
outside of me is real that im making it up
that im choosing how to perceive it
im chooseing ho i want to perceive it i ch
im choosing im choosing i
but i can choose my poweer i can
choose my power i can choose m p
i get to choose my power i
get to choose to
i get to let it be a reminder
i get to let it be a reminder of who and what i am
i get to let it remind me that im
not tht eas
easily shaken from my cneter
and in fact im
not going to let anything shake me from my knowing
and na
aything that tries to can re
be a reminder that i keep my mind and thoughts off
this world and when i retreat to center
none of it haz t
hsa to mater and none of it does because im
at center
im at the cente of the univverse where its only
me and life arranges itself around me
life arranges itself around me
life arranges itself around me
i keep my mind and thoughts off this
world and that’s all i can
evver do i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and that’s all i can ever do i keep my mind
and thouht soff
thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus
on the god within as theo nly cause of my prosperity
i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my affairs
as the subtance of all this visible
ip lace my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me
i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action wihtin me
thourgh my consciousness of the my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feelig nture the very substancce of spirit
this substancce i my suply
this my conscciousnes
of the prsence of god ithin me is my supply
i dont have to think about any of it
i dont havve to figure anything out i dont
have to knkow why
i keep my mind and thoguths off this work
world and then its all so easy
i keep m
i kee my mind and thougths of this world
and place my entire focuson the god within as the only cause o fmy prosperiyt
thank you thankyou
thank you thankyou
i place my faith in the principle
of abundance in action wihtin me
i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me