thank you

so grateful for this day for this

i get to tell so grateful to feel
good in my life so grateful for the sun

for my bike for a nice bike ride
that the wife wanted to go

grateful to do this work

grateful to do this work to feel good
to enjoy the day to enjoy life

to feel good in my life to like my life

so grateful to love my life to love
the flow ofl ife to get to eat so well

to get to smoke so good

to get to enjoy the day to

get to enjoy life
so grateful tod ot his work and feel good
to see the effects of the choice

to feel good and enjoy life to feel good and enjoy
life so grateful life is flowing perfectly through me

so grateful its all working out for me
so grateufl i know that

whatever happens, it iwll b

will be in my favor

gratefulfor this
day for this moment for this

here and now here and now this
here and now for this

here and now for the power of the focus
so grateful for the power of the focus

for the feeling of the focus to know that
this is my only work to know that abunance
is constantly flowing o and through me

so grateful i never have to wrry t
ath i get to feel good now

that i get to feel the

flow of life right now
that i get to feel god and know that is all there is

connected with god
or not

feeling the god self
feeling the way god would about life

is all there is and its so easy to

grateful to feel this feeling to see the effects of the
practice grateful to feel the effects to know the

effects to say yes to say yes
to say yes to the flow of o the feeling of god grateful to say yes
to the feeling of god to feel the

of god to see the effects of the practicce to know
that it only ever reflects me

so gratefl that people want to
distribute our work in prisons!!

and that it could help someone there!!

so grateful we can share our work with no cost to us
so grateful we have

the ability to share so grateful to have something
to give to the world so grateful for

all that i have and knowing that god is infinite
and infinitely flowing to me

gratefl to feel the focus to feel the power of now
to let go and just enjoy this moment

so grateful to get to enjoy thismo m

this momet fully so grateful i know

all my wishes are coming true
so grateful to feel strong and fit
so grateful for our cles

classes and our equipment
for our bikes!!

and allm y extras like my rack and my bag!!!

so grateful i know that whatever

its in my favor so grateful i know that
so grateful i know ti know the

flow is flowing the flow is
flowing the flow

is flowin gi know the flow is always flowing
i love that i know ths
and that

abundance is a feeling
abundance is a connection with god
and if there’s something missing

its’ always god

it’s never not god

that is the answer to every single

so gratreful for this amazing day
for the feeling of connection with source
so grateful

its still so light out
so grateful to get up early

so grateful to enjoy life now
to enjoy life in this right now

to do this work which is just feeling
the god feeling practiing the god feeling

practicing tuning my vibration

knowing there is no limit to the god that i can know

there’s no limit to the god that i can know

there’s no limit

to how good i can feel there’s no limit
to how i

good i can feel ter

there’s no lmit

limit to how good i can feel i love
life i love this life i love
to feel good i love

feel good i love to feel good

i love that i know this
is the work i love that i know this

is the work i love that i get to celebrate life
right now i love that life is good
right now that i
get to enjoy life right now that i get to

feel the god self rightnow that i know life

already is the way i want it to be knowing that
all my wishse

wishes are coming true
i get to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good

grateful for this day for this moment
for the god self for the feeling of letting go
and letting god

the feeling of knowing that life is
on my side for teh gift

of celebrating each ea

day so grateful to celebrate the
day to celebrate life to love life
so grateful to love life

right now
so grateful to love life right now
to feel good now

right now to feel the
energy of life
right now

to feel god right now to feel the
flow right now

to feel good right now
to feel god right now
to jump fully into life and say
yes thank you

to know the secret to life so grateful i know the
secret to life

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply i love that i know this

i get to celegrate

celebrate life right now
that i get to feel good now
that i get to feel good now

i feel good now i feel good now
i feel



i love that i get to choosoe
to feel good that i get to

choose to feel good that i
get to choose

to feel good