thank you

for this amazing day and
so grateful to be aware
of how i feel and that only my thoughts can make me

feel bad
i know that only my thougths can
thoughts can make me feel bad
so i make the choice to feel good

thank you for this here and now
for this day for my best work so grateful to
be doing my best work

i realized i am pushing


monetary reflections
away because i think
they have to come in a certain way and i don’t want that way

i don’t want to do anything
i don’t want to do and my belief

is that i have to do something i don’t want
to do to get money but i know that’s

not true

all i can do is know the god within
and allow life to reflect that

i know that my supply is how much i nkow that
i know that i am god i know that i am gaod
and i

i am looking for the best in all things
it feels good to expect the best
to keep up the good work to keep up the good feelings
to tune in

tap in turn on to the
here and now
i can always come back to center and i don’ thave
to believe

any thoughts

i don’t have

to believe anything
i get to feel good now get to relax into the here and now
get to feel the power of me in this

here and now

i feel good now i feel
geood now
good now and i know this is the only
work it feels so good to remember this
is the only work

it feels good to focus to focus on
this work to rmemeb

remember the only work to come
back to center
come back to knowing who i am
it feels good to be here now

to be focused in the here and now
to feel elevated to

allow myself to feel good
to expect the best

it feels good to expect the best
for myself to be aware of how i feel
and know the magick of me

it feels good to love life
to love this right now to know that
all i can ever do is love this
and now

i come here to focus
on the god within on the magick within
on the knowing within i come here to focus on what
i know it feels good to focus
to feel good now and know the rest

on its way

to allow myself to be
open to receiveing
it feels good to topen up
to receiving int fe

it feels good to feelthe
best of life

constantly flowing to me and thorugh me
it feels good to sit here and do the work

to get in
the vortex
it fels

feels good to find the vortex
and know that the the vortex

of creation
is always right now

right here
it feels good to know i don ‘thave

have to make naything happen
i’m n

i feel the magick of life
so grateful to celebrate this
day to celebrate my life
to celebrate my life right now

and just enjoy this here and now
today my only job is to enjoy the here and now

to listen to the flow flowing through me
to say thank you

i love my life right now

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substancce
of the universe

this all providing source of infintei
is individualized as me

the reality of me

the reality of me

i know it’s all a feeling i knwo
all how i feel and i get to feel the feeling
i get to believe it

because it’s real

i get to be a match
i get to believe in myself i get to go
for it

i get to go for it
i get to feel the feeling now i get to
be open to receiving

i am open to receiving

i am open to


i feel good i feel the flow
flowing through me i feelthe flow
i feel good i feel happy i feel


god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing


of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

my only job is
to llok
look at the vortex
to know it is right here and i am

always already in it
i know that i am always already in the
vortex my only


is to know is to be brave enough to
feel the feeling of knowing to

open myself up to receiving i am
open to receiving i know that it always comes
in the way i want it i know that

i can come in the way i want it
i know that i am a match i know that it’s all a feeling

i knkow that it’s all a feeling i know

that it’s all a feeling

it’s not a struggle
it’s not a struggle it’s

always right here now
there’s no where to get

there’s nowhere to arrive

it’s right here

i allow mmy

myself to truly feeling the feeling
to authentically feel the feeling
of being

with gifts from
the universe

i allow the feeling to
come to me
i don’t make
the feelig the

feeling is already here adn i j
and i just get out of the way
and the feeling is already here


am the feeling i am nowing i
i know i know
i know the feeling i know
that feeling i

feel the feeling

god is lavish unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of infinite
prosperity is
individualzied a

individualized as me
the reality of me

it’s alreayd flowing
it’s already flowing


just look and you will see

it already is!!!

just look and you will see!!

it already is so graatef

grateful to notice
that it already is flowing

so grateful for
payments from consignors
and stores!!

so grateful the shcoo
school is blowing up
that we have more than enough