thank and grow rich

creates and that attention
can be placed on


so grateful for
a place to live so
grateful for
savings so grateful
we are doing
better and better
with our finances

better all the time
i love that
we have so much saved
in more than one account
i love that it’s working i love
that there is
is so much to be grateful


i love that
there is always so much to be grateful
for and that attention to things that
feel good

are the divine power to

restore the years the locusts have eaten
make all things new
and lift meup to the

high road of abudant

i love that it’s working i love that
there is always more than enough i love
that i

get to pay attention to
what i want and allow the energy
to do the work the energy
that creates worlds i love that
i am choosing the energy
i want to feel i love that
i am choosing the energy

that i want to feel

that i want to feel paying attention
to what i want i know that

attention creates
and i love that it’s easy to
let go of
feely bady thoughts


look for things

to be grateful for
look for life in everything
look for the
gifts that are coming my way
look for reasons

to feel good look for reasons
to love and i love tha it

it always works i love tht

i am aware i alove
love that i am ware of
who i am i love that i get thco

to choose the feeling i love
that it’s working i love

they’re clamoring

i love that all the
things i want in

are int he vibrational
escrow i love that i know
this i love coming intot my

power i love that
i can let go of everything
and love this here
and now i

and love

this here


thank and frow


means look for
what i like about my
life just train
the mind
just trainthe

the mind and use
it to my advantage and i love
that it’s working i love t
hat it

that it’s working i love that
i am with god
and that’s all that matters

restore the things
the years the locusts have

that means that focus on god
has the power to change all things
to bring those years
back to your life

just with a simple change in perspective
and i love the better it gets i love
that i feel good
i love that i feel good in this
here and now

so grateful to feel good
so grateful to be here now
focusing on the energy
and learning to be happy no matter
what it feels good to feelthe
feeling and get tomake the choice
to be

be happy no matter what
i’ll be happy no matter what
happens because i always know it’s in my favor
i love that the
contrast helps me know that
i love being aware of the energy i love

becoming more and more aware

i love that life is good i love
having a free place to live i love
that there is so much to love
i love tha tlife

that life is good i love
feeling the signal

of yes i love sending the signal
of yes i love that i get to choose
what i prefer i love doing the work
i love

that the work always works

i love tht
the work always works i love t
aht iknow

it’s just energy i love
tha tiknow

everything is energy
is enery i love

i love that i know this
i love that i know
attention creates and i love that
i know that

what i look for i see i love
that what i look for i see i love
tha ti get

that i get to look with love
i love that iam aw

am awake i love that
i know who i am i love
that i know life loves me
i love

getting to choose the
feelings i want to feel i love
that i get to choose
the feelings i want to

feel i love that this
work is medicine i love that
you can heal your body i love
that i know who i am i love

where i am right now i love that
i know

it’s all good

rich i love doing

doing the work and being devoted to it
i love that i never have to wonder
i love that i get tomake

to make
the choice i love that
i get to make the choice ilove
tha ti get to

to make the choice i love
that i get to
to love where i am
right now i love that
i get to love i love

that i get to love i love
that i geto

to feel the feeling i love
that i get to know i love that
i get to make peace

that i get to

i love that i am already
weathly i love

i love that i already have it
all i love feelig the feeling

of not needing anything
that is ther eall

the real feeling of god

not caring
about the manifestation
being so tuned
in tapped in turned on

that i couldn’t possibly
be bothered by
what happens

bec uase

because that isn’t the source
it’s the result

i love that i
feel connected to god i love tha t
i can

i can always feel that mfeeling
no matter what unfolds
in my ‘reality’

i love that i never have to
care i love that
i get to take the big leap

and believe in the power of
me i love th

the power of me i love that i
get to take the big leap

my zone