thank you

for the space and time to feel good to do this work the only work
to wake up feeling good to do the work to wake up feeling good

to do the work to remember its all me and ig et to choose
to remember that it just doesn’t matter what happens outside of me

because the feeling is always here with me the feeling iw ant
is always here with me and i always have access to it

i know that eveyrthing else is just a reflection of that
i love that i get to love myself i lovee that i get to feel good now i love

that i get to feel good now i lov that i get to

to do the work

i’m here allowing the flo to flow
allowing the magick to flow and just feeling the pure love

what can love do today

i’ve let that go

today i’m allowing life to ahppen
happen today i celebrate other’s success

today i know that nothing outsidde of me is my sourcce
today i do the work to feel good

today i look for reasons to celebrate today i look for
reasons to feel good

today i remember id ont need anything outsidde of me
today i remember who i am today i do the work tore member
who ia m
to remember who i am

to remember peeople

people come to me
to remember i am hot in clevelenad to

believe in myself to believe in my power
to know my power today i do the work to know my power

and i come here to practice to rememer my power
to rpa

practie the feelign iw ant to feell

i get to feel good i get to feel the feeling now and i know
i can gt there i know i can get in the vortex and then i knokw i

i know i can get int he vortex and then

tell me what you know then

tell me your poweer then

tell me what you know tell me aboutt he poweer of you

i know that life comes in the flow i know that life
comes to me i know that

when i let go it flows i know that the
real feeling i seek is not caring
i know that i don’t havet o care

to care i kno wthat the
secret to life is not caring i knwo that the secret to life
is choosing the feeling now i know the power of me
i know the

power of me i

i know that
all of life reflects the feeling inside of me

i know that all of life reflects how i feel and
what i expect i know that all of life

arises from the subconsciousna
dn my

and my art is to choose the

state of my subconscious
and that’s all it is

what am i feeling

slighted by the universe for nt giving me what i want
but was it a reflection of me

i feel that there is something that’s not there that i want to
be there and as long as i feel that it is not there

it will not be there

what is it that i think i need

constant validation that i’m loved
that i’m not tooo much
that i’m not too much

that i’m loved that i’m good enough that you want me around
that i’m not a nuisance

that i’m wanted

i know i’m wanted i know i’m the shit i know that this
is the only work that validates me i know that god is the only one

who can validate me and i know that this
work ehlps me get there

ehlps me get back on top again

brings me back to my power

instead of everyt ime i start to feel good and then i think
well but she didnt touch me yesterday so she must hate me

she didnt touch me yesterday so she must hate me

and how can i get past that how ican i not care i dont care if she touches me
ever gain i dont

i dont care if she touches me everr again

i feel good because i get to choos i

i get to choose it i get to choose it i get to choose and i
and i know this work is always the anaswer

answer i knot

i kno the i know the solution is not caring what i seek
is not caring and i know this work hleps me

i know that i do this work
and then i get to th

the manifestation
and then i get t suc

get sucked into the manifestation
but its never that

that’s not the secet to life

i cn
relax in the knowledge i can releax

relax in the knowledge that the

the feeling of choosing the feeling is so much more poweerful

its so much more me
im not looking outs id

outside of me i dont need to look outside of me

i know its easy to let it go i now that this is my magaick
this i smy power

because there is always the other sid eof the wave and when i ask it
it is givine i know this i know this

i know this and life always causes me to ask
and when i ask it is given

so grateful i know my power to rememeber my power
to remember the power of me to remember the poweer of me

and the work he

always helps me do that
the work always helps me remember who i am

so grateful i know the secret to life
that i nkow it alw

it only reflects me and that i never have to loo outside of me

so grateful to do this work to feel good
to knwo this

that this is only work this is the only way to feel good
to feel secure in who i am

to find the security in god
so graeful to do this work and feel good
to do the work on myself on my vibration
on my subconsiousn

sna d

and know that itsnever

never outside of me i know that its never outside of me
and whenever i notice something that i think i’m lacking i can

take responsibility becaus that is reflecting me