for this day for all the miracles constantly flowing my way
and i say yes! thank you!!
so grateful for all the miracles always com
flowing to and through me so grateful for love so grateful for family
so grateful
so grateful for this day for this feeling of knowing
for this feeling of connection with self for this feeling
of connection with life
so gratful
grateful to feel connected to life and to feel life fllowing
through me
the energy that creates worlds flowing through me and i’m so grateful i get to feel it i get to feel it
grateful for this day
to feel good to feel god to feel the energy of god so gratfl
for this day to feel the enegy o
energy of god to feel the energy of god
rising through me
so grateful to be here and to feel it
for all the maor man
major manifestations
around me i allow them i accept them i say yes to them and
then i get to share them and that sounds fun!
thank you for this day thank you for this day thank you for this
day for this day to feel the energy of god to know the
energy of god is flowing through me thank you for this day
for this moment for this focus for this life
this fl
blessed life thank you for this blessed life
thank you for this blessed life on this blessed day
in my blessed home in my blessed city
and all the miracles
just keep flowing and the miracles
just keep flowing
and i get to allow the feeling of them
to flow throgh
flow through me i get to allow the miracles to flow
through me the love to flow through me and i get to
choose love i get to
betray my senses i get to chosoe my
choose my reality
despite my senses and i know this is true
i know this is true
so grateful to be here and nto
to know to knwo so
grateful to be here and to know the truth o lfie
to allow the flow to be the flow to know
thiss is the only work the flow
is the only work the horizontal
eye movement is the only work
staring at the horizon
where the sun meets the sea
is the only work is the only wrok
is the only work
the purse
self is the only work thep ure
the pure self is the only work
is the only work
is the only work the feeling of love
is the only work
the feeling of love
is the only work
the feeling of love is the only work
thank you for the energy of life for the truth o f
of life that i know i know the truth of life
i know the
truth of life i know the truth
of life i know the truth of life
i know that i am life i know that all of life is me
i know that i’m
connected with it i get to choose teh connection
get to be the connection get to know
its all me evern th
even the connection betweeen me and me and me
because there is no separation
even though there is connection
its all me
i’m here i’m here now i’m focused
in the here
in the here and now i’m here and now i’m here and
now i’m here and now i am the here and now i am
the here and no
now i’m here i’m fully me i’m
fully me i’m here and i’m
fully mei’m fully
connected with
all of if i
i’m fully connected with all of ife
all of it i
i’m fully connected with alll of ife
of it
i’m fully connected with
all of it
i’m here i’m here now i’m
here now i’m here now
i am the feeling i am the feeling i am
the feeling i am the
feeling ia m the feeling i am
the feeling i am the feeling i am the here and now
i am the here and now i ma
i am the here and now i am
the here and now i am
the here and now
the miracles just jkeep f
keep flowing because that is
life that is how lie work
works and i love that i know ths i love that i know this
that i get to choose i i love that i know this that
i get to chooe i
choose i
get to
i get to choose teh energy
to allow to
turn my attention woa
toward the energy of life
flowing throughm e
i get to turn my energy towrd
i get to choose i get to
choose i get to choose i get to choose
i love that i get to just choose the
feeling and the rest fills itself in
i love that i get to
just choose teh feeling and the
rest filles it
itself in i love that i
i love that i love
i get to choose the feeling
choose the feeling fisr
first choose the feeling first
i et to c
i get to choose teh feeling first i
love that i get to choose teh feeling
firsrt i love
i get to choose teh
feeling first
i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose the
feeling first
i get to choose it i get to choose it
i am it i am focused on it
the feeling of me the feleing of
the feeling of me an di love that
i get to feel it i love that i get to
feel it thankyou thankyou
thank you thank you i get to release
the old and welsome
welcome new i get to replace it with
a new train of though
i love that i get to