thank you

thank you for this beautiful life i have
tof the

for the feeling of knowing life is on my side

thank you for the feeling of connection
for the feeling of knowig

for the feeling of knowing that its not worth it
that it doesn’t

feel right to feel bad aboutt hat
that i dont want to choose to feel bad about that
i t
hat i want to feel good about that instead

so grateful to be awrae of everything i have
and celebrate it so

grateful to be awrae of an
everything i have and celebrate it

so grateful to be aware to be aware to
be awrae of the beautiful life i have and
to enjoy it every second i can
to enjoy it right now

every second i can so
i dont look back and say damn i should have enjoyed it
while i had it

so grateful for everything i have right now
for my beautiful life right now
for the feeling right now
fro the

the blessed feeling right now
of knwoing everything is one my

on my side of knowing that its in my faove
of letting thisng
things go and letting them be so grateful to
feel the feeling


my vortex
of my magick
to rmember how easy it is to
decide to allo
that to be in my favor

i love that i get to say thank you
to flow right now i love that i

i never have to wonder and
i can always choose the ccerta

certainty in the voerex
vortex i love that
i get to chosoe m

my certainty in the here and now i love
that i get to celebrate this moment in the flwo
i love that

i kwo t

all of life is in the flow ins
is in the magick i love that
i get to choose not to care
i loe that

the magick life is not caring and allowing
life toc o

to come to me i love that i get to

allow life to come to me i loe
that i gt to celebate life here and now

i get to feel the feeling of me
here and now of god ig et

get to practice the god
feeling here and now and say thank you

i get tocome back to c
the center of knowing i love that

the center of knwoing i love that
i never havet o react to anying

anything i love that nothig matters
and i kow that its all in my favor i love tha
i get to
accept the unfolding ofl ife
that i

get to celebrate my power
in allowing the unfodling

unfolding i love that my control
is in my letting go i love that

my control is in my letting go

i love that i dont have to
care and that i get to feel the
center of me

so grateful for the time and space to
be myself to live my life
so grateful

for the air to breathe to do me

so graetful to do me
to feel themagick life

of life to trust whatever happens
so graeful i get to let go and trust whatever happens

trust whatever ahppens

so grateful i get toturst
trust lif i get
get o

to trust whatever happens

to sit here and remember the poweer
of me and remember its up to m

its up to me and its not up to me
and i love that i get to

celebrate that
knowing that life is

on my sie that life
is alwas worksin

working out in my favor i love that
i know that i love that

i get to celebate the

id ont havet o care that
i cant care

ic ant allow myself to care
and that i get to fee good

and how i feel is not dependant

on that i love that i know that
and i get to practice it i love ha


time to mysel fi love having time to myself!!

grateful to do the only work the god work
the knowing work the awareness work

the choosing work the alignment work

the not work work
its not work work becausee its just
this moment aths’

that’s it and its so eay to remem
remember and celebate so
grateful to remember and celebrate

so grateful
to remember and c

celebrate so gratefudl to
release everything and celebate

the here and now
celebrate feeling good
celebrate knowing and not
going there no

not going there not going there
not allowing myself to create that version

nt allowoing wmymyself to
think it over and over
to just let it go to just allow life
to fow thorugh me
and appreciateoin

eahc infintei here and now

i love that it doeesn’t matter
i love that
i dont care i love that i get to

enjoylife i love that
i get to feel good i love that

i get to feel good and enjoy life in this
here ando

and now i love that
i get to feel
good and enjoy life

here and now in the infinite now

i releaes it all
i allow the flow i allow
the flwo

i allow the magick i dont look at it

i dong look at it
and ruin ath

the magick i never look at it
i allow it and i dont look at it

i allow it

i love that i feel free do
to feel good now i love the

i love the release ilove the

the feeeling of the releae
the release

of choosing to know of
choosing to know and allow

i love the feeling of choosing to know
and allow to know a

that all of life is in myfavo
favo and i
and i get to releae the re

the rest i love that i dont have
to care i never havet o care
i never have to allow myself to care

i get to choose knwoing
i get to choose knwoing
i know
i get to choose knwoing