thank you

thank you thank you thank you!!

for this day for this blessed life
so grateful for my blessed life and all that has come my way

so gratful for my perfect life

so grateful to get to have a good day have a good birthday
have people who love me so grateful for people who really love me

i have so muuch in my life to be grateful for
so grateful for a wife who loves ema nd
and for all my awesome presents!!

i love all my gifts so much i love my life so much
so grateful fort he life i get to live
so grateful for the fun i get to have so grateful for family who love me

so grateful life loves me so grateful to fee the
feeling of love so grateful to feel the feeling of love

to feel harmony to know the truth of harmony

so grateful i get to feel it
get to feel the flow the flow flowing so grateful
to get to feel love

to love and feel loved

to get to do something fun so gratful for the
fcous the

for the focus for the feeling of feelng o

good so gratful i have so much to be grateful for
so grateful i ahve so much to be grateful for

so graetful i know my life is alreayd solved so grateful
i know my life is already solved

so grateful i already have the feeling
i already am it and it doesn’t matter how it comes i love that i knwo that life

only reflects me i love that i know that its only ever me
and i can feel that ruth
on th

that truth on any topic
i get to feel t

good i get to feel the flow ig et to feel god
ig et to be god i get to be god

so grateful for life so grateful for life
so grateful we’re all here

so grateful to feel love so grateful for the
best bday ever and all my spoils
so grateful for the good life so g

grateful we’ll never be poor again so grateful i
get to eel it i get to feel it i

to know i already am it i know that i already am it
i know that i alreayd a it

i know that i already am it i

i love that i know i love that i know the y
how life works i love that ig et to feel good
get to feel the feeling of love et

get to feel the feeling of love
get to send love get to receive love

get to be love in this where

here and now feel it milk it knowi t

knowi t

know it knowing this is the only work
this is the only work the feeling is the only work

the feeling is the secret and so grateful i get to feel
good and have fun so grateful for my good life

so grateful for so much love so grateful i get to feel
it i get to feel it
i get to be it so grateful i already am it

thankyou thank you thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thankyou thank you

for all the blessings in my life i know that life
is always on my side i know that life

is always happening and i can just et out of the way
i know that ia m now my body i know that ia m not my body

i am eeverything and nothing is separate from me
i love that i know that i get to create it
in every moment i bet

get to choose it i get to choose love i get to hoose
the lfow
i get to choose the flow ig et to cchosee
the flow i am the flow i get to be the low

i lift up my mind and heart
to be awrae to understand and to know that
the divine presence


is the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence


is the source and substance of all my good
is the surcce and substance of all my good

i love that ig et to feel it get to be it
know that i already am it and its just for fun
i love that i knkow that life is just for fun

i love that i get to have fun
get to feel the fun of life

so grateful ig et to feel the fun of life!!!

so gratful
for tli

for life for the fun of life
for the lust for life

so grateufl ti have

to have lust for life!!

thank you thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you

thank you for all that is
thankyou for this life i get to experience
all this love i get to experience
thank you for this love
thank you for this moment

for this blissful life
thankyou for this blissful life

thank you for this blissful life

thank you thank you for all that is
thank you for love thank you for this moment
thank you for all that is

thank youf or all the love in my life
thank you for my perfect day
for this perfect weather for our vacay

for my family who loves me
for my wife who loves me and takes care of me

so graetfl we’ll never be poor again!!

thank you thank you thankyou

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you

thank you

thank you thank you thank you for this life
for this day

so grateful for life!
so grateful for love!!

so grateful for I AM!!

the divine presence i am is the source and
substance of all my good

the divine presence ia m

is the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence i am

is the source and substance of all my good!