thank you

for this perfect day
for this perfect moment

thank you for the sun shining
for thisp erfectu
day thank you for this perfect
beautiful day

so grateful for the flow so grateful for the
feeling so grateful for grocery delivery!

so grateful for the time and space
so gratefult o be
able to get exactly what i need so gratefult o
feel the flow flowing
so grateful to get to feel good to
get to feel the flow to feel the flow
flowing to and through me

thank you for this day for thisf low
for this forever
for this infinite now

for the truth so grateful i get to
create the truth get to allow th
the truth in ever moment so grateful i know that
the feeling re

creates life and everything else follows it
i love that i know that if i can think og if

of it

it already is i love that i know that
that if i cn think of it

it already is i love that i know the power
of me and that i get to choose it i love that
contrast that helps me focus i love that

the god self that helps me focus i love that i
get to know the truth

thank you for this infinite now
for this perfect life im already living i love
that i know that it’s already perfect i love that
i get to feel it right now i love that

i get to love me i love that
i get to love this right now that
i get ot practice the feeling of it

that i get to allow the contrast to
be a reminder of the truth i love that i now
the truth and its that

the feeling creates all of life

i love that i know the
feeling creates all of life and only
i cn feel the
feeling i wnat to feel

only i get to choose teh feeling
the feeling i want to feel and i love

that i get to feel it

i love feeling at ease about life
i love feeling certain about money i love
having more than enough i love

that i deserve it
that it’s ok to spend money i love spending
money for fun i love that i know
there’s always more i love that i know
tehre’s no limit i love that
i know it’s always flowing to me and through me

i love that i am aware of how i feel about it

and i get to choose how i feel about it
i love that we have more than enough i love that
life is goof or me

for me
i ilove
i love that i get to feel it i
that i get to feel good about myself
that i get to love myself and my life
that i get to choose how i feel
i love that
i get to choose how i feel i love that
i get to choose how i feel about myself and my life

i love that life has no choice but to respond i love

feeling the feeling i feel the feeling
here and now and i know it i know it i

i kno wthe feeling of knowign that all of life

in my imagination
its all right here and nlife has
no choice but to

respond in kind i love that i know this
for a fact and that the mor ei choose love

the more i shape my life i knwo i’e
seen it happen and i can always do it

chooseing love right now
always coming back to the feeling
and allowing it
always coming back to the feeling
alloawing i

allowing it allowing the feeling

thank you for grocery delivery
for the headphones i already had

for the best yogurt!!

for constantly brinign me
my [

pinnacle of success

thank you for constantly
bringing me my pinnacle of success

thank you thank you


constantly showing me my pinnacle of success
thank you for showing me thank you

thank you for showing me thank you for the
knowing thank you
for the knowing thank you for the knowing

for the feeling of knowing

so grateful its flowing so grateful for the
feeling of abundance
so grateful there’s always more than enough
and i deserve it!!

i deserve it i love that i know that
i can allow it that i can allow it
i can say yes to it i can say yes to the
infinite abundance of life

i love that i am it i love that
i get to feel it i love that i get to feel
it i love that i get to feel it i love that
it’s all reflecting the feeling

so grateful for the feeling of this
day to know that life is good and
the better it gets the better i allow
myself to feel the better it gets
and i love that i kow this
i know htis i love that
i get to love my life
that i get to feel enthusiastic
about my life that i get to love


aspect i love that i get to feel good get to celebrat this day
get to celebrate this moment
knowing that i get to create it iget to allow
it i get ot be a match to it
i ge to

get to be a match to it i get to allow

i love that i get to feel good get to love myself
get to love this life get to

love this mometn

so grateful to remember the one truth
i get to remember the one truth

that i am creating it every omment
i’m creating that

is that the version i want

is that the version i want

that the version i want???

i get to choose
i love that i get to choose i love t
hat i get to choose

i get to feel it
and then life reflects that